Regardless of if he's a faggot, is he in the right currently?

Regardless of if he's a faggot, is he in the right currently?


Who gives a single fuck, stop making this thread you cocksucker.

Let me help you with that.

no one cares

no, he isn't and his underage fanbase needs to fuck off back to plebbit already

weak fool


He sounds like a balding, overweight and smelly weeb who doesn't know how to handle himself unless he's behind a keyboard.

Clearly, otherwise you wouldn't have replied.

Twitch was right and they don't owe him anything.

Stop making Yandere Sim threads and stop shilling the game

Yes. Twitch's rules on what game is banned or not is completely arbitrary and based on their own biases. Much like Sup Forums moderation now that you think about it.

He got the first bit of what he wanted, Twitch telling him why they banned his game. While they are SJWs, I feel like he was too quick to refute the elements of his game as "I can change that" or "This other game does it and you didn't ban it too!". Willing to bet he probably wasn't the easiest to talk to in regards to his attempt at email contact.
Regardless if he chooses to change the things when he "finishes" the game, he'll have a case. It'll behoove him to have a more sfw mode you can switch on or off, but if he hasn't thought of that now he probably won't.

Anyone who remembers the Horror bullshit knows how bad and unprofessional Twitch's admins are. Google it if you were living under a rock at the time.

That said, Yandere dev has made himself extremely unlikable in the last few months, so honestly I don't give a shit about any injustices he suffers.

Entire premise of his "game" is fucking retarded and doesn't offer anything besides controversy and le memes for actual fucking children and maybe cheap satisfaction to bunch of weeb fetishists thirsty for their desired poison, from technical side his work is a fucking disaster and even he himself doesn't know where to go with it.
The fact that the guy actually makes over five thousand dollars a month doing what he's doing is infuriating and sad at the same time, but he's basically living up to the standards of market capitalism, so I can't really object to it.

That said, Twitch is a private company and can to whatever fuck it wants.

Check this 5



You know I honestly can't argue with this. People expect too much leniency from private organizations.

It's not really his fault that his voice sounds the way it does. You can fault him on everything else, but not that.

he only made a big deal out of the twitch thing to hide the fact that he is starting to back out of content he provided.


no you are not

>is he in the right
He is on the right track to get shot in the head.

I mean, if they are going to make a ruleset that is their golden standard and then not follow it to the T then why even moderate that ruleset to begin with? He brought up that the Conan game can literally have people running around completely naked with modeled genitals, is it not against Twitch's terms of service then to stream this game? Apparently not. Maybe if the game was more anime it would be.

We all know it' s you who creates these desperate threads about your fucking loli pedo game.


Both him and twitch are jews. They're both in the wrong

Why'd they ban it?
Haven't paid attention to this.


I don't like the game dev and I don't like Twitch. Fuck them both. And fuck you for shilling your game here you stupid fucking cunt.


Uh.. There really is no loli shit in Yandere sim. Which is surprising considering how big part of weebshit culture loli is.

You can say alot of things about Eva but I doubt he's masturbating to chinese cartoon little girls.


Other than the fact they should have done a minimum effort response.

He personally doesn't deserve it, but decency kind of demands it. But since when was Twitch decent?

I feel the same way, however isn't the biggest issue with this how "core gameplay" the locker room is considered? He disagreed, and would probably be willing to change it, but I daresay was a weak argument. It's subjective as hell, but regardless a double standard exists.
However, I'm a firm believer of private businesses excersizing their right to deny service or use of service when they want to. I believe a shopkeeper can tell someone to leave even if there's a discriminatory reason behind it. It's not right, but it's the shopkeeper's right to have. Therefor by this conclusion Twitch are dicks but they are completely in the right to deny service, even if they are breaking their own policies on select but not all matters.

bake that cake

Twitch is retarded, bans Hatred but allows GTA V which is way more offensive

he has a decent enough following on jewtube so it doesn't matter