Is there a bigger lying, cheating, treacherous greedy scumbag than Gabe Newell in the gaming industry?
Is there a bigger lying, cheating, treacherous greedy scumbag than Gabe Newell in the gaming industry?
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Not likely.
He's the Bill Gates of gaming in all the bad ways
Randy Pitchford.
Peter Molyneux, though he's more over ambitious than anything.
that dude who spent all the kickstarter money on cocaine and said he had ass cancer
Lawful Evil imo
>what is every CEO of every corporation ever?
He's greedy, sure, but from my experience he avoids addressing the public as much as possible in order to not appear as a liar or cheater...
papa gaybe did nothing wrong
There are more outright greedy and scummy Jews, but Gabe is a fucking master of never quite addressing a question, so you never get an answer to something that would obviously reveal his nose.
Gaben is mostly fine. Paid mods is the worst thing he's done so far and one of the only bad things.
We all need to fight this retarded paid mods shit together, but pretending that Valve are as bad as EA for doing one thing is just equally as dumb as being a Valvedrone.
Probably not a bigger one, no.
Worse, sure, definitely. But bigger?
Didnt he used to work microsoft
>Gaben is mostly fine. Paid mods is the worst thing he's done so far
Valvedrone pls go
Gaben doesnt lie, he just avoids questions.
He made great games but gave up and started making money the easy way
He's working on a new game supposedly
all is forgiven if it's not shit
hes never done anything wrong. hes never lied, stolen or cheated anybody. and he made good games back when he made games. people just hate him for giving up game development and deciding to live off the online market he hosted
He is pushing paid mods again.
what did he lie about?
Fuck off, Valve shill trying to weaken the meaning of "Valvedrone" so nobody takes it seriously.
Convince a Teen offering a job in valve, he need go in Amurica
what the fuck happened is the real question
is this what business does to a man?
Why is that lying and cheating?
Because you don't like it`?
>hurrr capitalism is eeeeevuuul
still not lying and no cheating and no treachery
well it is
What are you babbling about?
They are hoarding the money to try and become immortal, this is why they are so desperate to get it by any means.
Imagine a world where tyrants are immortal and the poor are always poor without any chance to escape that nightmare. This is what they are planning.
DotA2 has had paid mod support for over a year now.
You can choose to pay a small amount (Around $1) each month for mods you think are worth it.
This promotes mod devs keeping their shit up to date.
Being optional means you don't have to
There's absolutely nothing wrong with this system and it helps modders financially.
He's done nothing morally wrong but fuck this guy for being the origin of all the portal references and half life 3 confirmed jokes
Underage German "hacked" valve's unsecured, open to the public servers, copied a test build of HL2, and leaked it.
Gabe was very reasonable asked him to come to the USA for a job. Unfortunately the German authorities stopped him from boarding his flight because the FBI was waiting at the airport to throw him in prison for multiple decades
I kind of like him in a sense. He's like the Vito Corleone of the gaming industry. He has given all the people under him a false sense of independence allowing to work on whatever they want. But not actually letting anything to be developed.
When steam was still small he took in all developers with whatever they produced. But now he's monetizing the system.
He knows his worth and cashes in on it every chance he gets. He knows his importance in both side of the gaming industry.
Valve always had put paid mods (cosmetics for your shitty TF2, CS:GO, and Dotard 2), lmao, I don't see how this is any different.
And you contribute so Gaben becomes immortal.
You pieces of shit. You sold your souls and the world for scraps.
fuck off you bourgeois shithead
>They are hoarding the money to try and become immortal
Capitalism is not inherently wrong but it isn't perfect either.
The best system is capitalism strongly regulated by government. The capitalism drives incentive to innovate and the government stops capitalism fucking people over.
If you only have capitalism you get people launching TOW missiles at each other. If you only have government you get people not wanting to innovate and try new stuff because of low chance of reward and someone in the Party just takes it.
This is why stuff like Australia's ACCC (the consumer protection authority) suing Valve and forcing Gaben to allow more refunds is a good thing.
people blame consoles for games being hold back, or whatever, but Valve and Twitch are the biggest cancers right now, you can just make some retarded alpha game and pay the top twitch streamers to play a little bit, and never finish it.
it really bothers me, 80% of pc gaming are just meme games, unfinished shit, indie shit, and some good indie games
They are going to digitize their brain and then upload it into androids.
Electronic old men.
AAA developers are shit. Indie developers are shit.
The true golden age of gaming was brought about by AA developers.
>The best system is capitalism strongly regulated by government.
You mean socialism? You fucking mongrel.
The fuck is AA, there's only AAA, no AA or A
>They are going to digitize their brain and then upload it into androids.
But that wouldnt be them just a copy of their brains
t. Alex Jones
Does that matter? do you want to be ruled forever by these tyrants?
>The best system is capitalism strongly regulated by government.
it sure worked for brazil huh
well that's just a necessary evil if it means further development of mass-produced android pussies
>I'll give up my freedom and the freedom of the entire human race in favor of something I won't be able to get anyways
No wonder they rule the world with faggots like you.
>The true golden age of gaming was brought about by AA developers.
Those "AA" devs went on to be the same AAA devs today you are declaring to be shit.
What's wrong with gaming right now is not the devs, it's not even the publishers, it's the fucking customers. They prefer glorified interactive movies over actual games. They prefer 20fps "life-like" graphics over gameplay. They prefer easy and short over challenging and investing. They want games to be a predominantly passive experience and the publishers are more than happy to make what the market wants as that's what makes them money.
No, I mean Australia-tier level of regulation. Maybe slightly stronger.
Yes, there are many people worse.
He's still far better than the executives of
Do you really think brain scanning and transplant technology will become commercially viable faster than robopuss? I mean we're already almost there, just need to work out kinks in the AI
wish government would force more price control. $60 for a single player game is ridiculous
What does AAA stand for
>Those "AA" devs went on to be the same AAA devs today you are declaring to be shit
And that's when they stopped being good.
Good developers are ones that haven't become super bloated, all about the money, run by suits who don't take any risks or have any passion for making vidya.
For example EA's CEO has hardly played a vidya in his life and freely admits he knows fuck all about it. But when EA started out as a smaller company, everyone who worked there in the 80s was involved in the game making process, and they made dank shit.
Needs to be stronger pushback against having people involved who don't care about vidya.
>commerciallt viable
They don't care if the poor die, they just care about their own, they will just take the most loyal and better of their servants and make them immortal too, so they can serve them forever in exchange for immortality.
How would you classify a lower rank of budget?
"not AAA"
He did
AA is less money than AAA
don't worry user, brain transplant technology is innately absurdly complex and no amount of clandestine funding will change that
just enjoy the android waifus that'll be in stores by 2030
>AAA: Similar budget to a Hollywood movie, big publisher, big developer
>AA: Small-medium publisher, small-medium developer, but official
>A: Indie games made by small teams with no publisher
>B: Chinese bootlegs like Final Combat (TF2 ripoff) and RGame (Dota ripoff)
my neighbor
The industry came up with some bullshit thing about it meaning the game got an "A grade" in 3 areas, like gameplay, innovation and graphics or some shit like that. That's bullshit. Game journalists will tell you it means it's a high budget game. That's bullshit too.
It's investor speak. A AAA rating is the highest credit rating there is. Publishers used to brag to investors about how this upcoming game or that upcoming game was a "guaranteed" success by telling them it was a AAA game. The term leaked out to the gaming journalists and from there it leaked to the public and none of them had a clue what it really meant so just made up their own very loose definition.
did your neighbor steal your tendies again user
underage detected.
So "AAA game" means "low-risk investment"?
That sounds absolutely right for developers and absolutely wrong for consumers kek.
Isn't he killing greenlight? That sounds pretty good to me.
And replacing it with literally direct publishing with no quality control.
yes because greenlight was so good at quality control
>Randy Pitchford.
Gabe is pretty shady at times, but Randy is absolute scum. Doesn't stop Sup Forums from buying every iteration of Borderlands though, so I don't know why we're all jerking each other off, pretending to care about the integrity of these business men.
It's better than nothing.
>But when EA started out as a smaller company, everyone who worked there in the 80s was involved in the game making process, and they made dank shit.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
EA has ALWAYS been an asshole company. It was started not by people who have a love of gaming or something, it was started by a couple of marketing guys who had a fat bank role. They were somewhat successful and the company grew and they started to bring in more employees direct from the business world. They paid a lot of lip service to developers in the early days but that's because the company was being run by fucking marketing guys and they thought that would be a good angle to run. Less than 10 years after the company was founded they were already getting a reputation for heavy handed acquisitions.
The reason EA published better games back in the day is simple, the market demanded better games back in the day.
It worked for the people who were slaves of the factories, worked for the child workers etc
Why do you open your mouth when you are a retard
Greenlight had no quality control. Ever since it hit steam I have to wade through an ocean of shit whenever I browse games. Basically browsing games on steam is impossible now I have to know what I want and search for it.
Remember when on christmas steam rewarded you for buying a shitload of games with cool christmas achievements that you could turn into coal for even more games, some of which were full price? Pepperidge Farm Remembers
What happened to the good ol days
stupid weeb poster.
>he thinks slavery has anything to do with economic freedom
You are retarded.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
How do we weed the normies out of our video games?
>Greenlight had no quality control.
To be fair, YOU were supposed to be the quality control. That was the entire point of it.
People kept calling Valve the "gatekeepers" and so they said "Okay, you can be the gatekeepers then. It's less work for us so it's win-win".
>DotA2 has had paid mod support for over a year now.
10 years is a long time though. The games industry as we know it has only really been around for 40-odd years. And EA started doing niggatry as soon as 1990s when standards were still high.
Obviously the market plays a role but how do you propose we magically change the market, making normies demand good games and 60FPS? It's a lot easier to act like SJWs and pressure the companies themselves to make good games, be original, and not employ people who don't know shit about games in management positions, getting change that way.
For example EA restructured and improved slightly after winning Worst Company in America twice. But there is literally nothing we can do to make normies stop buying shit games because they buy based on advertising and don't frequent the sort of places we do, or listen to criticism. They see games like they see summer blockbusters.
>You be the gatekeepers
>But we make the rules
>And don't tell them to you
>But you be the gatekeepers
EA (also epyx) used to make me wish I had a better computer back in the day. My Atari 800 just wasn't nearly so good as a Commodore 64/128.
You can throw money at custom games
You can't anymore than the movie nerds have been able to weed normies out of cinema. Capeshit blockbusters reign supreme and so will crappy games.
You're only real hope is that the games industry grows so large that the middle market becomes viable again.
Like what, donations?
Or are there custom maps you can't play unless you pay?
yeah, lots actually
I don't need Valve to explicitly tell me they aren't going to publish Jews in the Oven Simulator 2017 to know they aren't going to publish Jews in the Oven Simulator 2017.
Some shit like UI/chat visuals, sometime gameplay bonuses, special leaderboards, etc. But it's usually just 1$
>why fix CSGO when you can earn millions just they way it is now
who is the Gutts of the video game industry? I guess Sup Forums?
There are plenty of examples of "games" being on greenlight that are utter garbage. They don't have to be polarized to Jew murder simulator retard.
>Hurr durr muh jews
Yeah, but the one who's stuck on the ship forever.
Sales are not final now, you can refund no questions asked. And games were "licenses" since the first piece of software was sold ever. You got EULA's long before steam existed. It is the contract between the licensor and purchaser, establishing the purchaser's right to use the software. You never owned any software you didn't create, unless you bought the rights to it. It's just it was impossible to revoke the license without the internet.
Valve has done shady shit since HL1 and still doing it now, but it's far from the worst company.