Quick loading instead of quick saving

>quick loading instead of quick saving

Quick saving instead of quick loading is far more painful.

>PCunts can't beat a game without their babby safety nets that are the F5 and F7 keys

Loving Every Laugh

>having a quick load button hotkeyed
>putting it next to quick save

you asked for it you dumbfuck

>load incorrect savestate
>proceed to save in the slot you were trying to load from

>game allows you to quick save while dead

>save scumming

i hope you die

GBA/DS games offered quick saving.
Please, try harder next time with your b8.

but user how did you know which keys they are you hypocritical faggot

Calm down, Resetti.


>exit & save

>game saves at the checkpoint
>loading the save starts you at a different spot nearby

>saving game... do not turn off your computer
>ctrl+alt+del>taskmgr>end task
>game won't close until save process is completed
fucking how?

>fall into pit of plasma
>hit quicksave instead of quickload
>haven`t hardsaved for about 3 hours

>Problem loading save. Save file data corrupted.

>saving game...don't turn of or close the game
>close the game
>open it and try and load
>save is corrupted

>game allows you to constantly save whenever you want/extensive auto-saving because fuck ups are fairly common
>have to exit to main menu and wait on a minute-long loading screen to get to the main menu because you cant load a save in-game

>pc game
>save files is limited to 9

>very rarely use normal saves, just use quicksave/quickload all the time
>1 hp
>getting shot at
>try to quickload out of there
>quicksave instead
>stuck in a perpetual loop of death and reincarnation

This is why I do both constantly.

Hard save AND quick save and you won't have to worry about that shit.

>go to load previous save after making a mistake
>save instead by accident
>start a new game

>pc game
>there are 999 save slots

>this happens at the final boss

>console game
>"Not enough memory to save file. Continue without saving?"

>pc game
>has an option to import save files using open file dialog

fucking dragon's dogma

What games are balanced around save scumming?


>game saves automatically
>game saves when you die

I fucking love Dark Souls.

>Just got hit
>Try to load during death animation
>Quicksave instead
>Lost 6 hours of progress


>game have automatic save ONLY with no save slots

Bethesda games cause they crash or bug out so often


Screw that. Quicksave/load just increases the chances of bugs and crashes.

Fully close program every time.

Every single game with a quick save/load feature is for casuals.

yeah, whats the problem?

Quick save/load always turn me into a completed OCD. I cant stop myself from saving every few minutes and loading back whenever something goes slightly wrong. If it would be possible to view my save as one uninterrupted game, it would be flawless. Drives me nut.

objectively wrong
nice try to fit in tho

Can you name a single counterexample?

>accidentally loading instead of saving

Still beats quicksaving instead of quickloading.
Also, stop using F5 and F9 like a moron, F5 + F8 or F8 + F9 are the patrician way to go.

>having both anywhere close to each other
F1 and numpad + it is

I shamelessy savescummed on my frist playthrough of XCOM2.
I imagine it would be extremely satisfying to watch the replay of a few missions.

I liked how in Eador all the other masters had some unique power, and if you complain to your lackey that you don't have one he asks if you're joking and says everyone else thinks your ability to easily move through time is by far the most infuriating thing to fight against.

You should probably save a bit more often than once every 6 hours.

When I pressed one instead of the other, it was always because I looked for the first key in a row and found the wrong row.

savescumming stories related to fallout 1 and 2

>be 10-13 yo
>play PC secretly while parents aren't home
>hear keys rattling in door keyhole
>turn off pc power switch bc toaster pc takes too long to turn off normally
>turn off pc other day
>save filee is ded and entire nission progree is lost
It was a real problem back then

>he prefers the cuckpoint system that makes sure you can never lose more than 5 minutes of progress

When I first played them, I didn't save in combat.
I just assumed it wouldn't work for some reason.

Mention 1 (One (Lowest possible unit)) game.

NIgga try Far Cry 1

Fallout new vegas

>play half an hour of RE7
>get bored and quit before i'd find the next save spot
>feel like playing RE7 two days later
>load up
>realize i have to continue from the last spot

I have the best idea ever: When you save a game it doesn't start overwriting the already existing save file but instead starts writing in an entirely new file, and WHEN the process is completed it replaces the old file with the new one and marks the saving process as succesful.
This way save corruptions cannot happen. Why don't games and programs like photoshop etc do this?

oh God stop triggering me

>Game saves after every single action and after every time you close a menu

You don't get it. He tried to load his file to before he got hit, but instead saved. Therefore his "no hit" save is worthless. He's got to start over his entire 6 hours of work because he saved a fail over it

> go to quick save

> accidentally hit quick load

>game has ironman mode
>can still alt+f4 out of battles that went wrong

How about keeping the three most recent save files?
Every game that isn't complete trash does this.

How do you
>go to
quick save?
It's not a quick save if you have to hit more than one key.

>quick save button is F6

> go to
> move my hand to

> eat my fucking shit you pedantic faggot you know what i met, suck my balls

>game hickups for 1/10th of a second when it saves on a checkpoint with that spinny icon in corner just before enemy ambush/dramatic cutscene, thus ruining the suprise.

>game only has ironman mode
>write a script to end the process on a key combination

What did you meet?

>Quick save just when a grenade lands next to you.

NV was particularly bad because on quick load you couldn't move for about a second.

Divine Divinity

Quicksave is F1
Quickload is F13

Fuck the F5/F6 bullshit.

Oh my, 40hours in and I didn't ever reach that point. Those cheeky Russians.

Me too, but remenber 80% of humanity is stupid.

>turn based game
>party member dies
>alt+F4 inmediately
>open the game again
>not just one but two party members are dead
>the game had already calculated the death of my characters and saved before showing it to me


>autosave corrupts itself and other saved games from the same playthrough
fucking Temple of Elemental Evil

Neverwinter Nights 1

who are you quoting?

>game starts saving
>saving is a blocking operation, so the rest of the game has to actually stop while it's working
>computer politely asks game to close
>game is too busy saving to close and can't reach the code that makes it save
>save ends, game can resume as normal, and closes as asked

It's the same reason why locked up programs don't close from task manager, so you have to force them to close

Metal gear rising

>quicksave: F5
>quickload: F6

what kind of retarded binding combination is that?

I have never used quick saving or quick loading. I'd rather not have a finger glued to those buttons desu

>checkpoint/save right before death
>have to start the entire game over because it was your only save

>having one save

Your own fault.

>quicksave is F4
>quickload is F5

Serious Sam First/Second Encounter