Sup Forums forces "gameplay is all that matters" in video games meme

>Sup Forums forces "gameplay is all that matters" in video games meme
>all Drake on Dragoons and Nier have fucking terrible gameplay
>b-buuut it's Taro-sama such a mad man xD it's fine if his games have shit tier gameplay
>Nier Automata
>amazing gameplay
>f-fuck off platinumfags you are ruining Nier 2


Explain this, faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

Surprise, Sup Forums is not one person, and Tarofags don't care about good games, only wacky scenarios.

>Sup Forums forces "gameplay is all that matters" in video games meme

Thats not a meme, queer.

>Sup Forums forces "gameplay is all that matters" in video games meme
>A game being a game is a meme

Fuck off underage.

>DoD community == all of Sup Forums
No, some of Sup Forums just happens to be apart of the DoD community.

>those buttfangs

>Nier Automata
>amazing gameplay

its not even out yet

>Amazing gameplay

Compared to Nier maybe.

Yes it is.

Probably twice as older than you, kiddo.
There are plenty of iconic games with great plot and characters and not so great "gameplay" aka bad-combat-meme in Witcher 3.

Demo already showed how good it is.

NieR's gameplay isn't terrible, just mediocre. It's totally a game where the story/writing/music carry the lackluster gameplay. I'm really happy that Taro and Co. finally got a developer not rehashing bland gameplay. I bet it's what he always wanted but for whatever reason (probably budget, people who would want to fund him, etc.) him and his crew couldn't until he ended up knowing the right connections to get him into Platinum's basket.

I really hope Automata takes off; Taro and Co. deserve it.

>Probably twice as older than you
Might want to check what you write next time Gramps

>implying Tarofags ever claimed that his games are anything but shit with a really unique coat of paint

You need to get out of the stupid pitfall of thinking only good games are worth playing

>great plot and characters
>outweighing gameplay

You have shit taste.

Tarofags claim it's "niche", "cult" and "Taro is that good" though.

Nah, my taste is superb.
Otherwise I'd play some multiplayer shit with only gameplay and no characters and plot like Overwatch, Dota or BF. I bet you actually do that so you are the one with shit taste.

>>implying Tarofags ever claimed that his games are anything but shit with a really unique coat of paint
I mean fuck, we're the first to say that the gameplay is absolute garbage and we all agree we only really like the writing. This isn't even something that's debated in the god damn community itself.

It does for some people, see the witcher community.

No, we just claim to like it.

>no characters
I disagree

Nobody ever claimed that DOD is a good game series. People are mad at platinumfags because they're trying to force themselves into the taro fanbase without respecting what taro games are.

>"niche", "cult"
...And it is. None of these indicate quality, just popularity
>"Taro is that good"
Yeah, about the story. Gameplay wise nobody ever said they're anything but servicable at best (in case of Nier)

The outrage at Platinumfags is simply because the popularity of Automata turned what used to be comfy threads into bitching about dodging, buttposting and console wars.

Playing games for the story is dumb af

>tfw I liked the gameplay in NieR
Sure, it's not fucking Bayonetta, but everytime someone says it was awful I'm like you wot m8

You have literally made the choice to save screenshots of anime and use them as reaction images online. Your judgement on all topics is the opposite of superb.

>Nier automata
>amazing gameplay

>randomly jumping on anime insults on Sup Forums because he lost the plot

Pretty easy to tell how new you are.


Keanu is a fucking android who doesn't age.

Get with the times gramps

And those problems are not the fault of platfags but a variety of cases, one of which is that SE is withholding the PC release which gives shitposters much ammunition to fuel the never ever meme.

I agree. Its nothing amazing but people act like its unplayable garbage.

Its pretty standard action rpg game play, but it services the game well enough that its never really a distraction from the games good points.

Pretty much. Wacky garbage with a focus on subverting player's expectations.

>immigrants telling natives to fuck off and get on with the times

How political

I've been enjoying Nier so far, kind of wish you were playing as Kaine though.

I understand that the Drag On Dragoon games are alll supposed to ber pretty bad, any recommendations for Let's Plays to watch instead?

>it's another "assmad newfag starts thread because some guy made fun of his favourite game" episode

>Sup Forums is one person

That's how the US were founded wasn't it

>People are mad at platinumfags because they're trying to force themselves into the taro fanbase without respecting what taro games are.
>force themselves

Oh please, nigger.
Any people are free to play any games they want, especially if they like the studio and makers like Platinum Games that are known for making games with "good gameplay".
They don't need to know anything about Tarohack or prove anything to anyone.

Just because Tarofags are THAT INSECURE about their collapsing elitist hugbox doesn't mean that people should be aware of older games with shitty gameplay and awful performance or pay some respects to Taro.

Taro himself is pretty ironic about his shit and he's laugh pretty hard at his diehard Sup Forums fans.

Yeah's that's pretty much my only gripe with the fanbase. At least Kojimbos and Fromdrones can accept that Kojima and Miyazaki are humans capable of making faults and have done some really shitty writing, but Tarofags on the other hand seem to to think everything he writes is magic just because his narrative style is so chaotic.

You can leave to plebbit any time.
I'll help you with report.

>Nier Automata
>amazing gameplay

Explain this, faggot.

Who are you quoting?

>let's plays
Cancer. Play the fucking games, faggot.

because Sup Forums is ONE PERSON with a single opinion

Nah, just kidding

Its because Sup Forums is just like leddit and only ONE OPINION exist, when more than one appears is hipocrisy

OP, obviously.

I unironically think the original Nier's gameplay is good. Melee combat is quick and responsive even if a tad repetitive, and the magic system is loads of fun.

I've also been making my way through Drakengard lately and honestly I don't think it's as bad as people say it is either. It's stiff and extremely repetitive, yes, but not actively terrible or anything.

I am looking forward greatly to Automata, and as much as I love Platinum's games some people seem to be expecting it to be another CUHRAZEE game when really it's clear that Platinum is taking great strides to remain faithful to the original. I think people looking for MGR2 are going to be very disappointed when they get Nier, but polished.

Play them. They are pretty short if you don't go for 100%. Which you should, but I'm not judging.


Sup Forums has shit taste so you can tell it's one person though.

With the way taro elitists are acting towards newfags, I'm not even going to bother. I'll just pick it up on PC maybe next year because apparently Taro is too DEEP for me.


forced meme

>Probably twice as older than you, kiddo.


>giving a single fuck about random people you don't even know

How pathetic you can get?


You sound like them autistic MGR "fans"
>lol whose that Snak faggot?? xD
>stealth is for faggots lmao
Fucking kill yourself.
>inb4 lol umad
Fuck yes I am.

A forced meme representative of a noted trend in their game's gameplay that many people are using as their sole focus for this game thus bringing conflict with fans of the original game.

Because you're on an image board where people talk about various shit and if you do not fit in with the clique you're a disgusting secondary that should not even bother partaking in the discussion

>mommy someone is not valuing muh niche cult shit as much as I do and it insults me a lot woaaah mommy tell them

Quality post and nice butthurt, kid.

>A forced meme representative of a noted trend in their game's gameplay that many people are using as their sole focus for this game thus bringing conflict with fans of the original game.

No one uses "cuhrazee" outside of Sup Forums.

>don't have a full set of information
>partake in discussion anyway
>get buttblasted

Secondaries are the fucking worst

>tell people the games they enjoy are shit
>surprised when they tell you to fuck off

What's your problem? Did some Tarofags fucked your mom or something? Stop sperging out and discuss the game if you want, no one is bullying you, we're all friends here.

>Because you're on an image board where people talk about various shit and if you do not fit in with the clique you're a disgusting secondary that should not even bother partaking in the discussion

How low your self-appraisal can be?

I'm more annoyed at how tarofags, after a single week of 2b butt spam, keep on ranting and raving about how all the threads are shit now and Automata is a terrible game for waifufags. As if there haven't been a bunch of good taro threads since then, and as if Kaine wouldn't have been spammed to hell and back if Nier had actually been popular.

Hell, even as things stand now, she and her dick are mainstays in every thread.

God damn look how angry this thread is.

Let it be known that putting "SEXY" girls in your game leads to absolute shitposting and awful fanbases. Much more so than "platinum gameplay"

At least previous Nier threads would get mostly ignored unless someone posted some 5 year old Kaine image as the OP. Now everything is destined for shitposting thanks to attracting retards with 2b images.

anyone wants a pc release of nier replicant?

>we're all friends here
>Sup Forums

kek. Only shitposters here mate.

I'm fine with this thread going to shit, since we went through about three good ones before this.

The online discussion of Nier has been tainted enough thanks to 2B. No need to make it worse by bringing even more PC gamers along.

top kek

Clearly not because DoD3 exists and those threads are pretty nice.

And also eats pizza with cutlery

lurk more

If anything, I'm more disgusted of tarofucks who have to gall to shit on Platinum. Hello? It was fucking Platinum's idea to throw you entitled shits a bone and make a sequel to your dead as fuck franchise.

It's only immigration if you move into a country. Europeans never considered moving into an Indian nation, if they even recognized that such a thing existed; they simply moved to a new place and built their own cities, clearing some pests along the way. That's either settlement or conquest, not immigration. It would be like someone taking the Sup domain and putting their own unrelated site in its place.

How many levels of bait and irony is this thread on?

People are free to play what they want, but just because they play one out of several games doesn't mean that they're integrated into the franchise as a whole. It's like saying someone who's played Awakening is now a Fire Emblem master tactician, or someone who's watched Abram's Star Trek is now ready to call themselves a major Trekkie.

>Let it be known that putting "SEXY" girls in your game leads to absolute shitposting and awful fanbases. Much more so than "platinum gameplay"

You realize that Taro himself asked for fanart with 2b's butt and his only reason to make them oversexualized is to watch 3d girls cosplay his characters later?

How do you retards manage to avoid that fact that Taro made his sluts look appealing on purpose? He simply likes sexy girls, it's a quote.

People should get real about Taro's games and stop trying to defend their imaginary "DEEPEST LORE". It's just a slasher with sexy girls. That's it.

DoD3 is Madoka ripoff with a literal slut as MC.

>I'm the Sexiest
Also the dediest.

Rising is the only Metal Gear worth anyone's time.

No one is shitting on platinum. They're shitting on people who are only in it for platinum.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums sucks off nier and loathes TLoU for the exact same reason.

waaaaaaah the game's too easy on easy waaaaaaaaah.

>doesn't mean that they're integrated into the franchise as a whole
And who the fuck tells that?

Clearly not developers who WANT new people to start playing their games and not cater on some loyal turbofags who scrapped every single piece of junk they produced earlier.

Except no one does that. When anyone remotely expresses confusion or discontent with Taro's games, especially Automata, Tarofags are quick to bring out their defense force and call you out for not understanding his genius.

Tarogames are a literal case of "It's okay when Japan does it." Especially with regards to gameplay, QA/QC, and graphics.

>>Sup Forums forces "gameplay is all that matters" in video games meme
>>b-buuut it's Taro-sama such a mad man xD it's fine if his games have shit tier gameplay
>>f-fuck off platinumfags you are ruining Nier 2

These are different people with different opinions on video games, nothing else to explain.

All of them.

I'm fairly certain the zombies in TLoU aren't the disembodied souls of humans and that you were robots all along.

>only in it for platinum.
>platinum brings good gameplay
>it's somehow is a bad thing

So 'they" are shitting on people who want to play a good game that is not a pile of sub-20fps shit like DoD3?


>platinum brings good gameplay


And how does that make a difference? Twists like that are so Syamalan tier that I don't think gives a fuck.

>DoD3 is Madoka ripoff with a literal slut as MC.
but they're all sluts except Four, Zero is a whore though.


No, the issue is

> ONLY in it for

It's like two master baiters have gotten into a bait-off and there's no stopping it.

>except Four

Easily worst girl.

Also 2 and 1 are not sluts.

I'm for PG gameplay and Toobie's butthole.

Lol this. Platinum fans, who are liking a game MADE by Platinum are enjoying the game but then you get

>waaaaah it isnt all just about the combat
>muh 60% rpg 40% combat
>waaah fuck off this is not an action game
>waaah muh drama

Dude, why the fuck can't I just enjoy the game based on the combat? For example I don't give a shit about the political shit in MGS, I just like the stealth, the hokey voice acting, and the occassional meme-tier dialog.

>At least Kojimbos and Fromdrones can accept that Kojima and Miyazaki are humans capable of making faults and have done some really shitty writing

Are we talking about the same Kojimbos who are already calling Death Stranding the game of the decade?

Half of those non weeb boards are dead as fuck though.

>legs are too big for stockings