A PC version is inevitable

A PC version is inevitable.

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Yeah, a few years down the line. Who cares? How poor do you have to be to not have a PC AND PS4? Why would you even be on Sup Forums if you only had one of the two?

>acquire PC and play games at high resolution and high FPS
>have to buy an inferior platform to play other games I might enjoy but in a nerfed manner with shabby performance and paid online

I'd rather wait for the inevitable PC releases

usually consoles come out a little ahead of the curve when it comes to hardware

meanwhile, gen 8 came crawling out like a retarded baby with no arms and legs and they expect people to like it? Fuck that shit.

Don't make me say it


Its true, the Pro's performance is where the PS4 should've started.
Sonyfags got baited into buying trash hardware, then to pay for their online too.


you guise are so convincing

the odds of ports have increased manyfold now that basically every console is the equivalent of a closed-off steam machine

hardware manufacturers don't design weird shit anymore like the Cell because they know that devs don't like that, and it would only decrease the chances of getting a release on their platform or the product would perform shoddy at best when it's multiplatform

basically, the only thing that prevents ports from happening nowadays are license agreements

>Peggy 18

It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself. Enjoy waiting for next gen games 10 years from now.

It must suck to only have a PC, praying every night to get the same games as everyone else.

I'd love to. Juggling fps and resolution on a fucking console is some kind of advanced cuckoldry.

it's gonna be a lot less than that with VR on the rise, which are basically a joke on the 8th gen

Enjoy your 10fps emulator which will only take another 3 years to get it to 12fps and to stop it crashing to the desktop

that's what you have to enjoy now, nigga

At least we are playing it now while you cry and wait

Actually you're playing PC scraps for a change, instead of a shit version of a multiplat like usual.


>when the alternative is not playing it
the game you want exists only in your own head

And you're still playing nothing but the waiting and praying game

> inferior platform
Build a pc for 250$ which is better than the PS4. You can't. PS4 is a beast for it's pricepoint.

> paid online
Name one ps4 exclusive game that you need multiplayer to enjoy. You can't. Paid online is garbage. But for the ps4 exclusive that are worth buying a ps4 for eg yakuza, bloodborne, ni oh, gravity rush 2 you can play perfectly fine without multiplayer.

If a game is available on both PC and PS4 I'll play it only on PC. But for the exclusives it has PS4 is the only console worth buying right now.

You're just cucking yourself into not playing games that you know you'll enjoy.

I'm playing bf one currently desu senpai

So am I and the exclusives too

I like BF1 on my PS4

The sad life of the pcuck in a nutshell.

>play a absolutely shit version of the game now
>wait a while and play a much, much better version
>if it doesn't come out, it's only 1 game and there's tonnes of other stuff to play

Hard choice.........

please stop posting
i mean i'm a pc guy too but calm down amigo

please stop OP, it aint coming to pc, they just forgot to put the text


there's no ratings board on the box art in Asia? wtf I love China now

its from malaysia, yeah our shop dont care about age rating

Who the hell pays $400+ to try one game?