Once again another game that could've been great destroyed by ubisoft

Once again another game that could've been great destroyed by ubisoft.
>Lousy balancing
>Expensive items
>toxic playerbase
>map domination system that makes literally no sense
>Factions make no sense
>story has been trashed because everyone is focusing on the multiplayer
>multiplayer is a massive grind
>Dominion or so called domination is basically a cancerfest.
>lousy teamwork
Where were you when you realized how garbage this game actually is and will be?
>INB4 looking at the same thread again for the 10th time this week.

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh boy, better brace yourself for Ubishill backlash

>He bought an Ubishit game

yeah the game overall is pretty fucking shitty.

But I'm quite enjoying dueling my friends. The combat, albeit feeling like its rock paper scissors, is highly enjoyable.

Definitely not worth 60 dollars though.

The game has some flaws in its design. My main issue is its not nearly as deep as /fhg/ and shills wants you to believe. It wont last long, not for me at least

Dedicated servers is needed aswell.

>story has been trashed because everyone is focusing on the multiplayer
Multiplayer has priority over the single player in a multiplayer focused game?

the grind actually bugs me. the vast majority of your xp is daily challenges meaning you're kind of strung along at ubi's pace. i hit lvl15 on conqueror and I've been playing a ton the past 2 days, but i would easily hit the cap with a fraction of the playtime just doing dailies.

not an issue for fighting games
>Lousy balancing
git gud
>Expensive items
items don't matter in the modes that matter i.e. 1v1 and 2v2
>toxic playerbase
like every multiplayer game ever made
>map domination system that makes literally no sense
domination is like playing smash with every itme on on the retard maps, don't play it or take it seriously
>Factions make no sense
they make sense
>story has been trashed because everyone is focusing on the multiplayer
game is made with multiplayer in mind, story mode matters as much as a fighting games story mode as in not at all
>multiplayer is a massive grind
not in the modes that matter i.e. 1v1 and 2v2
>Dominion or so called domination is basically a cancerfest.
play 1v1 or 2v2 if you want to play seriously
>lousy teamwork
get friends
a french company about to be taken over by another french company

I'm kind of at that point. I've hit that middle ground of being okay at the game, but not the high level where I can parry and tech everything on reaction. At this skill level class balance means a whole fuck of a lot, and it feels like if I play anything that doesn't shit on assassins or is an assassin, I can't deal.

I could possibly make my way up to that higher skill level, but the game doesn't seem to have the match to match variety that a more traditional fighting game has.

>play a game made by ubisoft after AC2
>it's shit



>cant even fucking play a god damn game with out the connection just shitting itself
>even if i get a game working it dumps me into one thats on the final round and replacing a dead bot with a dead me

peer to peer
expensive items

were the only things worth mentioning in your post the rest is just whining

the obvious issue right now is the confusing matchmaking with its delayed messages and people getting disconnected seemingly randomly on lag free sessions
much of the pain could be be saved if the old server browser was here

boring wannabe fighting game, those twitch streamers are paid to play this bullshit

yeah p2p sucks and it's cheap from them, comunity is great and items doesn't matter much nor are expensive, the rest of points sounds just like you never ever learnt how to parry of how revenge works, go train parry against a lvl 1 bot until you do it naturally

The concept is amazingly good and it's very fun for the first 2 hours, then you realize that it's another MOBA influenced game that is based on grind in order to capture teritories in the very shallow persistent world.

>Factions make no sense.

I agree with this? Whats the point in being a Samurai if you can pick a Viking character? Makes no sense.

I agree, it looks like a game mainly for le pro league twitch streamers

It's not a bad game, but it's really all about the duel mode, so it ought have been just that for 20 bucks, instead of these boring modes nobody plays and an unnecessary storymode

>cash shop
>2 hour single player
>3 online game mods

Westerners can't make fighting games.

It was true back then, it's true now.

The only good 1v1 games come from Japan.

>this is 60 bucks

I mean, it's kinda fun-ish, but nowhere fun of a full game. I also don't get why it's 20 GB

>>Where were you when you realized how garbage this game actually is and will be?

on here but the day it was announced

oh my god you are an idiot

How do you bind your keys pcfriends?

MMB to guardb isn't working out for me

you would preffer having access to only 1/3 of characters? or just removing the minigame totally?

Not him but chiming in.

>not an issue for fighting games
>>Lousy balancing
>git gud
actually tanks are OP as fuck
>>Expensive items
>items don't matter in the modes that matter i.e. 1v1 and 2v2
I like dominion mode tho
>>toxic playerbase
>like every multiplayer game ever made
this is true
>>map domination system that makes literally no sense
>domination is like playing smash with every itme on on the retard maps, don't play it or take it seriously
>>Factions make no sense
>they make sense
They make zero sense, I picked Samurai, why am I allowed to play as a Viking???
>>story has been trashed because everyone is focusing on the multiplayer
>game is made with multiplayer in mind, story mode matters as much as a fighting games story mode as in not at all
Tell that to the bomb SFV, that launced with no story mode and no arcade mode. SFV bombed hard. Arcade/Story mode has always been a succesful thing in fighting games.
>>multiplayer is a massive grind
>not in the modes that matter i.e. 1v1 and 2v2
still a pointless grind, and again not everyone loves 1v1 or 2v2, some ppl like dominion
>>Dominion or so called domination is basically a cancerfest.
>play 1v1 or 2v2 if you want to play seriously
what if i enjoy having fun?
>>lousy teamwork
>get friends
>a french company about to be taken over by another french company

Name a fighting game that uses dedicated servers.
>>Lousy balancing
You're just shit.
>>Expensive items
You literally get a drop after every match.
>>toxic playerbase
Stop playing the casual mode.
>>map domination system that makes literally no sense
Stop caring about the casual features.
>>Factions make no sense
Is this a complaint about the historical accuracy or something?
>>story has been trashed because everyone is focusing on the multiplayer
Nobody has even seen the single player yet. It's probably going to be shit, but this is a MP game with a tacked on SP, not the other way around.
>>multiplayer is a massive grind
You can be competitive at rank 1.
>>Dominion or so called domination is basically a cancerfest.
Again, casual mode.
>>lousy teamwork
Yeah, Siege was awful.

Play the actual fucking game before you start crying. 1v1 and 2v2 is the true game.

You said nothing at all what the fuck

wait wait.. story has been trashed as in what? taken out? was looking foward to the Co-op. please elaborate OP

The lack of honor is this game is appalling.

>git gud
Every time

He's a kid who can't even win a 1v1, what do you expect?

>pointless grind

Remember when it was just called PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME

There's NO GRIND in this game.

Actually i've won many 1v1's, that still doesnt mean Tanks aren't Overpowered.

Also the faction system makes zero sense and you know this to be true. Knights can play as Samurai, that's just fucking stupid.

Not him but people who complain about balance are more often than not shitters playing at beginner ranks getting wrecked by obvious tactics that wouldn't fly against competent players, who are not even close to have mastered the mechanics, which is necessary to talk about balance
I think I've seen every single character get called OP by now

They're mercenaries.

Is it that much of a mental hurdle to overcome?

I'm somewhat with you on faction/class exclusivity though.

what the fuck is this retarded reddit-tier reply

>>toxic playerbase

>the faction system makes zero sense
Why the fuck would you lock out 2/3rds of the game? Are you braindead?

Factions are just for people who are somehow amused by a faux rivalry. They don't mean anything.

And why do you keep talking about tanks? Do you mean heavies? Because they're all pretty underpowered right now, honestly. Learn to parry, my man.

This isn't an MMORPG, I see no reason to grind anything. Also they shoe-horned it in as an excuse for micro-transactions.

In it's current state the game is "ok" but it needs alot of improvement, specifically Class balance. Every fucking game that comes out with "Tanks" now seem to be the most OP classes/roles, this was true (and still somewhat true) for Overwatch as well, and League of Legends had it's "Tank Meta" that lasted for a long fucking time as well.

For Honor is fun and will be a great succsess like Watch Dogs, The Division and Rainbow Six Siege. Stay buttmad and wrong as always, Sup Forums.

>toxic playerbase
Nah, the majority of brawl players are honorable. How many games would have a playerbase like that?

this is evolve all over again
game is fun but way overpriced and everyone knows dlc will be abundant

Lol they are not underpowered when they can easily knock your ass on the ground and start pummeling you with your defenses down. Nobushi can only stagger an enemy for a second, tanks literally toss your ass on the ground and start smashing your face in, it's fucking pathetically unbalanced.

Ubisoft buried their own game the minute they tried to make it noob friendly.
>Peer to peer gives the host a massive advantage and even then some attacks or defensive maneuvers wont register.
>Balancing is a problem. some characters are in desperate need for a few tweaks.
>Multiplayer is a massive grind since you ARE required to get good gear to go against good players stop being autistic.
I'm not bad at the game all, But just annoyed with some of these decisions just finished up playing a match, killed a viking guy with a shield and he raged quit which sent me back to the menu.

For one "tanks" arent OP at all, unless you're a literal fucking retard. They have the shortest range and slowsest movement. Assassins are the real problem classes.

Also, you dont know what grinding is.

Levelling up in FH doesnt make you stronger, there's no gear-score requirements or levels. There's NO GRIND.

Is CoD a grindy game because it has unlocks in it?

If you're playing a game just for the unlock system, then you're wasting your time.

>Multiplayer is a massive grind since you ARE required to get good gear to go against good players stop being autistic.
There's what, one mode in which equipment is allowed?

>they can easily knock your ass on the ground
The only time you get knocked over is when you manage to drain all your stamina like an absolute shitter.

Seriously, are you retarded? Or did you never notice the green bar and the screen going all black and white?

Why are people bitching about p2p
Having the two players communicate directly seems superior to adding additional delay by going over a server

>The most played mode
are you fucking autistic? stop being autistic.

Yeah, by autists. People of taste are playing duel and brawl.

>>game is fun but way overpriced and everyone knows dlc will be abundant
It's 40 bucks pretty much everywhere and the DLC is all free, with a year's worth of updates already planned. If the game dies by then, they'll stop, otherwise it's into year 2 of updates.

Well theres still people who have bad connections in the current year. Having dedicated servers make the overall experience more even. And after the game starts losing popularity you will be playing with shitty connection issues caused by the peer to peer.

Um you're bullshitting seriously.

Everytime I go to attack a tank, they literally burst at me out of nowhere and knock me to the ground. Nobushi cannot do this.

Also I rarely if ever have revenge mode ready. I remember killing 8 people straight one time and still had NO fucking revenge mode. But I see tanks pop revenge mode like 5 times in 1 match, it's fucking STUPID.

they believe that if the server is dedicated they will have advantage over laggers

I take it you've either never played For Honor or you've never played Rock Paper Scissors

>tanks op in overwatch
>tanks now op in every fucking game
overwatch faggots are the worst.

should i buy this or get something more important?

>Nobushi cannot do this.
They don't really need to. One little poke and a quarter of your health is gone, and they can do it at long range. You can't even attack them after parrying.

>4v4 shitter constantly whining about being terrible
You have the largest range in the game. It's literally impossible for you to be grabbed if you play AVERAGE.

Wait around I recommend
>maybe they'll balance the game more
>also change to dedicated servers.

>Everytime I go to attack a tank, they literally burst at me out of nowhere and knock me to the ground
wew you sure do sound like you're qualified to talk about gamebalance and totally not like you barely understand what the fuck is going on

>and the DLC is all free
you cant actually believe that

I think the game is pretty fun. i had more fun with it than any other game i played these past few months.
wouldnt pay $60 though. Probably $30 at most

You're just not very good at the game.

Assassins spend 50% of the time in I-frames, and only ever get hit if THEY make a fuck up.

Tanks get eaten up by decent assassins who know how to dodge.

not him, but i agree that their revenge gain is pretty insane. BUT, they are also the easiest class in the game to parry and shit on, so most of their revenge is completely wasted. Now when fast classes find a way to spam revenge, i'm gonna rage.

OP here, Nobushi is shit, its just annoying when she comes up to me in a fight and pokes my back.

>37€ on cdkeys
Still too much

No, she isn't shit, she's the most overpowered character. Peacekeeper is in second place.

As far as maps go, I totally believe that.

Nobody charges for map packs anymore, because it segments the player base and kills off the game faster.

But it is? They've outright said it, and they said the exact same thing for Siege, which had the same model as this.

They'll probably just put in microtransactions. That "championship" thing reeks of it.

Damn theres a point where its ok to talk about balance and another when you actually are awful at the game.
how about opening your fucking eyes and use the roll button eh?
besides you playing as nobushi. you shouldnt get touched


*Apart from everything on the cash shop.

I won't name the site but you can get the game for $45. I only know this because I agree it isn't worth 60, but its worth 45 imo.

See, I've just been playing vs. AI with some friends, or occasionally in 1v1 against people, and it's been a lot of fun. I like the customization options for Warden, got all the way to prestige 1 level 13, unlocked a bunch of blue-quality gear that looked pretty neat.

For my purposes, it's a fine game. Thoroughly enjoyed the beta, and it'll be interesting to see what the full release looks like.

Nobushi and peacekeeper play the same tactic. They run up behind me and poke my back sometimes peacekeeper puts me into an animation. Most of the time I just keep slashing and they cant really do shit, its funny when I direct my attention towards them and rape them.

i want to know if this game will have a long lifespan
what does Sup Forums think does this game have a long future?

>They'll probably put in microtransactions.

Ya' think, user?

They're definitely going to sell loot boxes and championship status.

I still wouldnt pay $45 for it. im pretty cheap. $40 at MOST. and even then i would feel like shit for it. only reason why i never bought overwatch yet

There's no cash shop. You can buy in-game currency, that's about it.

Championship is buyable with steel. And all it does is give you an XP boost.

Ubisoft is no.2 after EA for worst game company for me. Wont buy anything from them. I don't understand how people think assassin's creed is a good game.

>Damn theres a point where its ok to talk about balance
Yeah, after you've mastered the mechanics and play with and against competent people
There is no point whatsoever in having complete beginners contemplate balance because they don't know shit, that's true in any competitive game

nobushi isn't THAT OP tho
just nerf her poke-bleed thingy and she's fine

If a Nobushi is running up behind you, they aren't playing right. They're built around poking from a distance and letting the bleed do the work.

Peacekeeper is just a more overpowered version of the other two assassins with a ridiculously overpowered bleed attack added for good measure, but at least you can parry and cleave them when they get close.

is the site trustworthy. i know people who sell for 50

I feel you there, I got OW for $40 and felt pretty bad about it. But then again I bought into the hype and not the gameplay. Was just throwing it out there because "$60" meme is pretty stale when a simple google search can save you $15 easily.

a year tops before the poo in loo's take over.
>All these problems and only 2 days from release
Ubisoft done fucked up. If I could go back in time and kill whoever came up with micro transactions first I would probably kill them, eat them and rape their organs.

60 euro for a shitty duel/brawl game?

It's impossible to know, I'd say it depends on how competitive it becomes, meaning how many good players start streaming it.

It's overpriced no matter how many modes it has.

and an extra chance at an item per fight. Not a big deal to me, but just to add to your post.

>tanks are OP as fuck

Conqueror here. Kill yourself.

you can actually deflect most of nobushi's attacks easily, just block all three she throws and keep pushing forward before she does another 3, thats how I get around her.

>Peer to Peer

H-Haha..funny joke, user.

Right? RIght!?

yep, it's complete garbage. ubisoft and EA need to fucking die

gamesplanet uk
based brexit

>this whole direction drag system

Biggest console cancer I've seen in a while

this. I mean, look at seige, game was universally fucking hated when it released, and now has a healthy following. You never know. Ubi at least has shown they can revive a corpse, but hopefully this one doesn't get to that point.