What'd you get Sup Forums?
What'd you get Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Xenoblade Chronicles
Anno 1404 and Hearts of Iron 4.
Might be good.
>For Honor beta and Crusader Kings 2
So it'll turn into FH during the battles?
Could be good
>dark souls 3
>the last guardian
>atelier sophie
Maybe the greatest managing srpg to date.
>Witcher 3 and Bloodborne
>Thousand Year Door
>Dragon's Dogma
>Pokemon + Project X Zone 2
So would Bowser be the Dragon and Dark Peach be the Seneschal?
That actually seems fitting
>Final Fantasy XIII
I don't get it.
Tales of Berseria
Yakuza 0
I don't even know what this is going to be
>freedom planet 2 demo
>shovel knight
>Borderlands 2
>Team Fortress 2
It would just be tf2. but the classes and unlocks would be horribly unbalanced.
>Ace Combat
Racing with jets, so in other words M.A.C.H
>Rocket League
>Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War
Um, genuinely stunped here
>Crusader kings 2
>Rainbow six siege
I'd buy it
>resident evil 7
>yakuza 0
>Rock Band
>For Honor
Elite Dangerous
I really got nothing.
Turtles in Time and pokemon stadium.
I don't even
>Dark or Souls: Extreme (Beach Volleyball) 3
the girls of dark souls play some beach volleyball in skimpy outfits, displaying their wrinkly hollow bodies
Can you imagine a sick boss battle with Jack baker of the baker klan
>Total War: Warhammer
>Hyrule Warriors
Could be awesome. Total War strategy mechanics in the Hyrule kingdom.
Total War Warhammer and Conan Exiles.
So much fantasy on gore with naked tits.
>Nioh and Dragon Quest VIII
>Sleeping Dogs
>Pokemon Sun
Who wants to play as a double-agent for the Pokemon equivalent of the Chinese triad?
>Soul Calibur 5
>Icewind Dale
Terraria and dlsite.com
I guess just regular Terraria except all the NPCs are older women who aggressively molest you.
>Link to the past
>Paper Mario TTYD
Basically got wind waker
> Metal Gear Rising
>For Honor
>Gun Metal
>"It's over Batman, you are no rival to my toxine of fear, soon, Gotham will be..."
>Trico out of fucking nowhere
>crushes the scarecrow
>batman pets trico and the credits roll
that would be dope
>Sleeping Dogs
Not bad, not bad at all.
>Zelda OOT
>Shenzen I/O
Well, i guess it's a zelda with "slightly" more complex puzzles.
Good thing you get the oscilloscope of time early on.
>fallout 4
Fuck that
Tales of berseria
I guess an anime mmorpg with action combat made on a ps3 engine.
Stalker Call Of Pripyat
America's Army: Proving grounds.
Stalker with online tacticool with friends.
>nioh and black desert
Uh this could oddly enough work.
The game on the right looks like every modern game, I have no idea what it's supposed to be
I would kill for a Paper Zelda rpg.
Warriors Orochi 3
Space ninja Lu Bu. I am totally down.
I guess now everyone will be screaming "I've fought mudcrabs tougher than you!" at each other during sessions
>FE heroes (if that counts)
>Payday 2
>Dark Souls
For honor
Saints row 2
I dunno if this is good or bad
Rainbow Six Siege and Cook, Serve, Delicious
I have no idea how this would work
>Strange Journey
>Yakuza 0
Yeah I got nothing
Heroes of the Storm
mite b cool
>Street Fighter 5
user you didn't tell me this would actually work.
>Elite: Dangerous
>Alien: Isolation
What Elite:Dangerous desperately needs but will probably never get, space legs.
That would work pretty well desu.
I always imagined pokemon to be an post apoc world that's pretty well rebuilt around the places where tech survived. All the animals just got fucked up and got powers when the fallout happened, the pokeballs just has some kind of drug they all want and that's why they obey normal humans after being exposed to it.
>Dark Souls 3
>For Honor
>SMT Nocturne
What :^D
It's a game where you infiltrate a kitchen with a swat team and cooks before anyone notice.
And you have equipments like frying pan muffler, silent cutting slabs, sleeping darts..
>Azure Dreams
>Animal Crossing
FUCK YES! I think I got the best one.
Same here user
neptuna and for honor gona be great
for honor and eu4
resident evil 6
world of warcraft
Eh, I dunno.
>Azure Striker Gunvolt
Well shit, its probably just a better The Dishwasher game
>Rocket League
>For Honor
Rocket-powered cars killing each other with swords, axes, and all while trying to get a ball into a goal sounds pretty rad.
Gears of Forza
>Rocket League
>Total War Warhammer
Man this game just fucks the whole system I have no idea either.
>Banner Saga
>Mount&Blade Warband
I want to be a varl king.
Or an MvM co-op campaign instead of wave defense. Kill bots for guns with the modifiers already on them
Tacticool action on dinosaurs. Fuck yeah
>Doom 2016
>Doom 1993
Im ok with this
Gta 4 and Fallout Shelter
Maybe a game like newgrounds.com
Styx: Master of Shadows
Probably really fucking good actually.
>Resident evil 7
Jack Baker just makes more sense and that scares me.
>Rainbow 6 Siege
>Operators instead of hunters
Nioh and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
Hmm, might be cool to play as Ike or Mia in something like Nioh. SRPG with samurai, ninja, and Yokai would also be acceptable.
BF1 and GTA V
I swear I'm not a normie
Would it be called Elite: isolation or Alien: Dangerous
>killer is dead
>X3 Terran Conflict
>boarding and taking over spess ships with spess vikings/spess samurai/spess knights
>KotOR 2
>Super Mario World
Isn't that pretty much Super Mario RPG?
>MonHun Generations
Doom & Hitman.
Agent 47 is tasked to iniltrate hell and assasinate Olivia Pierce.
Arkham Knight and Horizon 3
>he doesn't know
>grinding in the tower instead of the boring-ass island
>romance options
>a town containing both medieval fantasy style humans and AC animals
Yes please.
>Guild wars 2
>For Honor
An actually challenging MMO?
>For Honor / Dark Souls
For Souls? Dark Honor?
For Honor's combat system could be interesting if implemented into crazy Souls bossfights.
The multiplayer would be a fucking mess though
>Atelier Sophie
Neptunia would of made a hell of a lot more sense lore-wise, but stomping on Solo Nobre mansions to go gather mech materials for the liberation doesn't sound so bad
>Ace Attorney
>Yakuza 5
Take my money
>Fire Emblem: PoR
>For Honor
So, it's a Fire Emblem game where skirmishes turn into For Honor-like duels. Good.
TLG could use some gameplay, DS3 some more atmosphere. Sounds nice.
This could be good as well.
RE4 and SWAT 4. It's RE4 but with even shittier shooting controls. Nah, I feel like it'd be kinda like Condemned where you are raiding spook filled buildings.
why would you still play gw2
i have to but why would you
>Miss World 96
Same combat but instead of killing enemies your reward is nude portraits and if you rush to do before they climax then horrifying images start flashing on the screen while eurodance music blasts in the background.
State of Decay
Killing Floor 2
If It was a SODs gameplay and Killing Floors world, I think it would be pretty good.
>For Honor
So everyone is made out of paper or only the weapons? How crazy can we go with designing?
>Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade
Well melee won't be shit maybe?
>Lego Dimensions and Rainbow Six Siege
That'd be adorable
>Megaman Legends
>Resident Evil: Dead Aim
I would play the fuck out of a dungeon crawling, half controller, half-lightgun megaman game.
>Tales From the Borderlands
So a telltale on bloodborne? Gorss..
Eyes of Heaven and Nioh
The guardian spirits become Stands