I7 now needed for vidya

Is he right Sup Forums?

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Of course goyim, give us your money

i run BF1 just fine on an i5 so i guess not?

>remember Intel raising a big wankfest over Ivy Bridge and 6-8 core whatever five damn years ago
>not a single Broadwell, Skylake or Kaby Lake has more than 4

You have to be literally brain dead to listen to somebody that supports "gaming" whatever, hope that answers your question.
>Look let's put gaming on it, so we can add 70 extra usd

don't you dare talk shit about tech deasl

Yes, if we're talking about the i7 920 or something.

Why is that gay senator from The Office talking about computer parts?

Show me a single game that benefits more from i5 -> i7 than a straight up GPU upgrade.

Needed? Not even remotely. It's just a nice performance boost, particularly for online CPU intensive games.

No. An i5, hell even an i3 these days will cut it if you're simply looking for 1080p60 on decent settings for a lot of games.

>people moan that devs don't make games that support multhreading
>they start making games to support multithreading
>people now moan that they need a i7 for the best performance

I wish you faggots would just kys.

Also this vid shows that modern i7s are the best for gaming.


t. poorfag

>intel shill trying to sell you his most expensive CPUs

Get a i5, save up the money you saved on the i7 for a good GPU.

Lol watchdogs 1

I have an old i7 2600k.

Goes pretty hard, haven't even clocked it yet.

I didn't realize this, i'm right now going to purchase a INTEL® Core™ i7 7600k for only $399.99!
INTEL® Inside every post!

The mega extreme super editions are like 10 or 12 cores now, it's just that no one pushes them because they're like 1500USD

>dopey stoner
>reading through script

Presenting the only good tech guy on youtube

>Show me a single game that benefits more from i5 -> i7 than a straight up GPU upgrade.

Literally any MMO. I agree with your sentiment in general though.

Fucking this. They haven't even maxed out the PCI 2.0 slots yet either. Vidya is still stagnating due to consoles. The only reason to upgrade would be for VR, and the tech still isn't far enough along yet for me to plop down a wad of cash for it.

for cases, hardware canucks makes some pretty nice reviews but Gamers nexus is more educational and in depth

Not really, but it understandable if you playing a simulation game like planet coaster or something like that.

Seeing as the Phenom II line is starting to show its age, I suppose it is time for some form of upgrade.

I'm seeing vidya appearing these days that attempt to cockblock me through the CPU requirements, like the new Conan Exiles. Not looking forward to having to upgrade my mobo and CPU when the time comes, since I just went from a GTX 460 to a GTX 1060 6GB for a modest sum of money

Server CPUs aren't for gaming, user. You don't need a 68 core, 1.4GHz CPU because it won't really help all that much compared to an overclocked i5 or i7.

I have 12 core haswell-E. They exist, just not on consumer market. Even 24 core Broadwell is around.


Clearly not marketed towards server usage my friend

Legit fucking stupid?
They aren't their "mega extreme super editions". They're home consumer processors, nothing more.

Won't help? It is bad for gaming performance. AAA console ports run okay tho, because consoles have a high core count cpu.

redpill me on overclocking a CPU

I have an i7-2600 3.4ghz (non-k). How does it work and what are the risks?

You can't overclock non k CPUs.

You can't overclock, because non-k

4th post says he did it somehow


I can max out most MMOs on my i5-4440, gtx760.

He is lying. You literally can't because they are locked.


I'm running BF1 at max
with an i5 3570k that is about 5 years old now
not overclocked

Thank you for your contribution to this thread. just kill yourself already

Fucking kek

You can increase multiplier to 4c turbo levels, but I dont know if turbo continues to work after. The only way to actually oc is to raise bclk and you can only raise it to about 105 from 100.


sounds pretty cool

It's on the internet so it must be true.

>have gtx 1080
>1440p monitor
>cant even get gta v to run at 30fps

You can stop samefaging. No one thought it was funny.


He turned on the turbo. That's not the same thing. I mean it kinda is, but at the same time...not really. Look, ask on Sup Forums, or on 8 or something. I'm also sure there's some reddit board dedicated to this stuff toom

It's no different than any other forum except the layout is shit.

I can run gta v at high settings 1440p and 60 fps on a 1060.

Since we're talking about i7s this only applies to real high end parts, but if you have a 1070 or 1080 and an I5 you're most likely going to get CPU capped in it without having the 8 threads, it might not be a massive difference but it's definitely noticeable.
I've got a 4690k @4.4ghz, 1080, and my gpu runs at 70-80% while the CPU is completely maxed out.

Shut the fuck up

then i dont know what the fuck is wrong with mine. i am very sad

What settings are you using?

Yeah, a 1060 with an i5 runs it at like 80 fps on ultra, and 1070 at 110 fps 1080p. Hell, sub 1000$ builds are recommended to go with i3.

Thats because he has to buy his own shit intead of getting it for free and being forced to shill
Gamer nexus is good as well


Dude looks like a fuckin' chomo.

i tried all of them

but i play something like the new doom and it runs smooth as fuck maxed out

could it be my cpu?

high population dwarf fortress/other management games where graphics aren't the focus

of course nothing will stave off the inevitable fortress size crash if you're good enough to keep growing

When a 700$ will play everything on the market at 1080p60fps, going all out is just poor financial decisions.

You are running your memory in single channel

t. intel shill

Those games don't benefit from hyperthreading though. You'd get better performance through just raw CPU speed.

i dont know what that means but ill find out

you could also just choose not to spend money on your hobby
that's probably the wisest financial decision

> 4gb 1080

Can you show me where I told you to buy anything?

it means your computer is getting half the bandwidth it could be when accessing ram because both sticks are in the same channel.

your mobo probably has 4 slots for ram, you put them in the first two, put the ram in slots 1 and 3.

program could be reading it wrong

Its a moot point. Ryzen will have multi-threading for both its i3 and i5 counterparts. Intel will adapt to compete and add it to their own sub-i7 cpus.

No. The only reason I upgraded to an i5-4570 from a G3258 was just to get the 4 cores needed to run games like Titanfall 2 that won't run on dual cores without an injector. With it, I get Medium-High settings and stable 60FPS on most AAA games, including the aforementioned Titanfall 2 and the open beta version of For Honor. The only issues I've had so far is with unoptimized titles like HITMAN or Dishonored 2. Non-commercial usage of i7 processors is still only for those who want Max Settings with potential framerates above 60.

Stop misusing this word. Goyim is plural. Why can't you idiots just use the word "gentile" instead, or at least learn the difference between singular and plural?

What is a moot poILint? It is simply showing that more cores = better for modern games and that for the most performance an i7 is better.

Because in less than a month you won't need to spend $400 on an i7 when you'll be able to finally get multi-threading on a cpu half that price.

Not in multiplayer.

>for half that price
Keep dreaming.

Is there any point buying a 1070 this week? Thinking of just getting a 1060 and waiting for the new shit in a few months.

There is always something new comming. Unless it is a couple of weeks then there is no point in waiting.

Pretty sure he's taking about Vega.

It is either going to be the same performance or worse. No point in waiting unless you are on a budget.

Same i5 4690k @4,4 that maxes out
BF1 is pretty hungry

Not really I have a PS4 and don't have to worry about overpriced GPUs/CPUs

So you bought an overpriced meme box instead.

T. Sonygger.


rev up those gas chambers

high settings with 98 fps on my 3 years old laptop

why does he look so pissed off

An i5 has 4 cores and will run anything
An i7 is useful if you intend to fall for the Twitch/Youtube meme

You likely paid more for those games + PS4 than a good gaming rig + equivalent games in steam sales and bundles

)Sup Forums doesn't understand what hyperthreading is

color me surprised

for lower performance

Right now it's an edge case and most games will do pic related.

Will my old i7 hold up compare to newer gen i5?


Anything since Sandy Bridge holds to the day. Just make sure to not use the stock fan.

>since Sandy Bridge holds to the day
Not anymore



This year it's true. Any other year I'd say i5, but hyperthreading is being used by every new game now.

Since AMD have been shitting the bed lately, cpu tech hasn't advanced at all since Intel can just trickle out a few percentage increases every year with their comfy market domination
You get like a 30% increase from an i5 bought 6 years ago to a brand new one, compare the i5 2500 to a 7600 for instance


>Moar Cores (TM) are needed for gaming

Sounds like the age of AMD has begun.