Oh cool, I only have to invest in a $300 system for this!


I swear, if I don't have a Switch in time for this, I'll fucking write a strongly worded e-mail right to nintendo.

>1 hour stretches of online play
Yes because this worked so well the last time they did it. I don't recall any issues with the server's being down for the entire hour ever.

I'm glad to hear Nintendo is willing to learn from their mistakes.

Ayyyy that is great.

>want to play Splatoon 2
>can't afford a Switch


>because it worked so well last time

But it did, got my ass to want to buy the game at launch when I didn't give much shit about it despite the connections. Became one of my favorite titles now

>The music in the test-fire announcement trailer

Am I a fag for wanting a vinyl of this game's OST?

I never played Splatoon on Wii U, I guess this is my chance to see if I really missed out.

$300 isn't even bad

>Yes because this worked so well the last time they did it. I don't recall any issues with the server's being down for the entire hour ever.
That's what these testfires are for, to test their servers.

Spending money on things to use them is a bitch huh
Hard to pirate hardware though so I guess it evens out eh?

get a fucking job faggot, what even is $300? pretty much pocket money for anybody in employment

Only one hour was screwed up last time, and even then they just extended it to another hour that worked fine.

>want to play spla2oon more than anything
>afraid of buying a switch

>mfw I have my Switch pre-ordered

Of what? It biting your hand when you try to put a cart in, and you're clumsy ass is too rough with it?

Nice ! I'll definitely check it out, it could also be a handy break in the Zelda playthorugh since it's going to take ages to complete that game

But I won't get hired due to being schizophrenic

>tfw can't get the switch in my 3rd world shithole because all my money goes to my medication

Depends on the job.
That said even with a part time, you can still afford it if you save


It did work. Very well.

if your live on a 3rd world shithole then your medication is just likely placebos and you will die anyway, enjoy the last few years

>living in a country without universal healthcare

Sadly yes

Another day in the USA.

Do kids even play Splatoon? Kids don't want to play kid's games, they want to play CoD and Uncharted.

>Yes because this worked so well the last time they did it
it did. splatoon 1 test fire hyped this shit to hell and back

Think about it, user.
Buy a Switch, and live a bit while having fun, or continue paying out the ass for drugs while hating life.

i hope the servers crash so i can play whatever new loading minigames they have

Yes, since forever.
I am yet to see a kid/nephew/etc wanting to play Uncharted (or even know about ti)

They can sense fear

Splatoon is the most popular among adult males, especially in Japan

My nephew loved it a year ago and then he turned 8 and hated it


>tfw live in 3rd world shithole
>tfw Switch has no date of release here
>tfw even if it did release, it would cost an arm and a leg

>>living in a country without universal healthcare

>still cant preorder a switch

yeah i'll put it right in my schedule

It's crazy how uncharted has great sales yet is never talked about in real life

>still can't talk to teammates

Defend this, Nintenfags.

Wow, creepy. Nick Bate must've loved it.

disability benefits BOOM!

>region free
import/ contraband

Should've made more of an attempt than none.
I got one with no problem.

No canada.

cause is a good yet not memorable game, you buy it, you play it, you move on.

People won't shut up about it over here. I was forced to "play" a bit and it's basically just shooting people in the head or holding the stick in a direction while a cutscene plays out.

Meanwhile I tried to get them to play Monster Hunter and they're like "wtf is this Zelda crap"

most of your teammates will be Japanese anyway

checkmate segafag

I'm on disability and buying a switch would mean no utilities or food for a month.

I was interested at the concept, but the original testfire absolutely sold it for me. It's free anyway so you should definitely try it out.

Holy fuck im glad im not in a living situation as shitty as yours.


thanks trump

Fuck you I just had an interview the other day

I find it strange.
I remember an user posting too many links and information long ago (6-8 months ago), it showed SONY tagged rentals/"partial rentals" of games and consoles as full sales, and they would keep the numbers even if people asked for refunds on digital copies. I tried to look into the archives but I find nothing. I start to believe it was just a dream.

You can buy an arm and a leg from the cartel for cheap, can't you?

Oh, I definitely plan on it. More interested in ever now that I can play it with a normal controller.
Well, somewhat normal anyway. Just hoping I can aim with a stick, and not gyro controls.

They saw you were a filthy phoneposter and threw away your resume.

It's called the switch cause you gonna have to switch off the lights bitch.

stop being a tranny, and invest it in videogames. I'm a man, also from mexico, but videogames are better for mental problems that a placebo madication

just buy instant noodles and wear an extra layer of clothes.
or wait untill Christmas/January for the price drop, i mean that would probably be the sensible thing to do.

>Am I a fag for wanting a vinyl

You can party chat in a private lobby. Just not with randoms. It wouldn't work out anyway cause half the players are nips, there'd be a language barrier.

$279 Switch + Odyssey bundle master race.

>the testfire starts on my birthday


I might as well have sucked a gorillion cocks then,'cause I'm a fellow vinylfag and would kill to have Splat Tunes on vinyl as well user

it'll never happen because Japan can't into audiophillia

It does support traditional controls. I thought I would enjoy that better, but I found the the gyro controls to be more precise. It's perfectly playable either way.

Sounds about right. They'll probably wait for Black Friday to announce that.

Sony hides it in the console box, people don't actually have to play it or even want it for it to count as a sale.

>Kids: CoD, Battlefield
>Adults: Splatoon
Kind of funny how it is.

Yes, analog formats have their merits but unless there's a fucking lot going on at the same time in terms of sounds (like an orchestra) a FLAC's lower resolution will always be better than a vinyl's noise and even if we are talking about an orchestra they're still pretty similar.

theres actually a huge vinyl comunity out there, its just they are all massive hipsters and only listen to jazz or obscure classic rock, nothing modern gets a release.

>7% female

More than expected tbbqh

The James Cameron's Avatar of vidya perhaps?

>First day everyone was crying about how OP Rollers was
>Second day everyone learned how to deal with it
>Second day everyone complained at how broken Splattershot was
It was such a magical time.

user, digital audio is objectively superior to vinyl.

nah nigga,the only vinyl that they do have are the first prints of whatever was popular at the height of the 50's-80's and VERY few releases during the 90's and 2000's

Shit,even fuckhuge bands like X-Japan don't have all of their shit on vinyl because Japan literally doesn't want to burden their consumers with having to require a lot of space for the format.

There are vinylfags in Japan,but like you pointed out,it's all of our leftover releases that never sold.You'll find a lot of imported US releases in JP stores

What's it like thinking that horribly compressed and engineered 192kbps mp3 files are top of the line,champ?

>tfw missed out on preorders and the chances of getting one at all Bex tmonth is slim

For fucks sake, I really hope they restock soon. Or at the very least give us another test fire after this one like they did with the original.

So only one hour for each of the 3 days, that's lame as fuck honestly. I'm definitely not gonna make it for the Friday one.




I'm talking about lossless audio formats like FLAC. These formats are head and shoulders above the limits of vinyl.

t. never heard vinyl

But it says right there that there are six sessions, which means two for each day.

Holy fuck

They got a testfire going as early as launch month. That's really promising for the game. Plus another thing to check off the list for launch window.

So fucking psyched I get to try the dualies so early. Literally right around the corner. Fuck all you faggots in big cities taking up the switch events

FLAC is the only acceptable digital format.It's on par with vinyl listening

The reason why vinyl is great is because of the ambiance created by the stylus reading and outputting the data in the grooves

There's an unprecedented level of comfyness and sonic atmosphere that can only come from a decent sound system.Doesn't matter what genre it is,vinyl is objectively superior to those wanting the greatest,and comfiest listening experience possible.

doesn't matter if is Stan Getz or Trent Reznor,Kendrick Lamar or B.B King.It all sounds fucking phenomenal on vinyl when engineered and mastered properly.

flac lacks the warmth and character of vinyl, the minor imperfections are whats part of the experience.
if you want a clean sounding listening experience, flac and cans are your way to go.

The first few days of launch were great too. It was fun when nobody really knew what they were doing and everyone played with classic weapons. I don't think anyone can't get that experience anymore.

Check walmart. People forget walmart.

God speed, user. I know you can find one.

How come this game gets a pass for blatant rehashing when CoD don't?

>live an hour away from DC
>have to work a 9 hour shift all afternoon
fuck my life

Are these shills?

it'll be $300 and 1,2 switch, BOTW, MK8D, splatoon 2, xenoblade 2, or maybe fire emblem.

I remember telling people to just walk backwards and stop being shits.

We're never getting that kinda magic again.

>Xenoblade 2
I wish.

No. Now pony up 300 shekels for a weekend beta test, goy.

>Living in a country with a meme currency

are you poor?

That would be hype

>Splat2n global testfire starts on my birthday
Fuck yeah.