Shoot at a gas pump or a red barrel

>shoot at a gas pump or a red barrel
>it doesn't explode

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does she look so flustered?
Does she get embarrassed when you watch her eat?

spicy ramen

Cuck fantasy. She never gets flustered.

Don't think that's what's causing it.
OPs picture says otherwise, sorry user.

I wish a girl who get nervous when around me because of lovey dovey feelings

first you need to lose 250 lbs, stop browsing Sup Forums 14 hours a day and get a job

ignore him
you're a lost cause

Does she look nervous to you? Please look her in the eyes when you talk to her.

Well at least a fulfilled one criteria

Why are you doing this

>shoot a red barrel
>It explores


>what's the reason
>No, that's not the reason

I want to rape and kill Nagatoro-chan!

I know a damn lie when I see one.

I want to get beaten up by a girl

>implying she doesn't know the basics of CQC

>tfw no flustered girl to hold hands with




spicy ramen is a thing you jackoff


Every once in awhile I get a weird urge to grab hold of a smug girl like this and give her the mating press. Is that normal?

Who said it didn't exist?
No one in this thread, that's for sure.

So what's your job?


Maybe you should fap to one of her sex doujins to let it out.

>tfw no translation

Translate weebs.

I mean of the game itself, not just that screencap.

Nagatoro doujin with actual sex never ever

Thank god.
If you want smug sex Nanashi has you covered anyway.

Never could use chopsticks with my left hand

Why the fuck would an unpressurized barrel of "gas" (you mean oil, you dumb fat American?) explode when shot?

It's 1/4 full.


I love this smug little shit

I just chilled with a qt3.14 from my job at her place yesterday. She has a boyfriend, but he's pretty conservative about sex and other things. I spent all day bugging her about things she's into while watching her get all flustered and quiet when I hit the nail on the head.

I don't think anything is going to come out of this, but I'm in too deep now. It's only going to end very badly for me.

3.12 ≠ π you fat retard.

Everytime I see a reaction image of this smug, I have to go check if it's from that doujin to make sure that there hasn't been another one released or something. It always takes a toll on my dick.

I'm pretty much in the same situation as you user, it's at the point now that she hangs out with me more than she sees her boyfriend

Does this mean that her boyfriend's a cuck even if I'm not fucking her?

>being an autist

>fat retard

I'm proud to say I've just reached 201lbs and can finally bench at 230 +40lb bar. Squat 360 +bar. And deadlift at 270 +bar. Those are just the three main exercises I mentioned. I do lots of other little shit in between. Also cardio every other day.

She sounds like a slut. Have fun with those used goods.

why the fuck would you eat spaghetti that snidely, especially when it's so hot you're sweating bullets?
here's an idea, let the pasta cool down and stop being such a bitch.

Yeah okay, fatfuck. 3.14 still does not equal π.


look at the bowl, it's red as shit retard, she clearly added chili sauce/sriracha/whatever to make it spicy.

See in my situation, her boyfriend is 4 hours away and sees her every 2 - 3 weeks. In between that, we're chilling, flirting, etc. Anytime anything is about to happen though she compares me to her boyfriend. I'm not sure if this a signal for me to do something or a protective shield for her. I'm planning on being very blunt tomorrow since it's her birthday. I get tired of women beating around the bush with me.

b-but being such a bitch is all i have

That's not the fucking point. Have you ever seen anyone every fucking post 3.12. Do you argue with hundreds of people a day because of your autism? Seriously, getting so frustrated at something, on an anonymous chineseboard no less, is a sign of autism.

scratch that every**

Haven't seen this game release so has he dropped it or is it never ever?

It isn't a sign of autism just like your epic cool reference "qt3.14" doesn't actually work because 3.14 ≠ π.
I've never heard anyone say "cutie three point one four," have you?


>getting this miffed over something this trivial

Yup I'm on Sup Forums alright.

You do realize when you post images like this it just makes me want to pin you down, with my hands around your throat and pound the fuck out of you, you know that right?

>he thinks I'm angry
"U mad" isn't an instant win button unless you're nigger Cam'Ron. Do you think you should be able to just say and do stupid things without anyone commenting on them?

We aren't arguing about what a person says. In my "post" I used the word "post" for a reason. Of course in real life no one would say that, why the fuck would you think that? Plus we're on Sup Forums. Not /sci/ or anything else.

I see hundreds of posts a day that use qt3.14. Go start a campaign, website, agenda, etc. about it if it bothers you that fucking much. Gtfo and go back to /leddit/ you autist.

>go back to plebbit
I've been here longer than you, and "qtπ" is a Reddit thing anyway. Funny how only redditors try to call out redditors.

Don't talk to that faggot. I'm right here you autist.

How fucking new are you to not have seen qt3.14 being used? Holy fucking shit.

W-what else

Is this the extent of an American's reading ability?

>"qtπ" is a Reddit thing anyway.
How do you know that if you're not a Redditard yourself?

Because the popularization of that retardation coincided with the arrival of redditurds.
How about you just fucking type the alt code for π, you fat retard? Can't handle anything that isn't directly accessible on your iToy ButtonBoard™?

Great proof. Regardless, why don't I see you annoying everyone else on this site day in and day out if you've been here so long, but for some reason I'm the one you argue with like you're going to affect the whole site. Once again, autism. Get yourself checked.

>Because the popularization of that retardation coincided with the arrival of redditurds.
Oh, when was this then?
>How about you just fucking type the alt code for π, you fat retard
Why would I though? I prefer triggering autism rather than soothing it, qt3.14.

Because you happened to be the one posting inane garbage in a thread I happened to be in. Serendipitous, don't you think, fatty?


If you want to take on this argument for me, please go ahead. It's going no where real fast and I have a handle to finish. Mfw someone on /vidya/ is getting triggered by qt3.14. Why the fuck do I still come here every hour of every day?

Who exactly is this character's target audience?

I'm not going to argue with the autist / baiter though. Just seeing if I can trigger him further.

Masochist betas.



Well I'm sitting back for now. I have a chocobo I need to perfect for a bitch. Bitches love chocobos.

Dunno if this is just a demo or not

Seeing this bitch get totally dominated really did it for me.

Which VN is it?

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Nagatoro-san
What the FUCK happened?

Nu-Sup Forums doesn't allow bullying, it's a safe place.

I want Nagatoro to cuck me!


I can't believe someone looked at this and thought, "yea this dialog is ok"

>Sup Forums is one person



>I can't believe someone looked at this and thought, "yea this dialog is ok"
It's ok for an awkward cat awkwardly trying to talk dirty.
Not that I know if that's the context, read vol 1 and dropped it

All i wanted to know was if i would get to see any scenes with Maple and i got dissapointed

you know nothing

>You're putting in all the hours
>The boyfriend is getting all the fuq
No, you're literally the cuck in this situation. 100% beta. I don't know how you interpreted it backwards

nothing at all

>A translation is bad

ill show you

the what the fuck is the point of having them? graphics? congratulations you just admitted you prefer graphics to gameplay.

like to the full set?

Please respond, image shearch won't work on edits.

>try to run an NPC over at full speed
>they successfully dodge any attempt at doing so

ok nevermind, its clearly on purpose, i will use this during sex next time