ITT: Overpowered/Broken party members

ITT: Overpowered/Broken party members

She's a special case though
>Has the worst stats out of the party
>Her artes and accel (especially her accel) makes her top tier



Oh shit really?
I never played around too much with her even though i found her to be really cool.
What kind of dank shit can i do with her

I actually have to put this cunt in the back so she won't soak up the entire map's EXP, its ridiculous

Kill the final boss in one hit.

She was the best character in Wii too, her accel doesn't have much to do with it.

Every party member can do that.

Laura in cold steel. Using her self buff with a 200 ultimate will one shot or do 90% health to the boss.

Motherfucker is too strong for his own good.
Sure velvet is also OP as fuck but his damage is way better.
>stuns on literally every arte meaning you can use soul break all the time
>artes have awsome range and damage
and on top of that
>advanced knowledge on different topics
>has a beatiful sister
>most stylisch motherfucker in the series
>voiced by dante
>sources claim he has a huge cock
>gives good advice about bitches to a shota
>is a fucking pirate holy shit

Stop time

Really weird how they randomly decided to make her much more powerfull than all the other main characters

You mean with this payback title shit?
Couldnt you do that with every character though?


It's better with Cheria, Hubert and Sophie or so I've heard.

I used hubert to 1-hit kill the giant rockagong or whatever it was called.
Need to replay graces soon holy shit, game was lotsa fun.

What. I obliterated everyone in Graces F using either Pascal or Sophie.

What are your favourite combos with Eizen? I'm appreciating him a lot lately and use it over Velvet all the time. Besides using Flash Step (or whatever it's called) to teleport on the next enemy after you pounded one to death is so much fun, also unleashing the air blades artes and then teleporting on the enemy as its being shredded and THEN pounding him to death is also fun.

I feel kinda noobish when i play him because i always fish for the stuns, i dont really have a combo route but i use that one arte as a starter where he punches into the ground and then pull the enemys torwards me with that wind-based arte that reminds me of zaveid's artes, after that i can almost always use soul break to reset the combo. I throw in some other artes in it from time to time. It's nothing special but it works out because
>cute sister

She has a skill that lets you have no cooldown on item usage.

Did you need an item? Well here you fucking go, I'm gonna start tossing gels and life bottles out like fucking candy.

Forgot somethings
>can use spell artes along with an array of martial artes
>can heal and revive
>has a few support artes
>is better than most malak and use all elements instead of being limited to one

we wont stop there my dear user
>defeated a lord of calamity before the events of zestiria
>turns into the strongest malak dragon ever
>is a total bro with zaveid
>is a good big brother
>keeps fighting even though he's cursed
>"first i'll flip this coin, then i'll fuck your bitch"

Get so early too

Gameplay Tier

Story Power Tier


Daisoujou carried me through Nocturn.

Is berseria cracked yet?
Steam won't accept my credit card so fuckem

got it on ps4 so i dont know.

The only tales characters I recall as retardedly overpowered:

Rowen from Xillia, in the late game you can dish out a retarded amount of spells, also, his spell that creates a bell which confuses everyone it hits is just retarded, it can even confuse the final boss to the point Gaius starts doing his mystic arte on Muzet, it's just so fucking ridiculously overpowered. Elize is also overpowered, I remember finishing the coliseum as her before anyone else, she has so many skills that give her back some health and so many quick firing healing spells, and a shitload of aoe spells, she is basically immortal.

Rita from Vesperia: blablabla, tidal wave. Enough said. Other blablabla, spell combinations may apply.

Ludger in Xillia 2: he's retardedly overpowered compared to anyone else. So many combos and he can stunlock pretty much anyone, also best damage output, speed, range, and everything out of the entire party. On top of that, he can also enter even-more-op-mode, ie chromatus.

Velvet in Berseria, she is also Ludger tier, you can literally button mash and throw out a soul break every time you have more than 3 soul points and chaos will ensue. On the other hand, against spellcasters you can spam spell absorber as Magilou and obliterate everyone, especially if you learn how to stack absorptions to always dish out the biggest spells.

>Overpowered party members..
>no Thunder God Cid

The Boss Slayer

Nigger, I don't think any game is worth 50 bucks especially on digital only, but I still could not resist getting Berseria and while I still don't think it's worth 50 bucks, on PC you can pirate all the DLC, lurk the archive, as several zips containing all the dlc have been posted (if you really want it I could lurk my own browsing history and find the zip for you), so if you're into that kind of dress up fetish, it may be worth getting. Also nowdays those nerds are starting to make texture mods and other types of mods so if you're into this sort of shit you can ask your momma for her credit card and get it, because I don't think it's going to be cracked any time soon.

Fiora is the strongest party member, friendo.

I really hate when the game gives you an overpowered as fuck character for free at some point, making all your efforts for a balanced and well trained party up until that point completely moot.

Cool chicken legs.

i recently played through this game spamming A and specials. gimme a quick rundown on how to break the game with colette.

It had to be an accident.
somone had to have fucked up in the fftactics team to allow so many broken characters into the roster.
>Robot whos range is entire map
>fucking cloud with his limit breaks
I could go on, but why when we can point to cid?

For anyone who has not played tactics, it is not an embellishment to say the game just gives up when it gives you Cid and parts its legs for you.

little baby me shelfed cid because even I could tell he made the game too easy


The 5 people who played WA4 will understand.


Anyone who played Battle Moon Wars understands.

Iet's make a character who is faster than the flash on cocaine and pcp who can counter for enough damage to extinguish the sun.
Oh and let's give him the abilities to double his ungodly dodge stat, and to dodge/always hit the next attack no matter what.

Also almost everything I said applies to lancer in the same game

Literally every single character in the game is broken and overpowered as fuck..

Worst balance I ever saw in a game

iirc she is almost complete and utter shit tier and she's only good for one thing, but that one thing makes her the single best party member in the game.

Pretty sure if you set her Exphere to go for Strength type instead of Technique, her Pow Hammers all have like a 100% chance to stun. For the 3 TP or so it costs to throw a Pow Hammer. It's ridiculous.

>has lowest hp pool in the game so enemies always target him first
>Cannot be hit
>counter damage can oneshot bosses
>can solo any map in the game from the point you get him onward
what where they THINKING.

>levels into having ridiculously high p.attack
>give sword that can cast spells
>swaps p.attack for m.attack
>9999 damage every 1 second AOE that crits and lifedrain and SP drain

jesus fuck calm down blackrose

>Thunder God Kick

>proceeds to oneshot nearly every boss in the game

Naoto in golden is so fucking overpowered it is not funny, they must have had a naoto fag on the remake team

Don't mind me, just capable of soloing every single map and being one of the only characters in the game capable of one-shotting the final boss.


>having Sophie cosplay as Cherie

its so broken yet, so much fun.

I don't get why people like Cheria so much. She only knows how to get killed aside from having 0 involvment in the main game's story. Inserted only for fanservice.

enter the amazing "DRAGON TEMPEST" guy!

it's me , ur end and mid game.

Fortunately/unfortunately his gears sucks.

I thought the best team was Wakka, Rikku and Teedus

I don't know if you're talking about yuna or rikku,
They are just both so busted I don't even

and the GC version her pow hammer could be turned into poison pow hammer, which did PERCENTAGE damage back then

They are as I mentioned respectively.

Rikku is the crux of the late game because mix is stupid as shit with tidus and wakka just taking advantage of it the best.

Yuna is crazy in the mid game because she can stock several limits at once with her aeons.

neat. thanks user.

>buy memory card from friend
>has an endgame save
>get 99 of a game breaking item
For people that don't know, Rikku can mix items into super items as her limit break.
One of the (hundred) combinations makes your entire party do 9999 damage on every hit for the rest of the fight.
99% of the game is now your whore



>playing 3D Tales of

there have been some good ones. saying there haven't been is stupid.


I spent the entire endgame using him as bait while my other characters destroyed the enemies.

That's not Hubert.


not yet, you can pirate it on the ps3 tho.

My nigga.
But let's be real, by endgame almost any character can solo a map
haha except rin.
Fuck Rin


Not really. As JRPGs, 3D ones are incredibly braindead as the most important aspect, the positioning, was removed.

Repetitive battles with a bunch of flashy combos and limit breaks.

Symphonia had multiplayer and was fun plz no bully

What game is that from? The art looks stellar and reminds me of OoE

Good to know, I'll be starting a playthrough of that in the next two weeks.

Does she compare to this slick son of a bitch, though? Can she one shot every boss in the game?

By the time everyone else in my party was doing between 300-2000 damage depending on crit, he could reliably hit for 8k without critical or any buffs.


If only there were a website that lets you enter an image and then shows you the source of the picture.

Everyone's a critic

best warrior. best girl.

>is weak to rance
sorry but the hyper weapon beats her

Come power of the universe!


Dragon king slice!



This is possibly the worst RPG ever created.

Literally runs circles around every enemy in the game

Tactics ogre let us cling together


Canopus can carry you the whole fucking game. It's honestly unreal.

Even with two weapons weighing him down, he's still Sanic.

Honestly, it's one of the few things that really rubs me wrong about the TO remake, because the hard internal turn speed of a unit is such a significant factor in their utility, which means generics most especially fall off hard compared to the plot characters, unlike Final Fantasy Tactics, where only skill sets really create rifts between the generics and non-generics.

I've gone off onto a fucking ramble, though, so contributing. Only character I basically never had to swap out the entire run.

>Genius of Sappheiros
Shame Strawberry Bose has gone down to the shitter even since that game. DoD and later stuffs just doesn't feel right, not to mention the DRMs to prevent translation.

Is his Japanese voice actor Dante?


Canopus is actually kind of bad in the long run.

Yeah, it's a damn shame. I still don't really fathom their anti-roundeye philosophy, but that's how it goes.

Only thing that made me sad about GoS was no playable Yuuka. At least you get Yuugi in postgame for lolBerserkersoul, though.

Perhaps in postgame, where you have access to every character, and you've started grinding out the insane Seraphim equipment and other stuff, but he'll easily be in your frontline the entire first path you choose.

I hate fun: the post
2D Tales combat sucked until Rebirth
You could make a case for Destiny 2 but everything Eternia and before is riddled with terrible design elements like ridiculous hitstun

>hurr then don't get hit
Sure, that's a legitimate solution.


Melia is actually the strongest, but her ai is horrible so she's only strong when you control her.

It's seriously not that bad, if they made it I dunno, 10x harder, it would have been a cool RPG the only real issua was the completely clusterfuck of balance

Play the 1.3 mod, it rebalances all the broken characters

>mfw he completes stages in 1 turn with tension raiser