Why don't you use ESDF?
Why don't you use ESDF?
I have small hands.
Why don't you use RDFG?
Why don't you use TFGH?
Why don't you use YGHJ?
I have a mouse with twelve thumb buttons.
I use WDCV on a Azerty, fuck you.
I use DICK because I can use my telekinesis to operate my KB&M desu
Shit tier meme, ruins good access to modifier keys shift/alt
Because WASD works just fine.
If you want to be that much of an elitist fag, why not use TFGH? It gives you the maximum amount of button accessibility.
Is this supposed to be a satire of the game industry trying to cover as many peoples tastes with their games as possible? ESDF might cover more keys, but WASD is closer to the important ones, shift and ctrl are used in a lot of games, while keys on the extreme right of the keyboard are seldom used in a way that you would need to use regularly in a game.
Easy access to shift, ctrl and alt are super important.
How many games actually recognise all of them?
Alt is hard to reach even with WASD
They're just like macro keys on keyboards, you bind some existing key(s) on them.
None. Windows only supports five (or six) mouse buttons, everything else is used for keyboard macros.
Custom mapping to mimic keyboard keys.
Map the 12 side mouse buttons to 1234567890-= or something.
Shift is still in easy reach with ESDF.
Alt is in a shit position that you can only really reach awkwardly with your thumb without removing your fingers from WASD.
Ctrl is in a shit position no matter what core keys you use.
>move thumb to left
Wow, so hard!
So you're basically just moving the numpad to the mouse?
Can't reach CTRL at all like this
Because I want to keep my finger on the shift and ctrl key without having to reach.
I use a G502 which doesn't have that many buttons, but the extra buttons are nice for actions like grenade throw, melee, show map, etc.
On desktop I've binded page up/down, home/end, close/switch tab for quick web navigation.
The possibilities are endless.
that's how they work. The mouse is not just a mouse, when the pc ask it over usb what it is it reply by saying that it is a mouse + keyboard numpad. You can see it in the control panel. Pretty handy since the numpad is far away anyway, the annoying thing is that some games don't distinguish between the numpad numbers and the top row numbers
>inb4 razer
it's a present from girlfriend
>Alt is in a shit position that you can only really reach awkwardly with your thumb without removing your fingers from WASD.
I don't find it anymore awkward than using space bar
Because I've been using WASD for almost 20 years. It'll be a hassle changing it now.
Its only ever useful in shooters with a lot of weapons. Which in the age of 2 weapons limits is not a thing anymore.
And even then, you just need to remap the useful weapons in a proper configuration.
>not RAGE
>Alt is in a shit position that you can only really reach awkwardly with your thumb without removing your fingers from WASD.
>Ctrl is in a shit position no matter what core keys you use.
I've got tiny hands and I can reach both Ctrl and Alt very easily. The problem is pressing them and other buttons at the same time, like Alt + Z isn't a bind I'm ever going to use.
>not using GFYS
For WoW players ESDF can be useful if you dont need the modifier keys. Why click 2 keys to cast a spell if you can do it with 1 after all.
its easier to reach shift etc when using esdf because you dont have to bend your pinky as much.
because i have the right number of chromosomes
The more I read these comments the more I think my keyboard is shaped differently. My shift key is long enough that if you slide from WASD to ESDF you pinky is literally in the exact same position.
I'd rather have modifier keys. I tend to group skill logically around a button, makes it easier to remember what's where.
>not IJKL
loving every lel
>The more I read these comments the more I think my keyboard is shaped differently.
Well, there you have it.
No need for all those extra buttons in the left. Reconfiguring everything for all games is also not my idea of fun.
>not ÅÆO'
top kiks
>not KYS
but I do, user
Man that must be the Sup Forums or Sup Forums equivalent of
Being an ISOverlord is of course the only way to fly. Fucking disgusting ANSImians
Because rebinding it a pain.
Ruins good access to the modifiers on the left of the spacebar? What are you, a fucking finger manlet? This argument only holds if you're using shit like TFGH and at that point, you're probably retarded.