This is the President daughter, say something nice to her
This is the President daughter, say something nice to her
Other urls found in this thread:
tahts a nice arm vagina youve got there
no i canot do tis niger
>girl with giant tits
>some people focus on the armpit
What is wrong with them?
I don't understand why the staff doesn't add things like "say something nice to her" as a flag to auto ban the poster.
You're only useful in knight armor.
I want to masturbate with her arm-pussy
not a chance fancypants
Babysitting you is a fucking chore and you only make the game less enjoyable.
I want to lick that sweaty armpit.
It's literally always off topic waifushit so it would be a sensible flag to have.
Because they do it for free and it's not really worth the effort
why so triggered and frustrated?
>Not checking out panties
Now who's the fag?
Also RE4 is really easy nigga.
armpitfag here, the appeal of pits is generally inherreted from the appeal of breasts.
the attraction is how elegantly the armpit contours down to the breast, you see a lot of swimsuit models with their arms behind their heads to push their chests out that also reveals their smooth armpits.
This likely creates positive association on top of any aesthetic admiration.
I hope this has been informative to you.
because literally every fucking minute there's a thread with a suggestive drawing of a female videogame character and instead of being reported and ignored, people instead think with their dicks and reply to the thread and enable the OP to make even more off topic garbage
Your father was so nice buying you such large ballistics.
I agree RE4 is easy. I just hate escort missions in games and her AI is borderline nonexistent. Plus her face looks too rodent like for my tastes.
nice ballistics
Despite having the voice/attitude/hair-color of Cyndi Vortex, at least she doesn't LOOK like that freak.
I knife you every time you are on screen just because I don't want saddler getting his hands on you
RE4 proved escort missions can be done well in games.
They are a very cute couple.
Oh wow is that a pitpussy
Why is there a pussy in her armpit
I liked this meme at first, but now it's impossible to have any sort of RE4 thread because of it so I hate it now.
>say somethinf nice to her
no way, fag
hello /r/eddit!
"What are some games" needs to be flagged first.
>just want to talk about Resident Evil
>threads always just become about tits
how about we actually discuss these games for once?
Man this joke is so fucking funny and not run into the ground yet. Keep using it, please.
>I just hate escort missions in games and her AI is borderline nonexistent.
which makes it good
you're not even escorting her, if you do it right
the only time you have to truly look out for her is during scripted scenes, where you gotta snipe baddies from kidnapping her
on the other hand you have RE5 with a ''''fully realized'''' AI, but managing her is an absolute pain and the game is basically horrible if you play it without a coop partner
Those are not very good tits.
What the heck.
I literally have hundreds of thousands of saved images of 2d porn, from downloading stuff off of sadpanda, buying things from dlsite, and following thousands of artists on pixiv, but whenever I see one of these godawful threads I just go apeshit
You might have autism user
>why big tits aren't good