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WoW transmogs
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Crab made it 10/10
I got a thing for Tabard+butt.
>Game is so shit the only "discussion" nowadays is the dolly dressup minigame
>I have no counter-argument
Just don't reply in future.
>that feel when the only thing the game's good for anymore is the ERP
>can't justify a subscription for it
fashion in vidya is fun desu
My dwarf rogue from when I got free 30 days cause a pal of mine gave me a keycode for the base game.
it really is a shame that MMOs aren't engaging enough to justify continued play anymore, because I really love WarCraft Dwarves
You can sub with gold now ya know. Been a thing for a while. Though with balance being a thing the prices have gone up sharply.
Are there private servers explicitly for erp? The thought just kinda struck me but sounds like a deviants paradise.
>minimal GM interaction outside of laying down the ban hammer on trollers
>No warden program so client side modding can go hog wild
Yeah. I had 2 weeks left on my sub when I got bored and quit. Having fun on the new Nost server though.
You can just play for free for that, unless they've disabled whispers/tells for free accounts.
only when you dress cute grills
How people put up with that """art""" direction is beyond me.
>You can sub with gold now ya know
Yeah, over 150k a token. Fuck that ya know.
all good shitposts
Pretty sure whispers and general chats were never allowed for trial accounts.
why did you omit my post? not good enough?
How was I shitposting? Retail was kinda fun but there was never anyone around to interact with and this was on a 'High' pop server.
nice armor
dumb looking weapon
>Retail was kinda fun but there was never anyone around to interact with
Are we playing the same game? Haven't really run anything with randoms since legion started. (Except for the occasional 1 dps we missed for some mythic+)
Thanks, I'm running with a different one anyway now.
Transmogs should be restricted to cities or specific servers. Absolutely ruined the game. Also heroic items should be a different colour. Also flying mounts should be removed from every zone.
I agree with this. You should be able to tell a player's progression and power level just by taking a glance at their equipment.
WoW is only fun still if you have friends to play with.
It's perfectly understandable that a majority of Sup Forums would therefore not be able to enjoy it.
Not a shitpost at all. WoW's art direction is a fucking joke.
But you can? You don't have to transmog your items and mythic armor looks completely different to heroic/normal.
>But you can?
You can't because everyone transmogs
>You don't have to transmog your items
You don't have to but everyone does
Your point is that you want to show off your progression and you certainly can do that. However, as a mythic raider myself that thought never occurred to me hence I transmog.
I'm shit so I have no need to show off anything, but when encountering others you should see how their character has progressed, especially enemy players
But you can do that, I really don't understand the problem. Its completely up to you.
It's up to me to stop others from transmogging?
Its up to you to show your progression. Why force it on other who do not want that?
Because it's just my opinion, it won't change shit but it's just why I don't like transmog
You can pretty much gauge where someone is at by clicking on their character though. Their health will tell you roughly how good their gear is. Only thing you have to factor in is whether they are a tank or not.
It might be sad but transmog is a big draw for most players and if Blizzard did what you wanted they would lose a lot of players.
Which is why I like McQuaid's stance on item visuals and cosmetics in Pantheon
just crop the screenshot dude
>worried about people seeing your name
>implying anyone here who even plays would bother doing anything to you
Dwarves represent.
Also this
I'm glad I grew out of the time sinks that are MMOs. Realised I missed out great single player games and WoWs population is only filled with veterans now that accept any shit by Blizzard
>he bought a $15 transmog helmet.
you all /spit on these players right?
you realize you can buy anything from blizzard's store with the wow tokens now?
I'm a huge fan of the Monk MoP CM mog from back then, even if its a bit special snowflake tier now.
I want to fuck a bear
> /g Anyone want to run ______ (literally anything)
> *crickets*
> join a new guild
> it's the same shit
> make a new guild with friends
> no one wants to recruit so we either do things when all 5 of us are on or we don't
True suffering
Pandas are not for lewd, you degenerate
>Also heroic items should be a different colour
That's already the case.
Raid Finder, Normal and Heroic use the same models with different colors and Mythic uses different item models.
but they are
the thread isnt bara tard
>tfw still have the original 2h archeus before they changed it to 1h
>night elf in stormwind colored armor
fucking absolutely disgusting.
Reminder that Night Elves and Draenei are literal perfection
From left to right: Affliction, Destruction, Demonology. Transmog is pretty much 75% of the fun of WoW now.
>tfw i never got the cm mog
;_; fucking kill me i'm not even good enough for this shit at this easy as fuck game
Besides the shield.
>you'll never be a well-hung Draenei woman who spends her free time plowing Night Elf women
well I'm sad now
reminder the official /vg/ guild is already well into mythic Nighthold and more active than any other shit guilds in this game but also 20x more autistic
might as well be consolidated into /trash/ at this point
I would play WoW to steal orc men from their partners. This one was my favorite, because the insane panda he was with melted down in yell.
>Death Knight in Stormwind armour
>Night Elf in Stormwind armour
And still better than your guild :^)
>Trash transmog
>Hides character names
Don't worry, I'd also hide my character names if my transmog was as shitty as yours
shit tier
bretty sweet, what mog pieces?
SauceNeed to do some research
Postan the same one I always post because I love it too much to change it.
These humble mogs are always ruined by some stupid piece of meme gear.
Why do people do this?
>Got the BrM hidden appearance pretty much immediately as soon as I got the daily keg thing
>Quit a month into the expansion
I can't help but feel bad if there's still people that don't have it
You do realize that even if you can buy anything from the blizzard store with wow tokens, they are still a form of currency?
Am I cute?
that you spent no money on.
if you're Iselda then yes.
>The King in Green was just an achievement name and not also a title you could get
>class fitting, mog matching tabards
But it's a form of money in itself, you spent some amount of time making the in game currency which you traded for a wow token which you traded for a $12 item.
does this fit I can't take an in-game picture because my account's expired
>You feel Sober
>you spent some amount of time making the in game currency
Yes, playing the game. You're making it sound as if you need to spend hours grinding gold to buy a token.