R6 thread

the servers are shit, glitches everywhere, shitty fanbase, literal kids and underage retards.

yet I'm so addicted and inlove with it and I haven't touched:

Resident evil 7, Farcry Primal, finishing Fallout4, MKX, BF1 (After buying premium lol) and it's all I do, every fucking day.

as soon as i come back from work, wipe the floor, prepare my gf's clothes, shower, in that order, I just play until i bleed. It's astounding, I've never been on my nerves like this game gets me. it's unbelievable.

anyway, general R6 thread/ r6 memes

Other urls found in this thread:


There is so much bait in that post I don't even know which one to fall for

I'm new to the game, any tips?

turn the volume up and listen for steps
make the enemies walk to you instead of you walking into them

Don't play thermite unless there's a thatcher. Don't play thatcher unless there's a thermite. Don't play cav unless you're actually going to roam. Don't play Fuze on hostage missions. Don't play Blackbeard. Don't play Tachanka.


> (You)
>Don't play thermite unless there's a thatcher. Don't play thatcher unless there's a thermite.


>Don't play Fuze on hostage missions.

Learned that already, the hard way.

>Don't play Tachanka.

Aw man. I thought he'd be cool, his turret isn't useful anywhere?

What's the appeal of this game

I wish everyone would stop picking Glaz. They just sit at our spawn and stare out one fucking window then get killed.

>Don't play Tachanka

Old meme, you need some team work. That means just use the obligatory Rook to put up a portable wall in front of Chanka to make him near invulnerable

Game turned to shit with it's new gained popularity. Casual is boring to play and ranked is fucking hell. Just trying to avoid the lvl 20 players who jump in ranked is a minigame in itself.

Thatcher and Tachanka are still useful often. Not a Tachanka fan myself but I've seen people wreck with him. Play whatever class you really like and get used to them. Wear a headset and TALK. Keep your team informed on enemy movement, especially after you die and are on cams.


Oh boy another fucking game with a ranked mode pointlessly tacked on, making any and all other game modes in the game fucking worthless and full of shitters who use them as dumping grounds because "it's not ranked"

Ranked is a cancer and doesn't belong in half the games it's in. Team based FPS will never be competitive, fucking christ. Glad you posted that, I was actually considering this game for a second there.

You listed actual downsides but why wouldn't you want it to get popular? It was dying.

>add Hibana

Literally what is the purpose of Thermite anymore?

Rambo Glazes get shit done.

Step 1. Inflate your ping in any way possible (less than 500).
Step 2. Enjoy your EZ wins because R6S has retarded lag compensation and won't reject your bullet data while you shoot people well around corners and win every peek battle.

I'm with you op. I have a number of multiplayer games (battlefield, overwatch, cod, ect) but I'm always finding my self playing rs6 over all of them. Yea there are problems with the game fucking 2 weeks of grinding for one operator but dispite that and other things I'm still sinking hours and hours in one play session.

A more tactical\modern Counter Strike for a lack of better words

It wasn't dying. It had a steady player base of about 20k regulars. Finding quality matches wasn't this hard literally 2 months ago if not less. Now it's full of shitters. I only hope the player base will settle down and all the noobs fall out.

People-sized holes to get in the objective rooms.

>Meanwhile on console

>gets kicked out due to high ping

They are pretty much equal.
So preference.

big fucking hole as opposed to three small fucking holes

>Hibana shoots twice


You don't get kicked unless you're above 500 ping.

Seriously, R6S has the most retarded hit detection and lag compensation for a fucking tactical shooter.


And this is why Japanese players play on US servers. There's one plat guy who only plays on US servers exclusively.

>Grand final
Jesus fucking christ.
I can barely peek a corner without getting tapped in the head and I'm low rank
Fucking Console FPS

I don't meet many Hibanas who use her for that, and I don't own her.

The "pro gamers" in their little jerseys have to be added into this. It can't be real

>see R6S symbol in the back

Oh lord. How pathetic.

that physically hurt. i laughed so hard my body hurt.

i play on ps4 and not even i am this fucking shite

Oh fucking lord

being able to bait more efficiently with a huge sound and visual effect

best memes


This is the most autistic post I've ever seen.

>Trying to get diamond back this season
>Keep matching up against the same fucking 5 stack of diamond players for the past 3 nights in a row while I'm still mid gold
end me familia

weekend sub pete

>Anything besides fighting game taken seriously on consoles
Goddamn that was painful to watch

The servers keep going down constantly because it's another free weekend in a row, holy fuck does ubisoft's incompetence show in this game.
It really has no right to being as good as it is with such a shitty dev.

Because of the "surely the general public will take us more seriously if we concentrate on consoles for our competition, never mind the game looks like everyone has down sydrome" meme.

i play on ps4

should i?

picked this game up for 20$ and its fucking great, how did ubisoft manage to not fuck it up.

russia eternally btfo

why are controllers even allowed in shoter tournaments?

>fps on console

M+KB is basically hacking on consoles

Do people on R6 PS4 use this? I don't think I've ever encountered someone with it, or noticeable at least. The only time I know people use that is for Top 500 in Overwatch(PS4)

>Don't play fuze on hostage
Maybe if you're a complete shitter. Just don't bomb the hostage room

all i have atm, lost my pc due to an accident. saving up for a new one

i really like this game and it was 20


Blizzard get out.

The pucks are pretty random. Even if you try to be careful, it's a possibility you could fuck up the hostage.

They try very hard to fuck it up every day.

They did; the servers are terrible, matchmaking still not fixed, tacked on ranked, high ping overwhelming advantage.

Gameplay wise though, it's absolute perfection with high depth and replay-abilty. It's fps chess with some rock paper scissors. It's great.

might have seen one or two people use it in a kill cam

>teammate picks Fuze for the additional shield support or because they're just not monumentally retarded
>some 12 year starts screeching at him on mic and TKs him everytime

Glaz is only good on the airplane and Fuze is okay, just not on hostage situations. The defenders are pure trash.

kapkan isnt entirely trash. but it depends on how stupid the other team is

Like I said, don't bomb the hostage room. Fuze is great, bait roamers to come you you then blow em up

The most Kapkan's traps can do is kinda give you an idea of the enemy's position once they shoot it down.

If I see anyone picking Fuze on hostage, I just leave a message in the chat reminding them of the game mode or to be careful and usually trust them after that not to send the hostage to Allah's almighty throne.

>it's a teammates reinforce the wall between two bombs episode
>it's a castle locking everyone into the objective room episode
>it's a rook not placing the armor the exact same frame the match starts episode
>it's a thermite/hibana getting spawnkilled episode

how are you guys enjoying the new DLC? Mira windows are GOAT if you put them on random unsuspecting unreinforced walls for ezpz wallbangs

Kapkan should be a two speed. He's the only 1 speed defends who's gadget works best away from the site. Where as Frost seems to work best when time runs down on site.

Mira Windows are good I find for watching specific angles like stairs.

ive fooled people several times by masking it with sunlight. it especially works best when they have no choice but to rush during the last few seconds of the match

Jackal's gun is disgusting and his gadget is pretty useful.
Mira is my wife and none of you can have her, go get some loose pussy like Valk or Hibana.

>not picking IQ as your waifu

>prepare my gf's clothes

I love how Jackal just existing is making people roam less.

>tfw I suck but I love using Thermite to blow hole in walls for my other good teammates to have the advantage because I feel super useful that way even if I don't get kills

>come back from work, wipe the floor, prepare my gf's clothes
Uhh... cuck?

>Game has retarded as fuck lag compensation

Jackal is pretty cool. However he can be baited extremely easy. Usually I'll run as Bandit and intentionally run in one direction near entry points, wait for a Jackal to start tracking me, and I'll know exactly where he's at. Other than that, his assault rifle is OP as fuck.

Mira is tricky, I'm not sure if Ubisoft fixed the glitch where you can run up and melee through her shield and blow up the red canister.

New map is pretty cool though. Very small.

This so much when I was pretty bad, except sometimes I'll play thatcher if thermite got picked. How badly can you fuck up throwing an emp next to the objective room?
>tfw defender breaks open window and peaks your ass 30 seconds into the round

The SMG 11 already existed you dip.

Iq is top tier but she is dated, Aryan waifu is good but Med women deserve love, especially on their feet.

And now there's more retarded high ROF weapons while the core issue is ignored.

She's too busy having fun with Jamal

Pro tip: use ACOGs on all the weapons that can have them. Before leaving the spawn area, check all the windows one at a time and look for peeking holes.

There's no reason not to use ACOGs. Spraying in this game doesn't work for shit, controlled bursts and headshots are the key to scoring kills.

I myself refused to use any ACOGs in the beginning because the recoil feels worse with them on, but once you learn to control your fire, you'll start being the MVP (eventually).

>tfw I can't hit the board side of a barn with Thermite's gun anymore after taking a break from the game for a while
>same problem with the AK12

>Not having the sneaky chink as you siegefu.
Still going to get that IQ statue since there's no Frost one.

Running holo is OK on Ash but yeah ACOG if you're playing it slow.

>can't choose weapons
>can't choose lethals
>can't choose tacticals
>her- operators have unique ult- abilities
>peek adv + lag comp

that being said I need to get back into the game, I did pay for the collector's edition and season pass after all

>Spraying in this game doesn't work for shit
Why do you lie, my lad?

Where do I put my electric thingys when I play Bandit so they can be useful?

>tfw use red dots on all non-shotgun weapons
ACOGs make me feel like I'm too close

Spraying's only ok if you're trying to pre-fire through walls or otherwise don't know where the enemy is. In a one-on-one engagement the expectation is aimed headshots as much as possible.

walls and planted shields when there's a mute charge nearby

Hop into a match and do nothing but spray with Jager's assault rifle, tell me how many kills you get, and report back to me.

Better yet, try it out on all assault rifles. I'm sure you'll be the laughing stock of your team when you're being spectated.

>Can't choose weapons
Do you really want everybody running around with mac-11s and R4-Cs or an entire team of defenders with carbines?

Run with barbwire and put his batteries on choke points, reinforced walls, near drone entry points w/ barbwire. Putting electrified barbwire under windows is pretty affective if you're playing against dumb people.

On hostage, set up the hostage with electrified barbwire all around him, it doesn't do any damage.

>Chanka 0%
One of things that will never change

What said is good advice.

But please, please, please prioritize unjamed/electrified walls over barbed wire. Especially outside walls.

>Recruit 1%
>Tachanka 0%
That is... disappoiting.

Where can I get this Russian version of Gorilla Warfare? It doesn't seem google translated.

Just buy it why are you asking for permission

it is
t. ukrainian

I play all shooters terribly exactly like that
but with kbm

So who bitch it was anyway?


try again