RTS thread?

RTS thread?

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Dead thread for dead genre

Apart from the original C&C and StarCraft - didn't like the genre at all. What do those games have in common?

You can actually kill people in the first 20 minutes.

>muh muh muh age of empires
>muh basebuilding

You're a child, play vs AI if you can't take some scouting units.

your feeling of helplessness is your best friend, savage

Most of Westwood reformed under petroglyph logo and actually released rather big budgeted game called Grey Goo but who cares.
Le EA is ebil XD ebin mayme

>You're a child, play vs AI if you can't take some scouting units.
You are a retard.
Thanks for making my day.


It was just one zergling



I mean yeah, besides C&C and Warcraft RTS campaign is fucking terrible.
Might as well play a COD campaign for the high level of story fidelity.

All their games suck ass. The only good one is 8 bit armies and that's because it casual as hell.

Sometimes I put the command and conquer soundtrack on during parties...

>max number of AI
>most attacking me
>they start making super weapons, summoning titans and pursuing alternate win conditions while I have to focus on defense on all angles and my units can't fight properly without me microing all of them

At least there's Age of Empires 3. Where everything has a huge healthbar so it's easier to manage everything and not be crippled by a few seconds of inattention.

Is Halo Wars 2 good, I liked the first even though it's far from being as good as CNC.

>Summoning titans

Age of Mythology?

>Empire at War sucks ass

Do I have to get shitty Origin to play the Command and Conquer games?

Only thing stopping me from playing them honestly.

So far it's been mostly positve.

it's horribly unoptimized honestly.

It lags to shit in galactic overview mode or whatever.

>peace through power

What did Kane mean by this?

It's most ancient principle of conquest, you newfriend :^)

You can rush in AoE2 too don't be retrded user.

I got em all for 10 bucks, origin isn't that bad if you just want to play 1 game.

*tips fedora*

thank you for enlightening me, m'sir.

>yfw you upgrade your units to the max

>building walls around your conyard


I sometimes wonder if RTS players resent starcraft for killing the genre

I feel like a true military commander while I play Wargame series


It was Warcraft 3 that lead to DOTA being created.

With its heroes and item system.

Nigga one complaint of AoE2 is how strong the flush is, it's why Huns are one of the most played nations.

Yeah. I wish there was an option to turn them off and still play Atlanteans.


>what is aeon of strife

any gaems apart from Starcraft where I can build a hive of aliens to swarm my enemies?

I just started playing Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds again. It is the one game in the entire franchise that I can say, and mean, has likable Gungans.


best track

I remember as a kid I only ever had one friend who was into RTS games
We got into an argument because he kept calling pic related "age of empires: dawn of the modern world" and I kept telling him that is had fucking nothing to do with Age of empires and was not even made by the same people

Is there anyone else looking forward to the upcoming Cossacks 3 dlc? I think the new playable nations are actually free for everyone which is pretty cool.

What's with all the Stirners posted on Sup Forums recently? I'd think /lit/ is expanding, but /lit/ should know when to actually use Stirner reaction images.

this isnt a cringe thread

Indisputable best coming through

alt-rite is over

alt-left is where it's at now

elitist nerds masturbating over build orders ruined it all

Stirner is a /lit/ subversion technique to root out lefty plebs who are eager to post Stirner pics, then they can simply hide their posts and carry on with discussion of the superiority of religious monarchism to any other form of government

dota being created didn't kill RTS genre
dota being created kept wc3 alive past its expiration date and still relevant
no good RTS games being created after wc3 is what killed the genre

no developer wanted to make PC-only games with very high production costs and sell them for $60 a box when the business models for MMOs, DLCs and MTX in assfaggots and console games was so much more profitable

Is Total War a RTS? Thinking about getting the warhammer one iwth the humble monthly bundle.. Worth the 12$?

>people approach Stirner politically
Jesus Christ that is utterly horrifying.
He said himself in Der Einzige that his ideas would not work in a culture where they are wide-spread.

Haha oh wow.


kek that's already been around for a while


its not RTS, but it still counts

it's definitely worth $12, you'd have to either hate Total War or hate Warhammer to not like it

nice to see you posted your face with a such opinion.

how do I enjoy Cossacks 3

I like making aesthetic formations of troops, but it feels like games have too quick of a tempo to actually build proper armies and march them towards one another. All engagements end up being between small forces

I'm having a surprising amount of fun with these games

Casual as all hell but the pace is nice and fast, campaign bonus objectives are a good challenge, and all 6 factions being available in multiplayer is neat though I haven't tried MP yet.


I blame games like starcraft for that
They made RTS games into a micro obsessed genre where the winner is the person who has the fastest reaction time and can press keys and click the fastest
I just wanna take my time and build up my forces and then go all out against the other guys army, not have to deal with some fuckwad throwing a handful of guys as me every 30 seconds to pick off anything of mine he can.
that shit just ain't fun for me

maybe you should play turn based games or total war if you don't want to deal with shit in real time

i love rts so much, but i suck so much at them :( why is that ?

>They made RTS games into a micro obsessed genre where the winner is the person who has the fastest reaction time and can press keys and click the fastest
I want that meme to die
>lol you just have to click faster!! XD
sure thing kiddo

sounds like you just don't like rts games

>why are fighting games about inputting commands quickly and precisely
>I just want to take my time and load up my hadoukens

It sucks. Space Mairens are OP as hell while Orcs get destroyed.

that's always how I used to play RTS games as a kiddo

just build my wall around what I need and repel enemy attacks until I have a fuck huge army to attack click on the enemy base


YFW the shmuck developers promised january 2017 new game and then cancelled

>I blame Starcraft
Cossacks 3 even on its fastest setting is a slugfest compared to Cossacks 1, and that came out in a time when Starcraft didn't monopolized the market into its competitive niche.

Play with peace time on.

Also, learn build orders. Rush the market, it is an important tool. Sell your coal for food in the beginning.

I wish they would hurry up and make a proper 8-bit RTS title with a real campaign

I like the style of these games, but after playing the demo for 8-bit armies I realised I'd pretty much experienced all there was to it

>game ruined by imbalance

What a shame. Orcs and Lightbringers are the two I like most too.

Become better.

>Playing Total Annihilation at the age of like 10
>Nothing but Dragon Teeth walls and Defense Turrets while I amass a single army for an hour
>Right click on enemy base

Fuck me I felt like the greatest tactician ever. Hated when my older brother would attack me within the first 20 minutes.

this is incredible

yeah, these days I mainly play Grand Strategy games instead
and honestly it probably doesn't help that as a kid I Did not have internet and None of my friends liked RTS games so I always played by myself against the AI
So as a result the playstyle that I grew up loving and the way I remember them does not match the way everyone else apparently played them, so as a result I ended up having this weird taste in how I want RTS games to be like that apparently means that I 'don't like RTS games' as a result

Cossacks 3 is a literal shit fest in general. I normally don't mind when games go back to their roots but Cossacks went all the way back to sperm.

It's so god damn slow, the world is static and boring to look at, plus the buggy as hell launch and that it's still buggy and lacks default features every modern game has.

anyone who played vs AI learned to play that way

best games for that kind of feel are Anno for just RTS building

or play Infested planet for the human vs AI feel, it provides that gameplay style perfectly

this is the sentiment of people who haven't played enough starcraft or warcraft too become cynical yet. I used to think the option to end the game really quickly was good for a strategy game, but the truth is that it limits the strategies people have to use. I got into Starcraft and Warcraft because those games let you be creative and shit, then you went online and all those fun things disappear because you have to conform to a shitty meta filled with boring people like this user here. It's no different from how aggro-decks completely ruins Hearthstone. WC & SC are not strategy games, they are games about who can go the longest without fucking up. You don't win because you are smart or because you performed some cool strat or because you have the capability to imagine any possible threat and know how to defeat them , you win because you endure and follow "the rules" up until the very end.

tl:dr; aggressive meta ruins blizz stratgames, but the games are made to cater people that enjoy that type of meta e.g. boring people that just wants to push buttons.


to some extent your complaints can apply to all vidyagames and even life in general, user

everything can be summed up as a set of rules, that is what it means to be sentient

the pleasure comes from being better at a set of rules or game than someone else

You should be playing Moba then. Moba is about teamwork and thus strategy, while rts focuses more on maniacal buttonpressing.

>maniacal buttonpressing.
that's really the most retarded comment you can do about the rts genre.


It certainly is kinda demoralizing to see a strategy game which seemingly presents you with all those choices lose its flexibillity once you reach a higher skill level. But that is inevitable no matter where you go, because if you want to win, you will have to start optimizing your strategy to a point where everything is predetermined, because your opponent does the same.
If you play around with different tactics, you will handicap yourself no matter what. But it does not mean that even in this now small frame there is no room to see the difference between a scrub and someone who knows what he is doing.

>tfw haven't played RTS in years

I've gone back to a couple games now and then but I'm so painfully slow that some campaign missions have been a struggle

what's a nice easy RTS to get me back up to speed so I can play again?

MOBAs are nothing more than rts for retards. There you do the same with one unit what you would do with tens or even hundreds of units in other games, while also maintaining a supply of those units. Not even mentioning that teamwork also is a big element in those.


Starcraft 2 solo

Supreme Commander allows you to turtle in against the AI and gives you much room to breathe.

I don't understand how most people forgot this. It's like everyone is looking via present-bias scope because currently mobas are super popular so they must be what killed the genre.

What a bland and empty rebuttal.

>let's totally disregard that Starcraft 2 exist and it's what classic RTS are all about. And if you wanted something else, there is the supreme commander, Wolrd in conflicts, dawn of war, Company of heroes, Wargames, etc.

>no, but only rts with old school mechanism matter!


I thought Sup Forums RTS threads alone were enough to kill my remaining interest in the genre, but this game really sealed the deal. What a fucking train wreck.

At least the RTT is still alive.

>MOBAs are nothing more than rts for retards.

RTS is startegy games for ADHD-suffering retards.
Stop trying to shift the blame on everyone around you, it achieves nothing and makes you insufferable in any kind of discussion.
You're like that 13 year old that just got on EA's hype train and now has to shit on every other shooter because he's playing the hip thing.

literally none of the C&C games require origin to run if you pirate them ; the last C&C game came out before origin

>lol why i cant i win using nothing other than worker units, it's more fun this way

certain strats are better than or counter others, scrub. there's a reason everyone somewhat decent at wc3 scouts the opponents base; to see their build order and what units they're going so they can counter them. if you genuinely think sc and wc are both people doing the same stuff and not adapting to their matchup you're a campaign hero

you arent alone, i played that way as well, there is nothing wrong with it, and i believe the majority of people who played rts played them like that, vs ai. When SC came out, out of all the people who had PCs around me, nobody played against each other, people preferred coop vs a bunch of AIs or single player AI skirmishes, and the "top advanced strat" was building 20 photon cannons at the chokepoint nearest to your base. Then we got lots of great ums maps, not tower defense or aos or some shit but normal starcraft gameplay with a scenario, like a campaign, shit was cash.

And then sc2 came out and shoved competitive 1v1 down everyone's throats.

>And then sc2 came out and shoved competitive 1v1 down everyone's throats.
>SC2 is at it again, I swear!
what the fuck is wrong with you? If you want to play coop or whatever with your friend like you just described, well JUST do it.


my friends stopped playing rts long ago
nowadays everyone is a competitive esports mlg faggot

>nowadays everyone is a competitive esports mlg faggot
sure thing buddy, sure thing. And let me guess, it's SC2 fault again, right?

>wanting to win makes you a faggot

why do you play strategy games?

Wait. The Steam version of Battle Realms was cancelled?

>wanting to win makes you a faggot
you are young and dumb