why did you stop going to gamefaqs? Sup Forums?
Why did you stop going to gamefaqs? Sup Forums?
I didn't, it's still a better place to go to for individual games than Sup Forums.
this, though the userbase on most boards somehow manages to be worse than Sup Forums
I still go there sometimes when I want to talk about games that are hated on herre like console overwatch and bloodborne
Because they somehow manage to be shittier than this place.
How they managed it is beyond me.
I only use their gamefaqs and leave.
I am not even registered.
Because of this shitpile of a website. I wish someone would shoot me in the face so I could stop coming here.
Holy shit OP I just had a flashback to 2001
I used to have a Luelinks account. It was like Sup Forums before there was Sup Forums
New games don't
>Have Cheat codes
>Have Save files
>Require a walkthrough
Because they banned me when I went into an autistic rage over FFXIII being announced as multiplatform after I spent $600 on a PS3 for it.
Oh and I already had a 360 before I got the PS3 too.
Never been there.
when cheat codes went extinct
same with cheat planet and game revolution
And FFXIII wasn't even good.
Yeah I ended up not even playing it.
I never stopped I just got better at games, unless you mean the forums, then I never started
don't remind me
I never went there in the past, however Ive been replaying lots of older games and it's interesting to check the boards there and see what was talked about, since I couldn't get a real discussion going on here if my life depended on it.
I still go there. Message boards for non-AAA games are usually tolerable, and the games I play are mostly niche so have quieter message boards anyway (if they aren't outright dead).
>tfw spent early gaming years on Neoseeker trading bells my the million on Wild World
fucking cash money balla ass teen me back in the day
Alright, time to confess Sup Forums
who browsed LUE here
Because YouTube video gives a much clearer picture on stuff than pure text. As for it being a message board it moves too slow for me. Plus a quick google search is normally all I need to answer any questions I might have asked on there. Sadly GameFAQs lost its reason to exist with better sites and games losing the idea of hidden things.
I still do, just for the polls, like I have for years.
He had me until "Vita is overpowered"
That's because they actively encourage circle jerk threads where the popular poster (usually a mod) gets his ass kissed by most people.
I made the post about LL. I'm now lurking this thread watching for old LUEsers to pop up
Who was the Porn star on lue again?
i still use it.
I find myself going back to the boards on rare occasions.
I'd probably have a super high level account by now if I kept logging in. All that missed karma.
I dont know senpai sorry
I don't remember what I saw online 15 minutes ago let alone 15 years
I still go occasionally but generally youtube is just a lot more informative these days.
Is there any other passable place for when you are sick of Sup Forums?
>fuck off to rebbit
You sure there is nothing else?
Getting Warned every time I said a non extreme left opinion a few years ago.
Can't imagine how bad it is now.
I just go there for random FAQs now.
>tfw 4-digit user ID on LL
I miss LUELinks.
It was such a cozy place until the MegapocaLLypse.
I've got like 3000, though I'd have like 5000+ if I hadn't browsed for a good 5-6 years before making an account.
the only people who care about karma though are fags with less than a few hundred
>Because they banned me when I went into an autistic rage over FFXIII being announced as multiplatform after I spent $600 on a PS3 for it.
>You will never be so mad as a Sonycuck that loses an exclusive
The mods troll whiney liberal fags? Maybe I'll check it out
I rarely go there now.
I keep checking in once and a while. I want to see what happens when I get ?
If I didn't get warned and modded so much, I would've been there a year ago.
>449 days until ?
>tfw it will probably be 1500 days after more mods and more days missed.
>non extreme left wing
Don't be dumb Anonymous. I owned a Wii, a 360, and a PC at the time before I got a PS3.
I like Sup Forums better
There's more shitposting here, but there's no barrier between games
Just by flipping through random threads is a great way to look for new shit to try out, and whenever some big announcement or something comes up, it gets posted here almost immediately
Because I got range banned for inappropriate posts on numerous accounts, the last straw being a 'two nukes weren't enough' joke on a Pokémon board. I thought it was funny.
I have 3 tabs open, Nioh gamefaqs, Nioh thread Sup Forums and this.
I never stopped, I have two tabs open right now. I didn't go to the forums but I still use their walkthroughs to this day literally 15 years later.
I got range banned after posting han solo dies threads all over the place. Was like the last harry potter book all over again.
I do miss Hellhole & watching the arguments with mods.
Never went there to begin with.
I also build unhealthy grudges against posters I hate on any message board with usernames; here I can just let the shitposting slide.
I haven't really actively participated in the boards there in ages but it's still my first stop if I need a quick bit of help with something.
Browsed LUE and had an LL account as well. Rarely posted, but I was always there for the AIM vidya trivia.
Fucking this.
and this.
I used to use gamefaqs walkthroughs all the time in the early-mid 00's. Now on the rare occasion that I get hung up in a game, there's a 99% chance that someone already made a youtube video showing exactly how to do whatever I'm trying to do
I mainly play multiplayer games now