What video game will make me feel wanted? Im tired of being alone.
What video game will make me feel wanted? Im tired of being alone
Other urls found in this thread:
I want you
What game are you friend.
Life is Strange
i dont think any game is going to ask you to play them, especially no woman
Anonymous Uncut Edition
I legit thought you meant in a criminal sense at first.
Guess I'm not a faggot.
none, go outside and make friends.
Persona 3/4
Some VNs
Marry someone and have a family in Skyrim
The cold hard fact is that games will never truly give you what you seek. It'll be enough to sustain you for awhile, but soon the pain will come back and you'll have to find something else to temporarily fill the void. Again and again you will suffer. Sorry user, but there's no easy way out.
Everyone there is as lonely as you
Grand Theft Auto 4
>Sorry user, but there's no easy way out.
I found a bf, it's pretty great.
no jk though
so like friends then? or maybe im so emotionally distant i cant keep friends.
time 2 eat hot lead
Steam friend threads
Here , take this noodle meme
Get on the runescape grind. That's what I did after my gf and I broke up, never felt lonely because all I cared about was xp.
>Marry someone and have a family in Skyrim
your wife literally has only two lines when interacting with you, if anything you'll be more sad
>getting emotional over a fuckin anime
we off that homo shit
Rune Factory 3 did the trick for me, at least for a while.
Red Dead Redemption
Saints Row
Sleeping Dogs
True Crime
Katawa Shoujou
You are not prepared for feels of this magnitude
Absolutely rubbish. I like Kaiji but this one is so Japanese centered.
you play the steam friends thread and get a self-abusive trap who is very needy
Bf as in best friend or bf as in boy friend?
babby's first feels
I wish I could play that but I'm not alpha enough.
Take an educated guess.
Never got that. I played on release and it was mostly a cute game but eventually a standard VN.
Always thought that the katawa shoujo dick syndrom was an overblown meme but sometimes I doubt it.
Read more stuff and watch more movies. That's really sad that it makes you feel like that. You never experienced anything in life ?
tfw same
Then you get to be the trap in the situation. Congrats.
The Witcher 3 desu
Probably helps if you played 1 and 2
not attractive enough either
Sounds like you need a classic Tamagotchi in your like my man. Thats a "game" technically on smartphones, and it lives in real time just like the orginal in fact.
>uncut edition
what did he mean by this
he means you can do foreskin play with him
Difficult question. But I think MMORPGs are the solution for you. Be proactive and get a guild, get on a raiding team or PvP in one of them, be cool and good, and you'll see, that people playing avatars will want you.
I unironically miss max and chloe
I'm a muscled bearded man, I don't think it would work.
This. Point and clicks have always been fine and yet people talk unimaginable trash about LiS. I went in with low expectations and ended up buying just about every licenced bit of music the game had to offer. No that i have discovered Jose Gonzales i want to take up classic guitar.
I found it very touching and sometimes even funny.
Shut the fuck up bitch and put on the dress.
Why don't you change your life so that you actually become wanted?
>tfw wanted but kind of want to be alone
no homo tho
persona 4
>tfw no submissive trap bf desperate for someone to love them
Rune Factory or some of Harvest Moons.
You can have a wife and kids and live happy life.
vintage thigg
incoming (you)s
Same, except that I actually like to be flirty just to fool around with people, which made some people fall for me.
Including boys, which I have to reject.
Damn you french genes
why haven't you become your own submissive trap bf then?
why is everyone on Sup Forums so fucking gay
Pick a tank or healer in MMOs
Fallout 4 (You're always needed to help settlements)
Persona 3, 4, or 5
Any romance visual novel
Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver (You get calls from random people telling you to see them)
Animal Crossing
Stardew Valley
>be horny
>fap to trapporn
it just works
more like why is Sup Forums now so gay, because reddit invasion.
any port in a storm
Overexposure to cute boys
You fap to a few doujins with cute girls(male) and it's all downhill from there.
Sup Forums is gay but not in the way you think.
The sooner you and everyone replying to this post accepts that they are a girl, the sooner you can hook up together and live happily as transbians
Desperation, mostly.
Not really gay, more like just horny and lonely.
Be desperate enough and you'd sell your soul to hump a bar stool.
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Persona 345
Seriously. you gonna self-insert so hard you forgot the real life
Just go play healer or tank in any MMO and git gud, you wil be wanted.
>tfw no cute gf(male) who wants to sit on my lap and be jerked off while I watch anime
>Tfw dont have a mental illness and still alone
you have no hope
Try Love Plus.
Play second Life as a hot girl everyone you run into will want you for rape fuck shit
I kinda look like a really cute and hot girl but I am straight.
Too bad I already have a girlfriend.
I already have a girlfriend and I may be too tall for you since I am 6'8" but who cares anyway since my girlfriend is 4'4".
Everything about that second replay seems like bullshit
Persona 4
Do you have to play the previous Persona games?
Because it would mean you are dating a literal midget and I just don't believe you are that tall
each one is selfcontained with only some hints about previous games for fans
Ok, thanks user, I'm going to give them a try.
P3 is extremely slow so unless you like following some animu sideplots in the form of s.links and a month long tutorial and the most insanely boring dungeon crawl experience youre going to have a bad time.
P4 is a lot more gentle in that case.
>Roll a tank/Heal in WoW...and then watch your guild die because of drama faggotry and be alone again.
>Play a VN...and then feel more empty than before after you finished it
>Look for new friends....then end up alone again because everyone is a narcissistic piece of shit out there.
>Realize that being alone is not that bad.
>An hero or continue consuming until dead
Why is that dog just hanging out with piles of hamburger?
he wants to meet his dinner early
I did this, except a gf rather than bf, and I still feel not wanted and alone.
It doesn't work.
Why isn't she hanging with you right now?
too busy getting her womb filled with the seed of tyrone
Persona 4
At least it made me feel like I had a group of friends who cared about me for a while...
Yeah, I am actually 6'8", and my girlfriend might be a midget but she is proportional and very cute.
Our extreme height gap and my effeminate appearance had many people say we look adorable together.
Pics or I don't fucking believe you for a second
It wouldn't make a difference even if she was. It's not like I could believe a single thing she said anyway, except for the first 5 seconds until I begin to doubt her honesty.
That was happening to me with Persona 4 had to put it down for a while...
user lets go back
No I want to see this freak couple not everyday you get a free freak show
the lying game
>No I want to see this freak couple not everyday you get a free freak show
user we're the **real** freak show