The Witcher

Is it plagiarization of elric of melniboné like Razorfist claims

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There are literally no similarities besides the brooding adventurer thing with white hair, which is not enough to claim plagiarization

It might have been inspired by it sure, but its completely different in most ways

I don't understand why Razorfist is so adamant on claiming the Witcher series is plagiarized when there is no merit other than looks

Sapkowski is a cynical old drunkard cunt and I will never defend him just because I read his shit and liked it, but this time he didn't do anything wrong.

I've read the Elric books and no, not at all.

Are the witcher books any good?

I haven't read a book in 3 years

>both have white hair
>both are magic using warriors
>both are called "the white wolf"

seems pretty similar tbhfam

Is Elric good? I don't give a fuck about plagiarism but I want some good stuff similar to Sapkowski's books.

They start strong but the last few entries get a bit shit.

Imagine if you haven't eaten for 3 years. Would the first thing you go for be a hamburger? If so, you might enjoy them.

They're good, but though I don't know about the quality of the translation.

Reminder that Razorfist's real name is Daniel Harris

The character of Geralt is a plagarization of the character of Elric, but other than that there are very little similarity between the two universes other than the general fantasy fare.

>Geralt a smartass Witcher
>Elric an Emo Emperor
The same desu

read the first one and its enjoyable pulp

I've been listening to them on Audible. They're quite good.

desu, is elric even that original in the first place?

Im almost certain that theres some character Tolkien made thats this tall slender white haired badass called "the white____"

It's not Spoony playing a character?

Sword of Destiny, The Last Wish, and Blood of Elves the rest aren't worth the time

I haven't played the Witcher games, but is Gerald an ancient melancholy elf-king?

>his real name is this

why are you saying this as if its some embarrassing secret?

You'd have to be a retard not to understand that elric was specifically designed to be everything that fantasy wasn't at the time of his creation.

Because Razorfist got so butthurt his real name got leak he basically did an autistic screech

stop shilling your channel

>I don't understand
Then youre not listening to the many points he brings up as to why he believes that.

no he didnt. i love when haters make shit up about people they dont like though. keep it up

The short story collections/prequels (Last Wish and Sword of Destiny) are great, but the rest of them aren't so hot.

Sapkowski's strengths clearly do not lie in longform storytelling.

He denied his real name and I heard he apparently raged at his ex girlfriend on a stream about it.

However the latter may not be true, I personally saw the former though.

Hi Daniel

At what age did you grow out of metal, Sup Forums? I was a late bloomer, I didn't stop until 13.

General archetypes are similar, but Geralt isn't using a cursed sword he has to rely on not to die from a degenerative disorder and that sword doesn't make him go out of control and start murdering people randomly. Sure, he drinks elixirs, but it's a carefully controlled process that enhances his already inhuman stamina. He doesn't need them to survive, unlike Elric. And he also never forges pacts with demons, on the contrary, Geralt's job is to remove all the fucking monstrous, supernatural shit. Although he'd never hold up against an actual demon, those fuckers in Witcher universe are rare. And very, very fucking dangerous. See Gaunter.

I don't know why Razorfist is mad he was bound to figured out as he posted his face online

>See Gaunter.

Gaunter isn't a demon, he is literally Lucifer as portrayed in Faustian legend.

Never liked metal always was an alternative rock guy

Hey Faggots,
My name is Daniel, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was lead singer in my metal band, and I taught English in Japan. What language do you speak, other than parroting basic phrases your shitty animu waifu vomits out? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves.
God FUCKING speed.
>pic related: It’s me and my bitch.

off yourself my man


Razorfist is a tryhard moron that copypastes his opinions from Sup Forums
He also OBVIOUSLY hasn't read the books. Elric acts nothing like Geralt snd he intentionally omits half od Elrics back story to further the narrative of his contrarian faggotry
Im a fan of Elric, Conan, Witcher, Fafhrd & Grey Mouser, etc. Razorfists embarrassingly misinformed statements reflect his lack of knowledge of the sword & sorcery genre and the concept of Genre in general.
Might as welk bitch that Samus is a copy of Ridley lmao. Geralt hunts monsters as his occupation Elric has goals like revenge, curing rhe swords curse, and doesn't give a shit about what happens to anybody but his nigga moonglum
Also Razorfist makes metal enthusiasts look bad and I wanna punch him. Take off the sunglasses and quit trying to talk like a hardass you goddamn dork

Darkthrone are shit

wew lad

Razorfist is engaged. I don't no if its the same broad from Calgary he flew to phoenix but their is a Mrs. Harris

Not to mention Elric drinking his potions/using herbs is mentioned a grand total of like two Fuckin times. It was just a reference to drug use for this 70s audience that was retconned in later editions with some changed text.


oh my

Muh ED

Wth? No, to claim so is either being dumb, trolling, or never having read any of either books.

> So, yes, that's Sup Forums

Small benis

>White haired, pale mercenary that uses light magic and uses potions to enhance physical prowess, fights monsters and called the white wolf.
And Liefelds Troll has nothing to do with Wolverine.

I hated it at 13 then fell in love with it. Can't listen to it every day, though.

Only the first one.

Still going strong. Not my everday go-to music, but htere's good stuff out there. No need to grow out of it, just don't dress like a goth faggot.

100% this.

No why would you save that?

Considering he claims MGS2 ripped off Deus Ex because they both have stories revolved around conspiracy theories I don't blame her for not wanting to listen to that idiot.

Around 17. Still listen to some for nostalgia value

I played The Witcher 3 and then Fallout 4 and was completely disappointed at Fallout 4's lack of quality.

I also just finished A Song of Fire and Ice - will I get that same 'downgrade in quality' feeling if I make a start on the Witcher books?

> Geralt is mercenary
> Elric is a mercenary
So you've never read either book?

Also Elric only uses potions once or twice I think. Witcher potions are a big part of their profesion and they are almost always used.
Witcher signs are barley even magic in the Witcher universe. It's actually easier to cast them if you are not magically sensitive in any way.

The White Wolf thing is by far the worst. A lot of people real and fictional are called white wolf. Hell there are even bands and organizations with this name

Yes, you will. The short stories are good and the first book is ok but everything after that is kinda shit mixed with an interesting character here and there

Who the fuck is "Razorfist" and why the fuck should we care

e-celeb threads need to fuck off

Oh hey, that's that samurai dude, Neil or something.

If it's bison meat sure, what kind of burger we talkin

Nope. Elric was an Emperor and a weakling albino who needed his potions just to stay as strong as a normal Melnibonean and had to use a magic soul-stealing sword to keep active; he summoned demons and Gods and made bargains with them in exchange for power.

Geralt is an incredibly fit monster hunter who's been mutated into someone noticeably fitter and stronger than an average man, but who uses potions that would kill a non-witcher to boost his endurance to defeat monsters. He has a few magical abilities, but they're essentially parlour tricks compared to what full mages in the setting
can do.
Their personalities, skill sets

Geralt is a womanizing murder hobo while Elric pines for first his sister than that other woman and broods.

Eh, Moorcock wasn't nearly as original as he thought he was.

for exactly this situation, of course

sup nerds i heard this was a witcher thread

read before you talk as if you know what you are talking about.
- both albinos
- both with glowing eyes
- both nicknamed the white wolf
- both mix swordplay and magic and potions
- elric uses witch sight to augment senses and investigate....geralt uses witcher sense.... i mean cmon this is fucking blatant.
there is a lot more too but cba to type it all

>You'd have to be a retard not to understand that elric was specifically designed to be everything that fantasy wasn't at the time of his creation.

"Elric first appeared in print in Moorcock's novella "The Dreaming City" (Science Fantasy No. 47, June 1961)."

You have to be a retard not to understand that about 30 years of US successful fantasy "sword and sorcery" writers exists before his creation. But sure.

>Is it plagiarization of elric of melniboné like Razorfist claims

yes. there were no white-haired swordsmen before elric.

even if it is, these threads are just giving the eternal champion books a bad name

At 21 still listen to new albums from bands I know, although I have stopped seeking new bands to listen to.

Haven't grown out of it.

There's some really good stuff there if you're willing to sieve through all the shit.

Witcher sense is something the added in the games to underscore Geralt's superhuman senses. It's not some special ability he turns on and off he just has augmented senses from the trial of the grasses.
Someone already explained the white wolf thing, it's a cool name, a lot of people use it.
> swordplay, magic, potions, glowing eyes
so 80°% of all fantasy books

>both albinos
White-haired, not albinos. But ok, they both got it.
>both with glowing eyes
Geralt's eyes don't really glow on their own, they're simply different due to mutation. Some potions make 'em glow, that's it.
>both nicknamed the white wolf
True. However, calling somebody a "X wolf" on fantasy is as common as breathing air.
>both mix swordplay and magic and potions
What Geralt does can barely be called magic, while his potions are a vital part of his day-to-day monster killing
Elric uses actual fucking magic and potions are barely mentioned.
>elric uses witch sight to augment senses and investigate....geralt uses witcher sense.... i mean cmon this is fucking blatant
Yeah, that one I can agree with.

Witcher bread?

>tfw you get a different scene if you DON'T meet Gaunter at the crossroads before going to the mansion

Man these fuckers thought about everything.