Horizon Zero Dawn

I'll be playing this the 28th while Nintentoddlers browse a Cambodian textile forum wishing they could play this game.


Other urls found in this thread:


good luck, user

>mild sexual themes

Killzone 2 was the last good GG game. Is this going to be good? They said MH was an inspiration but the combat is more western-like which sucks.

I wonder how triggered someone has to be to post the same single scene in every thread. Like, they want the game to fail so bad, they spam the same video over and over again. I wonder what upset this person so much. What loss did he suffer? What is his mental state? Does he have anyone to love, or love him? Hmm..

Maybe they just find it funny, like me. I keep finding something new to laugh at with every watch

I have precisely zero interest in this game.

Literally the only ps4 game I even remotely want is bloodborne, and ima borrow a friends system for that

Killzones were Halo and COD ripoffs and invariably shit

>doesn't own the platform the game is on
>gonna post in that game's thread anyway

Sooo...fuck of you retard?

nice moba champion spotlight

Killzone 2 was nothing like Halo or CoD and shows that you haven't really played it.

Try again fagboy.

>there are people that think this screenshot actually looks good

Garbage "Tommy Wisseau" style writing, horrid animation, SJW propaganda. What not to like, goyim?
Don't forget to preorder!


Horizon Zero Dawn?

More like Horizon ZERO INTEREST!

So what exactly is Brom's problem, do we know?

Already have. Going to support this game so more like it get made. Does that upset you?

He's mad or something

Why havent you borrowed it yet?

>Play Nioh until Zelda
>Play Zelda until Persona 5
Anyone who isn't doing that is a retard.

Nah, but don't come crying when it turns out to be Killzone:SF 2.0

Oh snap!

This is the right answer, unless you imported P5 or something

Horizion can wait until the inevitable price drop

>Play Nioh

>Hard game is hard for the sake of being hard.

I never bought into this meme. I like to enjoy my games and relax.

>weeb trash and a game for kids

I'll be playing both. And you know what, OP? I hope you have fun.

Hard games with very enjoyable combat mechanics are the best games though. Shame you missed out on Ninja Gaiden and DMC3.

Picking it up myself along a the some backlog like tf2 and bf1 when they go on sale in origin. Then there's the stuff I already bought like yakuza 0 and Batman VR which I haven't even installed yet. 2017 might beat 2016s lineup at this rate.

The real questein is, do we really care?
No really. You are free to ruin your life with diversity bs and feminism propaganda if you wish so. No one is stopping you.

He's badly written, acted and animated.

None of those games are fun. People who play excessively hard games are the same as people who like to be peed on during sex.

Oh what am I talking about. You've never had sex.

Why are people forcing some sort of rivalry between Horizon and Zelda BotW? They are two very different games for very different systems.

um, all three games are weeb trash

sop you guys are just going to just keep shitting on this game and not anybody just talk about it ever?

It's Sony marketing. They always sell their products with trolling and shit posting.

See there's very little interest in Horizon Zero Interest. So the company needs to spark a rivalry hoping it will also help raise the exposure index of a game that almost nobody cares about.

Hence the whole Horizon Zero Interest meme.

*Beep Beep*
Head turning sequence started;
Head turning sequence finished;

>None of those games are fun.
Because you refuse to commit yourself. Very sad. You're missing out on some of the best action games ever made because your ADD mind can't tolerate five minutes of failing. No wonder gaming is headed to the shitter.

>Thinking there's a reward for playing excessively hard games.

Nope. Only wasted time.

People aren't going to talk about a game with zero interest surrounding it.

i have no fucking idea they both look like fun games im getting them both but this shit is getting ridiculous

>Sony marketing
>when Nintendo shills can't stop shitting on it
Yeah man, "Sony" marketing.

Have you played Wonderful 101 user? Best action game in quite some time.

>when Nintendo shills can't stop shitting on it

No one's shitting on it because no one cares about it at all.

so you have no reason you just want to shit on it

>implying it's even Nintendo shills

I suspect they are a combination of 99% Pcfats and 1% Nintendrones

>my memes and delusions can ruin your life if you play this game

You have to be 18 to post here.

I liked killzone shadowfall. what now?

Switch is getting shit on daily and for good reasons.

The Nintendo kids need an outlet for their frustration.

Is it illegal now to shit on a game that looks to be pretty bad, at least in the voice acting, writing and animation department?

>You are free to ruin your life with diversity bs and feminism propaganda if you wish so.

Sounds like the only person's life who's being ruined is yours, judging from the butthurt in this post. I will gladly accelerate your demise.

Sorry to burst your bubble user but it's not one dude, in fact it's hundreds.
It doesn't take an obsessive cunt to tell that brom scene is mass effect + The Room levels of bad.
You seem to be the angry one to make the assumption that only one person in the entire world could possibly dislike your perfect game.

Then you would enjoy Horizon, confirmed. Or almost every average game ever

But I have no idea why anyone would even like SF. Do you like the multiplayer only? Multiplayer was good

posting the same video over and over does not make a game look bad

What are the point of these threads? There is quite literally ZERO DISCUSSION of the game at hand and it's just nonstop shitposting.

The Nintendrones love masking themselves as PCFats. The CeMu threads ousted them big time, whining endlessly about emulation.

Well he does YOU created a thread shitting on the Nintendo Switch and BOTW, what's good for the goose is good for gander.

Maybe this game is also being shit on for good reason

Funny because NioH threads aren't as shitty as this. GR threads are fine too.

>very little interest in horizon
There's no need for blatant lies. Sup Forums retardation is not a valid metric for judging things.

Just because Nintendrones desperately want to shitpost these threads to death, doesn't mean we can't have them.

Reminds me of Bloodborne threads prior to launch. 100% shitposting from buttmad Nintendrones missing out on potential GOTY.

>Maybe this game is also being shit on for good reason
Because it releases on the same day as BOTW. That's it. If Gravity Rush or Nioh were competing with Nintendo games, there would be a massive amount of shitposting.

from the looks of it its the same guys over and over again they make the same posts

the fuck are you talking about i have never made a BOTW thread in fact i have never made a thread about anything

It does, when the video is in the game, as a sidequest. Shows the lack of quality control.

How? The Cemu threads are Nintendrones defending their Wii U purchase, but how does this relate to this thread? The game is rightfully laughed at from both sides.

>tfw this could've been a great monster hunter clone but they had to fuck everything up

But HZD releases earlier.

Face it, the game is shit on because it looks bad.

Because sonyggers need to start an argument with SOMEone.
They already lost the tech wars with the PS4 Pro vs PC, you see them being really quiet about that now.
All of a sudden there's been a bunch of salty sonyggers trying to start a war over which will be the better Zelda game.
Same shit happened with FFXV vs XCX.

Hate me if you will. But im pretty fucking hype. I pre-ordered and I booked the day off. Call me a shill. But I honestly dont give a fuck if the story is batshit retard like the leaks say. Honestly im just hype to get high and hunt some robot dinsuars.
Cant people just play a game for the fun of it anymore?

The CeMu threads is proof that Sup Forums isn't majority PCfats. It's majority Nintendrones masking themselves as PCfats so they can avoid having their precious underpowered consoles shat on. It's classic shilling tactics.

nioh and gr are also weeb games. anything western triggers Sup Forums.

But the Bloodborne threads were full of "muh dark souls clone" and "20fps" shitposting, which is a red flag for PCfats as they are the only ones that really care about framerate, and souls have not appeared on Nintendo consoles at all

Good job at making your game look better by showing an image of cut-content lmao

It's almost entirely Nintendrones doing it but they hide behind the PC platform because their own consoles and games are a joke in comparison.

it literally doesn't look bad though, outside of that meme video.

the only place that hates it seem to just be some idiots on Sup Forums that just want to shitpost about one fucking video

>Cant people just play a game for the fun of it anymore?
No, that ended after the 6th gen.

>a single thread is proof
>when in the thread there is an equal number of pcucks shitting on Nintendrones

Good job with that victim complex, Sonygger

What the fuck, is this fake like a parody video or something?

>the only place that hates it seem to just be some idiots on Sup Forums
The only place that hates a Sony exclusive is a board infested with NoA shills?

Say it ain't so!

How is that one singular thread even proof of any kind, when polls show that PC is by far the leading platform here?

are you trying to tell me there is a mass conspiracy theory?

Why are they releasing this so close to Zelda? People who are pic related will surely be more likely to go for Zelda if they aren't getting both.

But I have a PS4 and will get this & Zelda on launch and enjoy both.

I don't get people that think you can either only like Nintendo games or PS4/Xbox games. It's like saying its impossible to like both action movies and cartoons at the same time

I'm saying Nintendo shills are hiding behind the PC platform because whenever the subject is Sony v Nintendo, it's not even a debate anymore. The CeMu threads also got shitposted to death, just like this one. The Nintendo shill is here.

they have no argument they post that the ashley tweet or call it a feminist action game and post that clickbait article

Is this pasta from reddit?

The voice acting and lip syncing, as well as the general animation of humans, are rough

Only Ashley bunch has a decent voice

pc doesn't compete with consoles. nobody lost "tech wars" you delusional cunt. that'd be like claiming cell phone users are salty over losing the tech wars to pc.

Idort here, can confirm you're 100% correct.
Nier is also coming around the time, which is also higher priority.

The only ones trying to compare it to Zelda are butthurt sonyfags like you and OP. Gosh I hope you're fucking satire.

>hiding behind
>implying anyone would try hiding behind the greenlightearlyaccessmachine

They don't even have exclusives, lmao

Zelda will kick this game's ass and RDR2 will completely annihilate it from the existence.

Also MGS V is much better.

Did you seriously not see the threads when PS4 Pro was coming out?
They literally thought it had better hardware than PC, period.

>Muh Nintendo shill bogey man!


>Sorry to burst your bubble user but it's not one dude, in fact it's hundreds.

so are you confirming there are hundreds of retards on Sup Forums? I guess that shouldn't surprise me.

Nope. Just a stoner who thinks robot dinosaurs are the tits.

>The Nintendo shilling is a boogeyman
Why don't you send another Thank You collage to Treehouse for censoring your games?

>It's majority Nintendrones
That's an odd way of spelling Sonyggers.

>the 50 odd people sending a meme card for them showing games at the worst E3 ever=mass shilling

Nice victim complex here

>Not posting the superior Mass Ughffect

hay retard anybody who wants to get zelda will get it becomes they ether have a wii or a switch so why will they need to get the game and what does RDR2 half to do with it it doesn't even have a release date and coming out long after

wow the video again do you have an actual argument or no

>Well he does YOU created a thread
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I'm an idort and it's true. Although, I'll still probably go back to Nioh and Yakuza 0 occasionally.