So what exactly happened to this shit?
So what exactly happened to this shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's in development
it's probably going to be better than MGSV but retards will ignore it because of the fuck konami meme, nevermind that it's kojima who ruined MGSV
sucked so much its own gravitational pull dragged it over into another dimension.
checks in the mail
>it's going to be better than MGSV
if you're a retard
To be fair, it's not that hard to make something better than the piece of shit that MGSV was.
Forgotten because no kojima
i really enjoyed MGSV
I have 132 hours put into it and counting
Then you're a retard
what is it? a mobile game?
I spent 90 hours in it in search of a good game.
PS4/Xbone/PC game.
It's reusing a lot of assets from MGSV.
You've put 50 times as many hours as that shitting on a toilet. Guess you really love shit.
Kek, Sup Forums has gotten to the point where they're actually defending Konami of all things. I sometimes wonder how a contrarian's mind works.
Why does it have to be a fucking survival game?
If it was just MGSV but with new content and coop for 20 bucks I'd fucking buy it.
This zombie shit is so fucking done.
Kojima typically results in convoluted stories, weird characters, and preachy lessons throughout. So yeah, if Kojima was actually tied to it he literally could not resist filling it with a shit ton of cut scenes and weird character interactions.
It's not just the name, so that image is kinda silly.
Nah that's a basic human need. I know comparisons are hard. You'll get there one day, user!
>what exactly happened to this shit?
get out Sup Forums
kek back to you, gentleman.
What does this even mean?
No, I will ignore it because it's based on MGSV, and MGSV was absolute garbage.
The core gameplay was decent though, which is what this game is based on.
Pic related always applies.
Of course, not a single argument to defend Survive, just fat as fuck contrarians saying
There is not a single argument to defend MGSV, either
No, not at all, it was a massive piece of shit.
It was a shitty turd about crawling through an empty open world to fulton shit.
Considering it's reusing the Afghanistan map, it's pretty much confirmed the open world is going to be as shitty, but on top of that, this zombie survival game is going to use the mechanics from a stealth game even though the gameplay video showed that stealth is pretty much unnecesary.
MGS4 was a piece of shit, PW was a piece of shit, MGSV was a piece of shit and so will Survive.
And guess in which game Survive is recycling 99% of it's elements from?
Nobody remembers it.
It's an obsolete concept based on a shit game.
Says a lot when only contrarians pretend to be excited for this shit.
Nice bait
but let's be honest
Metal Gear with all it's quirky characters and interesting universe the best thing they could come up with was a zombie fucking survival defense game? How fucking generic is that?
You have a great source material to work with but you come up with DayZ MGS version?
>It was a shitty turd about crawling through an empty open world to fulton shit.
That's not the core gameplay.
Then I don't care.
MGSV is shit, so will Survive.
If it was a free mode for MGO3 like CoD Zombies, surely there wasn't all this hate, I'm sure.
It looks pretty solid but still meh, if they used the Skulls.and not some cristalzombieouttanowhereorwhatever it was way better, imho.
>he didn't unlock the mecha suit
>MGSV has an embarrassing story even for a Metal Gear
>"But the gameplay is the best in the series!"
>Survive is literally more gameplay with as little story as possible, and not even canon
If this was DLC a la Undead Nightmare everyone would love it.
who the fuck told you they're literally recycling?
for all you know they could be adding a lot of shit to actually improve this husk of a game. all you idiots have as arguments is "lol u like it only bc no kojiman xD"
seeing how bad MGSV was, one can only imagine a game without this hack will be better.
Maybe it would be cool if it was just some tacked on DLC for the base game.
Your helicopter crashes on one side of the map and you need to stealth your way across the entire map without item or gear drops, you could sneak into the over world camps to find supplies and restock ammo
It'd probably be better than a multiplayer game mode that'll die in a month and then be nearly unplayable without four other friends who care enough
>"But the gameplay is the best in the series!"
According to no one.
It was repetitive, the open world was empty, it was piss easy, health regen, slow mo, grindfest.
Terrible game made for casuals.
>"But the gameplay is the best in the series!"
this is bs as well.
you have way LESS movement and cqc options than in 4 (not even mentioning grinding, forced wait times, helicopter rides et), but somehow it has the best gameplay.
I don't get it.
>If this was DLC a la Undead Nightmare everyone would love it.
You know the difference?
RDR was finished.
What people wanted was Chapter 3, not a fucking zombie game.
>who the fuck told you they're literally recycling?
The gameplay video.
>for all you know
What I do know is what i've seen in the gameplay video, and it's almost all recycled shit, except the new stuff like the bow, which has a laughable animation.
>seeing how bad MGSV was, one can only imagine a game without this hack will be better.
Except it all comes down when it's a zombie game using the mechanics of a stealth game.
And considering Konami has killed every single franchise they had, I have zero trust.
They did a game nobody asked for in the worst possible moment.
The worst part?
They said they wanted to ''recapture'' the fans, and they come with this.
They unironically think this is a good idea.
Not the guy you're talking with but i f you accidentally double click and abort it'll still send your message but it won't act like you did so you wont get any (you)s
No need to send it twice
>"lol u like it only bc no kojiman xD"
The only argument you have is
That's it, you don't have anything else to say.
Those two posts are written differently and are 18 seconds apart.
Turn into a F2P game i'm calling it
Or maybe it's just everyone except you knows that this game is a piece of shit, just like MGSV.
let's be honest it's going to be more grindy than MGSV more microtranscation bullshits
It's a game that looks so terrible that only a handful of contrarians on Sup Forums like it.
>If it was just MGSV but with new content and coop for 20 bucks I'd fucking buy it.
>What people wanted was Chapter 3, not a fucking zombie game
When you have to fire the guy who spent more time eating burgers and hoverhanding Dutch models than working on the gameplay, you can't really finish his game.
Besides, there'd be no Chapter 3 even if Kojima was still at Konami. V is finished in his eyes.
It's zombies.
It's fucking zombies, it's a zombie survival game.
There's like a thousand of those games that I could buy RIGHT NOW that do the whole zombie survival thing much better than this turd.
Not to mention it's being developed by the talentless hacks who made MGSV, but now without the creative team.
They can't make good videogames.
>for all you know they could be adding a lot of shit to actually improve this husk of a game
as if konami wants to waste time and money to make this game better
>There's like a thousand of those games that I could buy RIGHT NOW
There's only two good coop zombie games, L4D and L4D2.
>you can't really finish his game.
Yes you can, you take the fucking initiative and do it on your own.
You know, show that you at least give a single fuck about MGS, instead of coming up with Survive, which is nothing but a game created by guys in suits looking at what kids like.
What's worse, is that they are making a game based on what kids liked 4 years ago.
> there'd be no Chapter 3 even if Kojima was still at Konami
Then you make remakes of the previous MGS games on the Fox Engine.
Who the actual fuck thought a fucking zombie game was a good idea?
They believe this is how they are going to get their fans back for fucks sake.
>for all you know they could be adding a lot of shit to actually improve this husk of a game
My fucking sides.
Meanwhile MGSV was running around a flat map desperately waiting for some sort of interesting story to kick in lmao
When did Reddit flood Sup Forums?
>tfw addicted to playing MGO 3
>tfw can't git gud at MGO 3
>tfw still play it a lot more than single player campaign
>Oh well, MGSV is finished, what else could we do?
>Finish MGSV?
>work on MGS6?
>Fox Engine remakes?
At this point I can just laugh.
Yeah they could just make a Call of Duty MGS style game
>still play it
So, you just run around the map alone?
MGSV was the best game of 2015
biggest bait ive seen today, well done
>a la
How is it bait if everything in it is true, except for the "probably going to be better than MGSV" part (which isn't exactly hard to realize)?
i'm playing on ps3 they're still noobs like me playing it
>retards will ignore it because of the fuck konami meme
I'll ignore it because it's a MGSV spinoff, not because of Konami.
Why is Konami still making video games when their arcades, gambling machines and health spas are more profitable?
You think the skeleton crew left behind is experienced or ballsy enough to make the next FULL installment in the series? Survive is a practice run for them.
No, contrarians are actually siding with this show of complete creative bankrupcy.
I'll be here to see it flop hard.
>which isn't exactly hard to realize
Oh yeah, they took MGSV, a military stealth game, they kept it intact, but added zombies, and got rid of reasons to be stealthy at all, and there's going to be even more grinding.
It's going to be a turd like MGSV.
oh wow you've played it already?
>creative bankrupcy
It speaks volumes that even zombies are more interesting than anything we've seen in MGSV.
you have to be either a retard or a contrarian to think that Kojima is creative and/or knows how to make good games
> skeleton crew
The only ones who left were the creatives, Kojima ,Shinkawa, etc.
All the programmers are still in there, so no excuse.
>Survive is a practice run for them.
And when it bombs they will all be fired.
How about, instead of making a zombie survival game as practice, they make DLC for MGSV?
You know, make military stealth experiences to practice to make a stealth military game.
Does Konami not realize their name is worth less than dirt now in the industry? Their soccer game stopped selling, no one gives a fuck about YGO, and they've alienated the MGS fanbase 2 years ago.
An ass is in front of me, it has farted and it smells like shit, while you are telling me that, who knows, maybe some fucking fried chicken comes out.
No, they are a zombies.
There's nothing more to them.
You can define them as that, as zombies, there's nothing else.
Why are there?
Because zombies.
Because they wanted to make a zombie survival game, something that no one asked for.
Zombies are never interesting, they have nothing to them.
They walk slow and might try to attack you.
That's all there is to them, there's nothing.
I'm pretty sure I heard they got rid of most of the devs after KojiPro was disbanded. The only ones left were the MGO people and they were slowly let go as well when it died in three months.
I dunno, all my irl friends loved MGSV, it seemed to mostly alienate the autistic retard element of the fanbase
Funny, because every single MGS Kojima made has a high score everywhere, including MGSV, and they all made mad cash.
Meanwhile you are siding with a game that it's the Battleborn of 2017.
wow, so edgy
you know the game is going to have more than just zombies, right?
Oh yeah, don't worry, it's going to sell a lot, like Umbrella Corps.
I don't think you know what the word ''edgy'' means.
>you know the game is going to have more than just zombies, right?
Considering it's a zombie game, uh what, faster zombie? Zombie that hits harder?
And of course, as final boss, a reskin of Sahelanthropus.
poor, poor user. you've never played MGO2, have you? 3 is a pile of shit compared to 2, but unfortunately, it is also the closest game to 2 on the market right now.
if 3 hooked you in, 2 would have made you literally forget to live.
sounds like the game's just not for you
The only people who claim to like the game are a handful of contrarians in Sup Forums
This game has no audience.
I'm sure there's enough people who liked MGSVs gameplay that are excited to try this
It's literally the most creatively bankrupt move they could make.
MGSV 2: finished game?
MGS 6?
Remake the previous titles with modern gameplay, but keep the story intact?
MGSV with coop?
Revengeance 2?
The problem is that a coop MGSV would be better than this zombies shit.
Those people probably don't even know this game exists, and they could never know it exists considering Konami is not even making a single attempt at marketing it.
I mean, they haven't said a single thing about this game in 5 months.
Hello Sup Forums.
Who the fuck is this game for?
Maybe it's been canceled?
>Le MGSV is unfinished meem
shame how so many supposed MGSV fans all cucked themselves out of enjoying a great game
What? I really enjoyed it, I'm in the process of S ranking + all side objectives every mission, right now.
But saying that it's not unfinished is stupid. Chapter 2 is 12 mission reskins. There is no chapter 3. There are so few cutscenes or story moments. The side ops are copy pasted ass cancer.
Of course Sup Forums is the only place where people unironically defend Survive.
>Chapter 2 is 12 mission reskins. There is no chapter 3. There are so few cutscenes or story moments. The side ops are copy pasted ass cancer
none of this means its unfinished, and what do you expect side ops to be?
>after Sup Forums deluded themselves into believing MGSV was the second coming of Jesus Christ, everything past 3 is now shit
It was a solid 7.0
Something other than the same exact mission copy pasted 20 times?
it's not the same, it takes place in different areas and with different enemy layout
>different enemy layout
4 dudes and a tank, standing somewhere in an open field. Makes a huge amount of tactical difference where they are standing.
>none of this means its unfinished
You can literally watch the half done cutscenes for the unfinished Mission 51
>This game is unfinished therefore not fun
Sounds like you guys don't play the game the way it's meant to be played: no hud, no weapons, tactical takedowns only.
You can't even disable the hud, and cqc takedowns are actually op anyway