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you tried.

Who /contemplating suicide more and more as time goes by/ here?

how do I become happy

How do I stop being a nigger, Sup Forums?

Joke's on you, it's 11am and I didn't sleep last night.
Weekends are simultaneously the best and worst thing

What are yall listening to?

Been listening to some Chinoiseries in anticipation for Onra's newest release

video games

There's a way to bleach your skin. That's what Michael Jackson did.



where the fuck you live

Things are only getting worse.

cant wait for Splat2n

I love 4 am Sup Forums threads

I've been meaning to do deep sea/weird-ass biology threads again. It's been a while since I've seen one.

Maybe this next week. I need to compile some organisms first.

>Got laid off from my job back in November
>Had to fight for unemployment throughout all of December
>Happened right as the semester started back up so I have this bullshit schedule of having to drive back and forth from school during the day
>No part time work pays the bills
>No full time work wants me because of my schedule
>Thought I was going to have to drop out of school
>Thought I was going to have to see if I could stress out my unemployment benefits all the way into the summer and THEN try to seriously look for work (all I have to do is three applications a week, they can be fucking anywhere and it doesn't matter)
>Spend weekends drinking myself to death because I live nowhere near my parents anymore and I'm going to crash and burn eventually
>Suddenly, a miracle
>Girlfriend FINALLY gets a part time job within walking distance of our apartment
>They fucking love her and she's already getting shitloads of hours making above minimum wage
>Today I had the godlike job interview where I not only got the job immediately, they are perfectly willing to let me go to school and will work with my schedule
>It's another retail job (downgrade from my office job) but all those years of retail work I did as a teenager are paying off and I'll be making $15 an hour AND they're fast tracking me to management where that's going to jump up to $20-25

Happy end. Things are turning around finally. I'm free. The NEET life wasn't for me.

I built my first PC today and won $60 at the slots. I really didn't want to play but we were already at a casino and I didn't just want to sit there looking bored.

I don't think you know what NEET means you filthy normie

Good stuff, user
I'm happy for you

Browsing Sup Forums makes me sad now, almost as bad as when i browse /r9k/.

Nigger is not a skin color, it's a state of mind.

Fuck you and your happiness, but good job

Won $6 at roulette yesterday and I'm not even mad

That's kinda what I mean desu

Now you're making me feel sad
I wish that kind of miracle happen for me


I probably could have won more but I'm too much of a pussy and got scared I might lose it all. I'm not a risk taker so it's impossible for me to ever make it big even if I did have really good luck

You're not a NEET if you're in school you retard

Don't have the "could have won more" mentality. That's how they get you. Take your winnings and split. Any winnings is better than no winnings or negative winnings.

>No job
>No gf
>No license
>Outside world now terrifies me
>Parents getting tired of my shit but don't want to help me accomplish anything
My autistic desire to see the end of Kingdom Hearts 3 is the only thing keeping me alive


I'm too anxious to apply for my first job. I'm afraid that if I get an interview I'll blow it and feel awful for weeks.

Literally me but im turning 20

you guys are like really young I hope you know

It's not to late.
Once you are near 30. It's probably the point of no return.
Change yourself or you'll end up like me


>think "at least I'm not that bad."
>I don't have a license
>I don't have a gf
>oh god

There's a decent chance you will blow it. And that's okay if it happens. You won't be the first person to botch it and definitely won't be the last. Just accept the fact that failure is a possibility and take that chance. You won't feel awful forever. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take and all that.

And I'm speaking from experience. Not a job interview, but I had the same feeling when taking my driving exam. Failed the first time on something really stupid. I lost sleep for a good month or two, before I could accept my failure for what it was.

But you know what I did? I practiced, and I did the test again, and I passed. And everyday I look back I'm glad I never gave up. And you will too when you have that job.
me but about to turn 22 and thinking of making my own game

thanks user, that means a lot

You'll get to the point where it's just another thing to do.
You dress up, show up, talk, leave, and that's all you can do. It's best to just forget about it and move on after. Then you'll be pleasantly surprised when you get a call.


>no job
>can't drive
>live at home
>want to do great things but too scared to leave house

the years go by so fast any more.. and this world is so fantastic but such a fucking joke at the same time. I'm not a retard, but I'm too scared to drive a car? Half the people you see driving shouldn't be.. it's just not fair, dudes. My parents and sister have so much motivation.. yet here I am wasting away in my room, afraid to speak my mind and be judged for being different, but also being judged for not speaking my mind.

someone just fucking kill me

Don't let your fear of driving stop you from driving. I can't explain how many people are terrified in the beginning. After you do it so much though, you get really use to it. Just find someone who is willing to help and practice with you. Another thing, the girl I chilled with yesterday is a huge furry. She's really fucking cute, but loves all sorts of weird drawn furfag stuff. Not into it myself, but I find it kinky.

>barely leave house except for work&errands
>Fat as fuck friend has cute gf
>They break up without me knowing
>She finds new boyfriend, friend finds new girlfriend
>I find this out too late
>All of a sudden she gives me her number and also asks me out to a movie
>Pick her up from work, go bowling to waste time before movie starts
>Go watch movie, take her out for ice cream after, then head back to her place
>talk for hours about fetishes, anime, etc.
>during this she mentions her sexlife with her new boyfriend and how conservative he is
>At some point I just left because I'm not sure how to act in this type of situation

TL;DR I fall too easily for those I can't have. I set myself up for rejection. This is why I'll never have any kind of relationship.

>spent $40~ on this
Me having a job was a mistake