I got this sweet etech

i got this sweet etech



Into the trash it goes


into the trash it goes

How do I stop the "level to lvl10 and reroll as another character" syndrome?

I have over 400 hours across the 3 borderlands and I still can't get over it. Do the same with other games like diablo and shit.

The only way I make any progress is to just play them all roughly equally

play krieg and never reroll because he is the only fun character

Play a better game

The only character worth maining is gunzerker

>fps on console

Why would you even start over that early? Every character is almost the same at early levels.

Played with a buddy through bl2 as Maya and axton. Was fun. Now we plan on playing through TPS as baroness and doppelganger.
Is this awesome? Y/n?


going to pass on this one lads

More importantly why reroll at all when you get unlimited re-specs when you reach sanctuary

You picked the best co-op character and the best solo character, they're fine.

>tfw when no friends
>tfw will never experience 4 player borderlands
>tfw when will never see the havoc of 4 action skills being used at the same time
>tfw never seeing the madness that is increased enemy spawns and badass rates
>tfw never high fiving a claptrap for a party wide buff

End me
>inb4 "just play with randoms"
In a free for all loot game? No thanks

I feel you , user. I tried playing with people on Steam, but the lag is unbearable. And it's hard to find people on Tunngle.

Hey what's the best course of action after finishing true vault hunter mode? I'm lvl 50 and have left all side quests open, should I get some lvl 50 unique weapons before proceeding to ultimate mode? I'm playing as Maya, what's good for her? (I'm a Noob and don't know shit I just started playing last weekend)

My course of action with Maya is to stack cooldown rate and phaselock everything.

Ruin and Cloud Kill kill almost anything by themselves. Also, she's really good at sniping.

this. cloud kill is crazy strong at the cost of one point in the skill itself should you reach its tier. it scales pretty heavily with your level I wonder if it's still good at max level

also what the fuck i can barely get one legendary let alone two in a chest. you sir are a luck beast of some sort

Did they ever change where the purple goo is an actual element and not just a debuffer sort of thing where you do 2x damage

will a-anybody play with m-me if I buy this on s-steam? hmm?~

thats how slag is meant to work

I will if you post your steam id

People still play borderlands?

>two legendaries in a chest, which has to be some retardedly low percentage like .001%
>both are complete ass.
600 hours into the game and nothing felt worse than getting an orange, scrambling your ass over to it, and it's absolute garbage.

It's such a cancerous mechanic.
>hey lets make a game about having a bazillion guns
>then lets add one type of gun that makes your other guns do twice the damage so people are forced into swapping back and forth
>what? players arent using slag the way we want to?
>ok, make it 3x damage in UVHM and double enemy HP, now they'll have to play our way, these fuckers

E-tech is such garbage. Where's my Eridian guns

>"a bazillion guns"
>all of them are worse than trash unless it has red text, and even then most red texts are garbage too.

No, in Pre-sequel it was replaced with Cryo damage because Slag doesn't even exist as a physical thing yet.

As for why Cryo (and Lasers) don't exist in Boderlands 2 I think it's something something doesn't work with Pandora's atmospheric pressure or some gay shit

long story short, he sold the legendaries

Krieg is a funzerker.

The Cock-Sniper? Just look at it

wouldn't it make sense for a tediore to have grenade prefixes like lobbed or something?