Mass effect andromeda

Will bioware redeem themselves after the mass effect 3 ending?

Other urls found in this thread:

>gaunt face
>thinning hair
Is this meant to be an AIDS patient or a tranny?

Those two demographics tend to overlap tbf.

>all these commiefornia types of people

>take attractive person
>make her look butt ugly
that's not how you make realistic characters

i would drag my ballsack across the mass effect models face until i climaxed

>thinning hair
what? her hair line isnt receeded at all

only another quality romancable quarian pussy can save the game.

first look its already infested by libtard feminism shit.
>not a single sexy woman
>not a single bulky muscle man
>even the krogans look like weak turles

why do they have to make games PC nowadays?

kill yourself namefag

why is pol so unfunny? they have no sense of humor at all. i feel like im hanging out with my friends from middle school where they conflate saying the edgiest shit possible with comedy


>Will bioware redeem themselves after the mass effect 3 ending?

idiots will pay 60 dollars to find out and, yet again, be sorely disappointed. then adromeda 2 will come out and the whole cycle starts anew.

i'm a 30-year-old man with a genetic disposition towards baldness and my hair line doesn't go that high up

Do you think that because her head is shaved on the side its a receding hairline? Are you seeing some kind of optical illusion? Its literally a straight hairline across her forehead, its not receded at all. do you need to google a picture of what a receding hairline looks like?

I can't wait for it to flop so I can pick it up used next year for ten bucks!

you do realize that having a high forehead isnt indicative of thinning hair, right? especially for girls, the height of the hairline is irrelevant because they dont experience hair loss the way men do with mpb where hair is lost in a pattern. it just thins everywhere.

i mean that corner om her temple where her hair is split
don't tell me it isn't receded
don't tell me the in-game face isn't gaunt
it looks like a sick person

i feel like the women writers are going to bait me into inferiority over being a cosmogonist prick.

>purposefully ugly character models

literally why? and the answer is no. it's gonna be a shit game

>Nu-male SJW shit
>redeem anything


the goal is to make average looking females that don't trigger hamplanets with unrealistic beauty stadards
which is a legit position to take, if you ask me

only according to Bioware, the way to do that is to scan a fashion model's face and then deliberately make it look retarded

Some other user posted this, apparently this is their methodology.

>literally why?
because EA pays shit wages so no decently skilled artists, programmers, or anyone who makes the content want to work there.

>the goal is to make average looking females

id be fine if they get the same treatment as movies. make the main characters good looking if it fits with the story. after all it is fantasy and not the real world

You guys are giving Bioware way too much credit for some secret goal, they're literally just incompetent fucks who can't make good looking things.

Now this is autism.


That post is talking about characterization though. They can write flawed characters all they want, it doesn't explain why they have to be fucking ugly.

>nu-male manlet MC
>tumblrina face fem MC
>pig disgusting granny love interest
>ugliest Asari conceived
>female Turian

The Turian and the Krogan are the only two in the main cast that seem worth anything. I'll pass. Bioware is going to get my NEET bux so they can keep buying their Starbucks and complaining about white people and Trump on Twitter while vigorously masterbaiting to cuck porn.

Did anything you saw in the gameplay-trailer made you actually think that?

Its going to be shit

watch out, you might get called a cuck

Bioware does it again.

>Picking up used
>not just pirating it

>which is a legit position to take
thats because you love sucking dick

>this fucking thread again

>which is a legit position to take, if you ask me
It would be if they actually looked like average females, instead of deformed mutants due to shit tier modelling.

Meant to quote

>muh camera lens

Fuck off, Shepard looks just like Vanderloo and Liara looked like Jillian Murray. They fucked up with Andromeda's models.

>We want to make these characters have flaws and oddities
>Not by writing them like that but my making them uggos instead

>the goal is to make average looking females
>lets make this forgettable character even more forgettable, yay!


>face is scanned into mesh with pinpoint accuracy
>posts shopped filtered instagram photo to prove otherwise

>Mass effect andromeda
More like Mass erect androgynous

>ugh, why do other people have literally a different sense of humour than me, I literally cant even

>this autistic bioware shill again

>Bioware redeeming themselves
It's technically possible, but considering the horribly unpolished promotional material and overall lack of gameplay they've shown so far, I'm saying it's highly improbable that they will.

>Mass erect androgynous

Sounds like a Rocky Horror Picture Show Re-enactment company.

>face is scanned into mesh with pinpoint accuracy
>looks more like Anita Sarkeesian than the model

What did Bioware shills mean by this?

dude come on. it looks like shit. how are you defending this?

>We want the feminist and transgender audience

>It's technically possible,

It's really not. Everyone that made Bioware great has fucked off by now. Even Gaider (who I actually liked) left.

>posts another shopped instagram photo to prove something

I'm just trying to find out if there still left a single nonretarded person on this board

Mass Effect Androgynous

>I'll be your alien waifu for you user
>what do ya mean I'm ugly? I'm an alien, I won't conform to your sexist human standards of female approval!

>>posts another shopped instagram photo to prove something

maybe but her face isnt uneven and down syndromesque like the in-game model


At least Bioware hasn't ruined the Krogan yet.

>every single picture of Jayde Rossi on the Internet is shopped


>terrible lighting, facial expressions and hair
The problem isn't that the real photos are altered, it's that Bioware is terrible at making raw models of people look like actual people.

Why are a bunch of underage morons acting like a bunch of immature idiots?

How can you possibly ruin space niggers? They're already shit and only liked because of Wrex and Grunt.

>current year
>not knowing how makeup works

I get it, I really do.
There's something more magical about getting something at steep, steep discount by the books than just stealing it. It feels more insulting to buy it from the bargain bin imo.


this is the most underrated buzzword of 2016. how can you argue about whether something is forgettable? I see it used a lot when talking about dark souls games, calling bosses or npcs forgettable as if it wasn't their own ADHD fault they cant remember shit.

Yes but Sup Forums will be too triggered by the women and numales to care.

Yep, cause real people look like DOA plastic dolls aka what Sup Forums wants for every video game

Is she old or not? Game character, I mean.

Were Shepard and Liara a fluke?

I like 'em because they are the closest thing to a propa' WAAAGH!!! the Mass Effect universe will get.

Because the andromeda cast is made up of normie scientists and technical officers not top of the line N7 operatives or genetically perfect 'toughest in tuchanka' types

>makeup will change your entire facial structure

Shill, just go.

Not that guy, but that's not even it. There is something truly terrifying about Bioware's attempts at modeling real people, or just people by this point - like they all belong in cheap Bulgarian Madame Tussauds knock off. It's akin to Bethesda's wonky, disjointed animations.

I'm guessing it's not the same devs anymore, probably replaced by women, gays and PoCs.

>Dragon Age 2
>Mass Effect 3
>Dragon Age Inquisition

Their last games were so bad, they simply do not deserve the benefit of the doubt. Their next game(s) will have to be ridiculously good before I consider playing a new Bioware title ever again.
But the warning signs are there anyway. It's going to be shit, just like their last three games.

Isn't Ryder N7?

If something is really good it sticks out.
If something is really bad, it sticks out.
If something is just fucking bland, you just forget about it.

If you do not understand this concept and why anything might be forgettable then unfortunately you are an autist.

That's because they didn't photoshop the in-game model, numbnut

They are. Prove me wrong.

shepherd comedy muscles wtf

It is called having a tight budget
Of course they look worse than Uncharted 4 characters which have entire teams working on single char

>too dumb to actually identify what he's complaining about so he just calls it bland or forgettable


>the andromeda cast is made up of normie scientists and technical officers

Is that why their faces are jacked up?

(And both Dick and Potato Ryder are soldiers. Read the bios.)

People can complain all they want

I for one find this in-game model better looking than the abomination redhead we got in ME2/3

Very high possibility.

>tfw cant wait to play Mass Effect Androgynous

>AAA title backed by EA
>tight budget
Are you retarded?

>some autist actually defends bioware
>muh lenses
>default male shepards looks exactly like vanderloo
what did bioware forums mean by this?

He's a genetically enhanced cyborg soldier.

>They are. Prove me wrong.

I don't have to, you're the one making the claim. The burden of proof is on you. If Jayde Rossi is really as ugly as the game model there should be at least one pic that proves it.

>it is called having a tight budget

>Cute German model
>All fucked up

How many real life models has Bioware gotten so wrong?

Yvonne as Miranda
That Jersey Shore girl

Who else?

your pic proves how terrible the shaders of the model are.
The hair, the eyes, etc. Its like theres no SSS at all on the skin too.

Who? The only redhead I can think of is Kelly, but she was better than this thing.

>50 millions for openworld game is the same as 120 millions for corridor one

Ashley in ME3. Chobot as well.

>Clearly posing with fixed background, cloth and hair
>Not edited in any way possible with any software at all, freshly uploaded straight from the camera/phone

You keep living in your fantasy world

Where are the pictures of you then?
>They're private/kept in my photobook album
There you go.

I think he talks about default fem Shepard

dont forget in DA:I everyone has greasy hair and skin because they fucked up shaders

>Samefagging because you are wrong

Jesus christ.
Oh well, at least I was spot on about you having autism


>theres no SSS at all on the skin too.
Maybe because the game is not released yet?
Also notice how we progressed from dumbass "sjw want to kill my games" to an actual relevant discussion of the shaders

This fucking delusional post

Go home Tumblr

yup. TW3 has less rendering tech into it and still the characters look 10x times better.
Thats what you got when you hire sjw instead of actual real dev who focus on their work.
