Objectively there's no reason any game should be exclusive to a platform

Objectively there's no reason any game should be exclusive to a platform
Consoles are holding back the industry, they have to go.


>Objectively there's no reason any game should be exclusive to a platform
If the funding for the game was provided by the console manufacturer and the game otherwise would not have been funded, then that's a pretty good reason. Because otherwise the game just wouldn't exist in the first place.

Unless you're one of those people who are still upset over Bayonetta 2 being Wii U only after Nintendo was the only company willing to fund it.

There's no objectively correct reason why they should keep it exclusive.

>"It's our game, fuck off."

consoles don't have to go... the problem is the exclusive games, right?

They have to go, they are holding back games with their hardware limitations.

Companies exist to make money. They do whatever they can to give solely themseves the edge in making money against competition. Having something the competition doesn't have is an excellent way to give yourself an edge, so trying to get exclusive content is a thing they push for.

It's not a consumer friendly practice, sure, and it does hold things back from a technological standpoint, but if you can't see why, objectively, exclusives exist, you clearly haven't thought of this from any angle but your own perspective.

>I don't like platform exclusive games so all platforms except PC have to go

It costs a lot of money to port games to other consoles and if most players are going to be coming from consoles or PC then it wouldn't be cost effective to make a port in the first place because there aren't as many buyers.

spoken like a true PC cuck

Fuck off Nilf

>Objectively there's no reason for companies to do what is in their best interest

I can see why they exist, there's just more money for companies to be made if they're multi-platform

We get it, you want more games to pirate.

One might think this, but consider:

A game is available for 2 systems. A consumer might only buy one of those systems. This means one company doesn't get a console sale for the sake of that game. It's a basic way to think about it, but if every game existed for every system, your console runs a risk of not getting sold due to other consoles doing it better.

For a game company, there might be more money. If you waste time porting and producing for a system that doesn't sell, well, you are out of money for the cost of doing that. And of course, you can't ignore the fact that console companies likely pay certain game companies to remain exclusive to their system. Not to mention, since all systems aren't built equally, some systems can just run a game that no other can.

Exclusives are just a result of a free market.

Piracy is a human right

The consumer doesn't waste his money on either system and waits for it to get a release on PC because his IQ isn't double digit, but triple.

Guess what though? Most consumers aren't very smart, most people aren't very smart.
It's these people who tend to have the most spending power, though. So guess what the companies gear development and practices towards?

For someone trying to seem smart, you don't seem to have a very good understanding of anything but your own specific circumstance.

Too bad his IQ didn't land him a decent job.

>For someone trying to seem smart, you don't seem to have a very good understanding of anything but your own specific circumstance.
you are implying and speculating

less and less games are being made for consoles exclusively

Shifts in markets do happen. It's not a weird thing at all.

While pc gamers pirate, its the console gamers that actually spend money on games and as a result drive the industry.. If it wasnt for the console industry subisiding AAA games for you to pick from the bargain bin (Steam) you'd only have indieshit and forklift simulators to play.

Thank me later.

>While pc gamers pirate
you are implying

Whether his claim is right or wrong, the fact that piracy is as viable a method of aquiring games on pc does make it more of an initial risk to develop for.

You have two options, a wide open, free platform with all kinds of tools for circumventing whatever security you might put on something, or a tight, controlled, harder and less widespread to crack system to put your hard work on.

what about the objective reason that porting games to every available system and operating system at that would take a lot more time and money

>sonygger posting traced child pornography
Not surprised.

>every single console user buys used games or rents games
>not a single penny goes to devs beyond initial sale
i wouldn't be surprised if there was more money to be made on pc

This is probably why pre-order shit gets pushed so much, make people need to buy the game before it's out instead of buying the game second hand later when everyone already knows it's shit

because it would make more money?

wtf i hate consoles now


And you can't do anything about it

I can complain here

"Fuck off sales and ability to play the game in 20 years time."

You can pirate for consoles, you know.

Objectively there's no reason a game should look fantastic. Graphics are holding the industry back on top of destroying it.

I know, but it's nowhere near as widespread or discussed as pc piracy. from a producers standpoint, it's probably the safer bet of the two

You are so intelligent, animu poster

Homogenization is killing hardware diversity.
The problem isn't multiple systems, it's multiple systems all being the same thing. The Switch is the only console trying to make unique hardware that it's games can take advantage of. Whether it's ideas are good or not is up for debate, but it's really the only thing trying. Diverse hardware doesn't necessarily mean shitty motion controls: look at the DS, or the PS2 pressure sensitive buttons, or the Gamecube analogue shoulders, or the variety of system specs during the 4th gen.
PC elitism is holding back hardware.

would it always be worth it though? you realize you are saying if a company doesn't port to the amiga still its fucking shit