Final Fantasy XV

How accurate is this and how long will it take until the next generation realizes just how shitty a meme "open world" really is?

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Another decade at least since BotW is gonna restart the fad all over again.

100%. FFXV is legitimately a shit game and no one would be talking about if it wasn't for the brand name.

it's not a meme if it adds a lot of content to the game, that's a good thing.

Thanks for the kysses.

being able to walk around and look at a movie like set with nothing to do is a meme

walking around is not gameplay. if there are houses with nothing to do in and fields of greenlands with nothing to do in them, then it's an empty world.

what is the point of making a giant world if all you can do in it is travel from point A to point B and especially in XV it's made blatantly clear the world is just empty of activities when you first hop into the car and it moves on fucking rails.

I honestly don't understand what this graphic is attempting to convey.

Car is being patched to have free movement. Fuck off

>Time to do a new quest
>Oh boy it's on the other side of the map
>I sure love having to wait five real time minutes while holding R2 to get there.

>doesn't use fast travel
It's like you didn't even play the game and are parroting shit

I didn't even buy this. It looks so unappealing in every way possible. I have to give it to SE for actually managing to waste away so much money and time doing absolutely nothing of worth.

Fucking months after release? Are you fucking high?

Making the car have the ability to go off road through DLC doesn't add anything to the world.

It's still fucking empty. You do nothing in the world but fight a few monsters and that's it.


That or fucking do fishing in the 12 odd locations the game has, which is also fucking pointless activity. I amassed enough funds in the shitty arena to get one of the best fishing gear in the game and the mini-game became a piss easy 2 second distraction for fish I'll never use for anything.

Fetch quests and monster kill quests are so obnoxiously copy pasted it's not even funny.

>Oh no my senpaitachi truck broke down, please go fetch the contents
>it's literally walk to location A and quest done, walk back to B to complete it

>few chapters later
>Oh no it happened again, can you go fetch my shit again?
>Walk to A, fight some monsters, walk back to B to complete the quest.

So. Fucking. BORING.

You don't need to, XV has record breaking sales

>game only has 2 summons you can use
>they are random, no control over them
>3 summons out of the total 5 are just for cutscenes

They shipped 5 million copies and then touted it as record-breaking because this is the first FF to have a worldwide release.

In Japan, they sold about half of FFXIII which is a giant flop. Despite PS4 selling better than PS3 in Japan.

in your dream maybe

4 you can use, they are random, 1 is just for cutscene

The bubble on the left is a small section of the "open world" available at the start. You roam around as you please.
The second, bigger bubble is the rest of the "open world" that you can explore. The line that goes away from it and then loops back indicates how you accept a side-quest, go towards your objective, complete it and then travel back to the gas station where you accepted the quest to get your reward. Lather, rinse, repeat.

>this is the official FFXV guide
So petty.

>ps4 selling better than PS3 in japan
>Xv is the highest selling ps4game in Japan

What the fuck are you on about

>if we repeat it enough times it will come true

>but also in the the film Kinglsglaive as well
Wow, furthermore she's even additionally also in addendum in the film Kingsglaive too as well?

it's not really use if you never use them

they just appear at random whenever

holding down R2 is not using them, it's just letting them appear

It's like XV-kun wrote the guide.

alright faggot, just stop before your autism shows.... wait, its too late.

You can't make me user, besides it's you who did the kysses. You're the real fag.

>antis face when FFXV continues to do well and doesn't become the flop that he and SJWs want it to be

>combat is the main aspect of a ff game
color me surprised

I feel ffxv should have been a linear game for what they were going for, I liked how it was more linear towards the end of game.

Open world doesn't work to good for hard story driven games such as ff, it breaks the flow stopping to do side quests while major things where happening never felt right.

It needed to be semi open world, I think they got the wrong message from XIII when it was hated for being linear, problem with XIII was it was too linear it was a straight line for the most part with no exploration what so ever.

Should have been a linear in in the story sections then break off into smaller open world sections where side quests etc. would happen. The maps is big but the world never felt big.

there was more to that open world than every final fantasy with a world map

XV sold less than half of what XIII did
It's the worst selling FF in Japan since the 80s

It is a flop though. They shipped five million copies and aren't going to sell those out for a good while. And the worst part is that huge chunks of the dev team are still working on fixing this clusterfuck so they can't move to FFXVI.

Sounds like you've never played an FF before.

It had the highest opening sales for any FF ever in the US, it is the fastest selling FF worldwide and it is the highest selling PS4 game in Japan.

PS3 had 1 million more sales than PS4 did in within the same time span so no, PS4 was not selling better than PS3 did during the same time span.

When FF13 came out in Japan PS3 had over 4 million sales
When FFXV came out in Japan PS3 had 3 million sales

This is inaccurate, 80% of the game takes place in Lucis open world and chapter 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 go by quickly and are a series of area maps and dungeons. Chapter 11 for example is only like 15 minutes long and is a set piece battle. The map of Lucis has as much in it as the entire world map of older FF games do plus more.

XV-kun lies all over the place.

It is the most shipped FF game to date for a launch date because this is the first worldwide release for FF.

In Japan, it bombed immensely in comparison to XIII, despite PS4 selling better than PS3

There is no buzz. Nobody talks about this game. It's like everyone forgot all about it after a week. Even FFXIII was more talked about than this.

Jesus christ antikun you're retarded. They already broke even from 5m on day one and are now at 6m sold. They sold more in the US for its opening than any other FF ever. And the funniest thing is you think there's only one dev team at SE despite there being 12 development divisions. Stay in denial that it's a financial success that's already making profit since day 1. SE just posted their financial report stating XV made them profit. Jesus christ you're ass blasted.

>There is no buzz. Nobody talks about this game

>is currently in a thread talking about the game

Hey look more antikun damage control.

It is the highest selling PS4 game in Japan, PS4 had only 3m sales in Japan when XV came out. FF13 had over 4 when it came out.

Not to mention SE only shipped 1.15m units of XV in Japan and sold 1.1m of them, also good job ignoring that XV sold 19% more than FF13 did in the US just for physical sales while also making 54% more revenue than 13 did too.

How ass blasted can you even be?

not a lot of people own ps4s in Japan in the first place, it's unfair to compare the 2

>latest FF sold worse in Japan but better in the west
It might as well be dead

You know I always wondered why xv-kun switched so hard to hating stella so fast, then I found out he was just upset the fictional character he wanted to fug didn't exist anymore

Not a lot of people owned a ps3 when XIII launched either

only good open world game is Xenoblade X

Too bad the combat is actually somehow worse than it was turn based.

XV is at 1.1m sales in Japan with SE only shipping 1.15m units. Retailers asked SE for more stock.

FF13 is at 1.9m sales in Japan with SE shipping over 2m units. Retailers put 13 in bargain bins within a month.

1.1m is not less than half of 1.9m.

XV also sold 19% more than 13 did in the US as well as even more digitally.

FFXV is already at 6m sales worldwide, FF13 didn't reach 6m until a year after release.

Every FF sells more in the west than Japan, XV sold even more in the US than any other FF.

Just so you know the highest selling PS3 game in Japan sold 1.9m and the second highest selling PS3 game in Japan sold 800k despite coming out 2 years after the highest selling PS3 game in Japan.

The highest selling PS4 game in Japan is at 1.1m and the second highest selling PS4 game is at 500k.

Over 4m owned PS3 when 13 came out in Japan compared to 3m that owned PS4 when XV came out in Japan.

Except it's better.

It's okay. I like it. It's not great but it's not bad. Something like dragon age inquisition-tier. The game helps kill time and is pretty fun to play (if you like repetitive quests), combat is nice too.
I play it when I get tired of Nioh.

Quick Sup Forums! Improve FFXV using only the current story and current world assets!

Literally impossible

Not really.

It's already been explained that was a commission someone asked for.

Make it so you don't have to watch a movie and a tv series to understand the story of the game.

Add Iris to the cast so waifufags and SJWs can stop complaining about having to play with icky boys.

Give Ardyn more backstory exposition during the scenes where he appears, all he does is tease you along the game only to infodump everything at the very end.
That's all it needed, a good reason to hate him.
By the end of Kingsglaive I hated Glauca, not him.
By the end of XV, I hated the Lucii for denying Ardyn the throne, despite him being literally Jesus Goku.

I'm not saying that I prefer turn based, just that FFXV has some really terrible combat.

Just create more cutscenes to show some stuff they talk about, the assets all exist. Like show Titan catching the Astral shard for example, astral shard and Titan assets both exist. Show the astral war, show Ardyn and the empire killing Shiva, show Tenebrae past events and more Shota Noctis/loli Luna scenes, more Regis and Cor.

>need a reason to hate Ardyn

Him killing Luna, ruining Noctis's life, setting up Prompto to be thrown from the train, and constantly being a smug bitch wasn't enough?

I'm sure you payed yourself a lot of money to draw it for you

No it doesn't.

I felt both hatred and empathy towards Ardyn.

If you want Stella porn why not just ask? Why the song and dance?

Come on now, it requires no thought whatsoever. It even let's you continue stringing attacks if you just hold O. It has prompts telling you when to block and it's not like they're needed anyway since the game makes death an impossibility. It's like SE managed to somehow make a combat system worse than AC/BamHam/Shadow of Mordor

That's more story content. The point is that open world is ruining the game, not story.

>killing Luna
he did her and Noctis a favor, Luna was going to die of starcancer soon enough anyway due to her job as oracle
>ruining noctis life
the ring of the lucii sucks the life out of its user, Noctis aged way faster and was going to die anyway
thanks to Ardyn, now they can be forever young and have astral sex without giving a fuck about royalty responsibilities
>kicking Prompto off the Train
Chapter Prompto DLC will make it so he'd be better off not going to Zegnautus with the others, mark my words. The "torture" will be just a mindgame setup to make him doubt his past and wonder if he's just a failed MT clone
if he wasn't, then there would be no reason left to hate him at all

The story is just as bad

No it isn't, story stuff like that can all take place on the open world.

How many sheke-- gil did Ardyn pay you to write this?

I know you're retarded but at least try.

>I didn't buy this, therefore I've never played it
>But I'll still come on XV threads and call it shit, because I've been brainwashed by social media to the Nth degree.

>open world is ruining the game

But when the game became linear in the second half people complained about that too. You people don't know what the fuck you want.

First of all I don't know where that 1.1 million figure comes from
Last I checked it was still less than 1 million, and XIII sold 1 million on launch day
Second of all 1.9 million is sales until 2010, so over 6 years ago, it has a chance of having broken 2 million

Obviously not retarded enough to think the combat in FFXV is good

The fucking faggot XV-kun who's responding to multiple posts at once and defending this shit game. Waste of my money; I am fucking pissed. I'd make the game about based Stella shooting Xv-kun in the fucking face. Check my 5 and XV-kun dies.

So close but no cigar

not to mention thanks to fucking Ardyn, of all people, the Niflheim Empire has been completely dismantled.
Ardyn did nothing wrong. First and only King and Oracle at the same time, harnessing the power of immortality to live long enough to see the true nature of the Power of the Lucii as parasitical and a curse to the entire lineage, condemning all successors as disposable cannon fodder to keep the kingdom safe, living a miserable shortened life.

Ardyn fucked up Iggy's face. That asshole should be burned for eternity at the stake.

social media wasn't lying when they said the game was boring as fuck.

every quest is totally uninspired if it has any writing put into it at all otherwise its just fetch quest shit that would make korean MMOs feel intriguing. combat sucks. minigames suck.

anyone can watch a stream to see just how boring it is, but what it doesn't show is that the only mildly entertaining aspect of it is literally just holding O as your character dashes around denting damage sponges.

when noting how horrendously bad everything is its important also to acknowledge that progression is broken as fuck.

camping is stupid unless you really feel the need to cook which is unnecessary in a game it is impossible to die in. cash in all your xp at an expensive hotel and you break the game.

if you really need the AP from happier camping then just sit for an hour and camp 60 times.

these gamebreaking features still dont really matter though since the only thing they accomplish is making the dogshit terrible combat not take as long.

>le hold o meme

there's linkstrikes, warp attacks, blindstrikes, directional combos, finishers, deathdrops, airstepping, switching weapons on the fly , techniques, ncotis can roll as well if you didn't know

1.9 is total sales for 13 up to date official mediacreate sales

1.1m is from SIEJA.

Ok retard.

>play like a retard, holding down O
>spam potions and phoenix down when you get decimated due to playing like a retard
>hurr this combat system iz stoopid!!!

Anti kun triggered as fuck detected

back the fuck off?!!!

You already said you never played it so you're just talking out your ass.

>blaming a guy who's flying miles away in an imperial ship for something that a shitty monster did
do you also blame Ardyn for that second scar in Gladio's face?
do you also blame Ardyn for Cindy not giving Prompto a chance?
do you also blame Ardyn for that caviar meal at Maagho's being too fucking expensive?
why are you making him to be a boogeyman? cut him some slack for fucks sake

All of which can be activated by just holding O other than warp strikes and airstepping. Neither of those things actually add anything really special to the gameplay either since it would be more enjoyable to just put a rubber band on your controller and play something else while popping the odd potion when you need to.

What is more enjoyable still is not playing at all.

>I've never touched the game!
Yes we know that retard.

>FFdrones act like their game requires any skill at all when nobody has ever gotten a game over in it

Wow so this is the power of holding only O to win

>all this ArdynIDF
I bet you all fap to ntr.

I have played more than enough of the game to verifiably tell anyone who wants to know without bias that this is one of the worst games ever developed.

So... pop a Phoenix Down and just keep going? This doesn't prove that there is any method or ability calculated into playing the game. There isn't even timing required in dodges, if you sit and mash square then Noctis will never get hit.


Funny how Sup Forums says that game is dogshit yet you cocksuckers praise this turd.

But it's not that thread where you go, "guise FF XV is the best game evar!!~~"

I haven't met any person IRL mention how fun/good this game was. While older FFs had a lot of people I've met reminisce about it.

I have this game and these fetch quests didn't feel like an adventure, also where the fuck is the exploring? I did all this until chapter 4 and decided this shit is going to be linear.

I could be a hater but yeah, that's just how I felt.

>holding down R2 is not using them, it's just letting them appear
Fuck is this retard shit

No you just said you've never played it.

But hold only O to win amirite?

The exploration entails roaming a big ugly countryside and picking up trash.

>the only way to get a game over is by being too retarded to remember to stock on potions
>post a video of yourself being exactly this retarded as a claim the game isn't only challenging to retards

Why hasn't this guy been murdered yet?

>social media wasn't lying when they said the game was boring as fuck.
Confrimed Brainwashed
>every quest is totally uninspired if it has any writing put into it at all otherwise its just fetch quest shit that would make korean MMOs feel intriguing. combat sucks. minigames suck.
The frog quests are oldschool type quests that make you pay attention to your surroundings, its just a fun little type easter egg quest thing... who the fuck wants long exposition sidequests all the fucking time in every single game? Just because they did something a different way, doesn't mean its "Shit" because you have a 1 track brain, you fucking autist.
>anyone can watch a stream to see just how boring it is, but what it doesn't show is that the only mildly entertaining aspect of it is literally just holding O as your character dashes around denting damage sponges.
That extra brainwashied twitch viewer, probably a loyal ItmeJP neckbeard viewer, subscribed too huh?
>when noting how horrendously bad everything is its important also to acknowledge that progression is broken as fuck.
It took me 55 hours to finish the main story, I beat it at level 59. Everything felt fairly normal for an FF game. Progression for higher levels is there so you can go back and do the secret dungeons and bosses, fucktard.
>camping is stupid unless you really feel the need to cook which is unnecessary in a game it is impossible to die in. cash in all your xp at an expensive hotel and you break the game.
Except I've seen mongoloid reviewers such as Angry Joe, who are completely fucking shit at the game, they blow all their gil on Pheonix downs and then run out, and then they die. Trust me, there are alot more shitters than you think.
>if you really need the AP from happier camping then just sit for an hour and camp 60 times.
...Because the best way to farm AP is using the beast whistle.

You still havent even fucking played the game, you're a goddamn moron, so just Fuck right off.

I know plenty of people IRL that said how good/fun it is and that they loved the feeling of adventure and exploration.

But hold O to win rite?

I've clearly played quite a bit of it as you could see in my image.

And yes, you can get through the entire game spamming potions and only holding O. You know this to be true.

That in itself is indicative of bad design philosophy. The fact that if you do actually choose to dodge it requires no timing only makes it worse. You dodge everything if you just mash Square, like Shadow of Mordor.

Even worse still is those big ugly prompts telling you to mash square. It's like SE knows that only the most mentally disabled people on the planet would be enjoying this shit.

The enemy one shot him
He couldn't potion at that point

I don't doubt it but I may be just biased and surrounded by non FF fans.

Don't get me wrong though, I don't think the game is bad, just a bit boring to stay completely focused (so far).