>super fucking fast
>can tank better than most any dedicated tanks
>can hit harder than a truck in france
>are not considered "special pokemon" and cannot be restricted in battlespot
>pokefags will defend this
Super fucking fast
>metagross used meteor mash
>tapu ____ fainted
>3/4 of them are walled by a shitmon
>all of them walled by 2 gen 1 mons
The only one I've run into the few times I went on Battle Spot was a Koko my Beartic took out because they were using a gimmicky Z-Mirror Move set on it
Usually I run into the same generic jap team of Greninja/Rotom-W/Aegislash/Klefki/Garchomp/Blaziken that used to have Talonflame and Gengar in Gen VI, or six outright Ubers when I try battling
They generally sound pretty busted though, and they really should've given the Surges to some regular Pokemon
Does this thing have any sort of recovery? Could be fun to use if it does.
>bulu switchs out
>koko kills you before if it has Electrium Z
>lele takes 50% of your metagross on switch, otherwise she switches out
>fini takes less than 50% damage and you take 75% with Tapunium Z, so you can die for other pokémon priority
Battle Spot is bring 6 pick only 3 pokémon. You'll need more than a Metagross to deal with tapu cancer.
Actually only one of them is anywhere near to very fast, and only two of them can tank.
One of them does not hit hard at all
They are perfectly balanced
>Pink one is all-rounded, can be walled easily by Ferrothorn, and is not fast enough without a scarf
>Yellow one is fast as heck but with bad defenses and mediocre offenses that beg for a life orb, further decreasing its limited bulk
>Red one is slow, but bulky and hits semi-hard
>Blue is bulky with mediocre offenses, and is also slow
Tl;dr git gud
Forgot to add, their movepools aren't that good, for the ones that focus on offense
So there this games genies?
>252 SpA Tapu Lele Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 204-240 (57.9 - 68.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Mind you, that's the scarf set.
Fini doesn't need offense when it can take 75% out of whatever it comes, no exceptions.
They aren't balanced at all. Both of these two are strong on itself plus their terrains negate status and priority just like that. They invalidate a lot of support and offense just by entering the field.
Yeah they're really strong
Tapu fini is the center of the most common core in competitive ATM
and Koko still has an insane 45% usage stat
the only weak one is bulu but because he gets fucked by popular mons like celesteela, kartana, arcanine, muk etc
252 SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Togedemaru in Electric Terrain: 78-94 (45.3 - 54.6%) -- 52% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Tapu Lele Psychic vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Togedemaru in Psychic Terrain: 82-97 (47.6 - 56.3%) -- 85.9% chance to 2HKO
I forgot that Togedemaru has lightningrod, I'm a retard, he's still a shitmon anyway
Not really, the best he can do is redirect thunderbolts, and he has fake out support, but outside of that he's pretty much useless
free quiver dance fodder for my bugfu, thanks
>Brave Bird
Terrain boosts are just too huge.
Lele Z psychic move can one shot this shit
Not sure what this shit is but I want to fuck that pink one in the top left
>favourite is bulu
>he's a grass type so he's already shit
>can do stupid things like 3HKO Skarmory with Woodhammer
it's alright in my book