Ocarina of Time can still be a fun game, but multiple facets of it have aged like milk, and I don't give a rat's ass about it "being relevant and amazing at the time". It has to hold up to today's standards for me to truly consider it good. And right now it's only pulling half its weight.
arin's a faggot who isn't very good at the game but most of his points are completely valid unless you're a niggerish fanboy
Nope you lost me.
>can't see spikes when you can
>fighting consist of waiting as if enemies aren't allowed to block
Also calling out nostalgic fanboys while doing the same with alttp was just pathetic.
It's a guy spouting his opinion while trying to dress it up as objective criticism, and praising a game he personally likes while downplaying it's flaws. The only reason it's even mentioned is because he was a sort of funny animator briefly about a decade ago.
"I'm not going to make more sequlaitus cause I dont like all these mean comments"
the name of the show makes no fucking sense
indicating inflammation of a specified part: tonsillitis
(informal) indicating a preoccupation with or imaginary condition of illness caused by: computeritis, telephonitis
tell me how "sequelitis" makes any relation to this at all
I played it for the first time a few years ago. I played Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, along with a few 2D Zeldas (Link to the Past and Minish Cap) before hand. Controls were a little clunky and I got lost in the Forest Temple a bit longer than I'd like to admit, but I had a lot of fun. The aspects that most got in the way of my fun were the low framerate and aiming controls, really.
I'm sure aspects of it have aged, and it's not quite as fun to control as say, Link to the Past or newer 3D Zeldas, but I still like it. N64 game's biggest problems are shitty cameras, low frame rates, and that analog stick that wears out way too easily.
starting a flamewars by tackling popular games with shitty opinions
Ironic or not, why the hell were the cutscenes unskippable?
>Can't stop bitching about SS even though it's not the main focus of the video
>He hasn't even finished it
What a fag.
Is anyone like me played this game years after release, and not at the time it came out, and just thought this game was kind of just bad?
The overworld is kind of big and empty. The combat is really shallow. The controls and camera really aren't that great. It, like so many games of its era, looks like shit graphically.
Why is it still heralded as one of the greatest of all time?
Game Grumps negated every single point he ever had by proving himself to be the worst player ever
>people are still angry about this
If you used literally anything but your sword, this wouldn't be an issue. Deku nuts and bombs literally exist to interrupt enemy turns. Also specific movement patterns can be used (wolfos, stalfos, iron knuckle) to force them to attack immediately which lets you dodge and punish.
He's just being contrarian.
He said Majora's Mask was the greatest 3D Zelda because "It actually did things differently" even though it's the only Zelda where his dreaded waiting is actually mandatory.
Arin sucks at 3D video games and it really shows in the video, but... he has a lot of good points.
OoT is that game I liked a lot when I first played it, but could never do another playthrough of whenever I tried. I just get so bored.
why do you keep posting this thread
what is there to discuss?
the video that showed erin knew fucking nothing about vidoegames?
2d link shouldnt be poll'd against 3d link?
It's a term you idiot, he didn't make it up
Guy is just a fucking retard who is purposefully gimping himself just so he can be a whiny cunt.
>let me hold my shield up at all times
>now the enemy is responding to my turtling by not attacking right away when there is no opening
>hurr durr so much waiting!
>look how long I have to wait for this enemies weak point to show itself while I refuse to use all items specifically made to help with this type of enemy
>let me use the sword only, sit back, play defensively, wait for the enemy to make the first move and not create an opening myself
>hurr even more waiting, this game has to much waiting!
Fucking retard, I can't believe anyone takes this retards opinion seriously.
You know, as poor as most of his points were I still wish he'd make another Sequelitis video.
how about these?
>all cutscenes are unskippable
>bosses have way too many weaknesses and are extremely predictable
>not a single difficulty mode outside of pre-order exclusive garbage that doesn't even alter enemy AI
>Hyrule Field is massive and filled with nothing
>half the NPCs do absolutely nothing but waste time
>masks are completely worthless, including the mask of truth which is only there because MUH LORE
>rupees stop being useful before you even hit Jabu Jabu's Belly
>despite contrary opinion, I did like some of the temples like the water temple, because once you got rid of the constant boot swapping problem it was a unique temple to go through. the real issue is that the rest of the dungeons didn't offer much and were just generic key fetch quests all tied together by simplistic design
>half the items were useless like the ice arrows
>theres absolutely nothing to do with Epona other than a sidequest or two, otherwise you literally leave her to die in Hyrule Field as you fast travel everywhere with ocarina songs
>the worst crime of all: 20 FPS on the N64, 30 FPS on the remake. Both should've been 60 FPS minimum
I don't accept the excuse that "they couldn't do it at the time" because they had the perfect opportunity to fix it in the remake. But all they added was a garbage boss rush mode.
What other games has Arin played horribly that are remotely easy?
None of those thing are examples of ageing like milk.
We still have games subpar framerates, we still get get games with fairly empty environments, we still have games where the npcs just waste time, we still have games where bosses are too easy and so on.
Those are just issues you have with the game, not ageing like milk.
>Hyrule Field is massive and filled with nothing
I will never not be mad when people post this one. People always say the game is really empty and they're always just talking about one map, one fucking map in the entire game, there's a fuckton of hidden stuff in every other big map and honestly there's a fuckton of hidden stuff even in hyrule field if you count things like big poes and hidden grottos.
The reason that it's so big is totally lost on people today, it's to give you the impression that world is big. It's super easy to do now but at the time of release that map was fucking huge and stood as a sort of tech demo for how much the N64 could load, or how a whole world could eventually exist in a video game.
>>I don't accept the excuse that "they couldn't do it at the time" because they had the perfect opportunity to fix it in the remake
That's more of an issue with Miyamoto's autism than anything else.
The issue is that half of those things weren't even problems for other games of the era, like Megaman Legends, which was a superior game in the same genre as Zelda. It ran at a far more stable FPS, was far more friendly in terms of gameplay (without being casual) and understood environmental efficiency.
>there's a fuckton of hidden stuff even in hyrule field if you count things like big poes and hidden grottos.
And what do you find in those grottos? Ntohing but rupees. What do the big poes do? They get you a bottle, oooh, except you already have 3 at this point. big whoop.
>it's to give you the impression that world is big
I consider it a waste, then, that even the 3DS remake did nothing to fix the issue. All they needed was maybe some more sidequests that gave cool items instead of more rupees. Would that have been so hard to implement? Maybe a horse race that wasn't limited to Lon Lon Ranch? Maybe super carrots that make Epona slightly faster? Wind Waker did that with its HD remake.
So many missed opportunities.
>most of his points are completely valid
I just want Arin to make more animated vids :(
What's that? Star bomb music videos?? You got it :^)
This game doesn't even have that many cutscenes. Once you're adult Link it really eases up on the story stuff. If you're so impatient you lose your shit over talking to Sheik for like one minute, that's your problem.
This game was made before the get dungeon item-go to boss-use item on boss formula got stale.
A shitton of great games don't have difficulty modes. What a stupid point to make.
There are some secret grottos to be found, and the Running Man. That being said it was really just put there for you to be able to ride Epona around (and to make the world feel bigger), they shoud have at least put a good amount of enemies there. Oddly the field is safer as Adult Link.
What the fuck are the NPCs supposed to be doing? It's not a sidequest oriented game like Majora's Mask. They're only there in Ocarina of Time to give the world flavor. The point of the game is to adventure, finding shit outside and solving puzzles in dungeons.
So? They're just there for fun. You can at least get different reactions out of NPCs with them, but if you don't care about the world then you won't find that stuff interesting.
Sure, rupees are worthless. They're really there so you can buy things you can easily find running around and breaking shit (which is when you'd also find rupees) and play some minigames.
I don't think you understand the appeal of Zelda dungeons. If you don't enjoy the puzzle solving or the atmosphere then that doesn't make them bad.
Actually, the Ice Arrows are the only completely useless items I can think of.
Some people liked riding around on Epona. I personally never use fast travel when I play games, I always find manually going places to be far more fun. and immersive.
You can't be serious with this 60fps thing. Super Mario 64 was a much more basic game and it ran at 30fps. As for the remake, it's on a handheld.
You got me to bite, so that's something.
he's objectively wrong on multiple levels
if we take his megaman-sequelitis into account then he contradicts himself on many points he makes against OoT
All I remember of that video is arin sperging out over a hole in a bridge.
Its as if world building doesnt exist in his mind.