Videogames gave me carpal tunnel.
Thanks for nothing.
Videogames gave me carpal tunnel
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pmd the fix
Have you tried turning it off and on again
use your elbow/shoulder for playing then, as you should have for the start
why do so many retards play with super high sensitivity and complain about wrist pains
Use à controller
>use your elbow/shoulder
random example:
Oh fuck that. I bought a trackball to use, but so I don't move my wrist or arm at all, but it still hurts.
You only have yourself to blame.
Played on my PS4 for like 10 hours in a row the other day and started having mild pain on the base of my left thumb.
Rested for a week, no videogames or anything, and it's like nothing ever happened. You should immediately stop if you start feeling pain otherwise you risk getting seriously sick
If only I rested a few hours between sessions I wouldn't have lost an entire week of my college break.
I don't do anything else but play videogames because I am receiving autismbux.
make sure you have correct posture all the time (not just when playing vidya)
sometimes after or during a long melee tournament my hands will feel like they are about to shatter
I don't even play fox
>but it still hurts
look how well it's working for you
Maybe you should play in a way that doesn't have your wrist bent all the time (hand lower than rest of arm). Take a look at the video again. Notice the straight wrist?
My entire forearm is resting flat against my desk.
So you just haven't recovered yet.
Actually, wrist bending down is better than wrist upwards which is how many people rest their hand while using a mouse.
Wrist bending down is actually relaxed.
jesus christ, no fucking wonder you have wrist problems.
'lock' your wrist, as if you had wrapped it in a thick layer of bandages. now move your mouse.
True, though if you play low sensi then and do it better than that guy you are risking tennis elbow.
Just play less/more varied vidya, not the same thing 6 hours a day
Here's the link for the fix:
[link to megaupload]
To correct you: playing with kb/mouse instead of ergonomic gamepad gave it to you
you know, you don't have to be playing at that low a sensitivity, there is such a thing as something in the middle between super high and super low.
No, YOU gave yourself carpal tunnel. You did it by playing too many video games and probably doing so improperly. There is a difference. No one held your dump ass down and made you do it.
I'll probably end up the same way but I don't blame video games.
God damn I hate keeping my hands together in my lap, theres nothing ergonomic about this shit
I know, but if you wanna git really gud, low sensi is the way to go, and wrecking your arm in return for greatness.
>don't get carpal tunnel browsing Sup Forums 16 hours a day for a year
>get carpal tunnel pains within 2 months after starting to play videogames again 16 hours a day
No it was the games.
you deserve it for:
1) leaning so far forward so that very little space is between your face and the screen
2) centering all of your upper-body weight onto your wrists to support your needless screen distance
real and conscious niggas use their abs to prop themselves up
>literally dooming yourself to this because muh mouse
PC was a mistake
> low sensitivity
what was his score? i bet it was shit since there isnt a sniper class in that game
I agree to some extent, but
good wrist/arm health > getting gud
it's not like OP or any others here are going to be playing at a competitive level, might as well limit yourself slightly to have fun for longer
Seems like a quick and easy surgery desu.
You are the worst type of scum. Get a job, loser NEET.
I have schizophrenia. No thanks.
I don't even see what that would help.
You are right, but sometimes you just want to be really good at something for its own sake.
t. aging man with hurting wrist who is now not good at anything
haha jobslave
who's paying your internet fees?
>dont get carpal tunnel from slow, low impact motions that you chose to do
>get carpal tunnel after choosing to switch to high impact motions done repetitively and improperly
See what I'm getting at here? It is like those people who tried to sue McDonald's for making them fat. No one forced you to do that shit.
But that looks even more stressful on the wrist
it is a 17 minute long surgery with no anesthesia needed
nothing too serious
Seems lite, it'd be more problematic to stay away from work for 2 months after.
How does severing a ligament decompress a pinched nerve?
PCuck problems
Masturbating gave me that problem.
don't to this, it creates mustard gas
This is not even funny anymore, last summer I got into the habit of fapping so much it gave me legit issues with my right hand.
I wish it could feel the same when I use the left, is that something attainable?
american healthcare
yes, practice by playing Artificial Academy 2 like I did. Learned to fap with my left hand real quick.
I hate AA2 though.
Can you make cum with just your left?
Yeah I'm getting carpal tunnel too.
Worth it though.
The Xbone Controller doesn't aggrivate the symptoms very much though you should pick one of those up. Your days of KB+M might be behind you though.
I can indeed make the cum with my left.
Just realized my mongoloid wording.
I gotta switch to the right or its just not as intense, I mean I'd still finish, just won't be as good.
Reduce your fap output guys. I'm not a nofap zealot but cut it down to twice a week max. You'll feel better.
i got serious wrist problems from using a controller
to this day a controller hurts 4 times as much as a mouse+keyboard
controllerfags suck a dick, i dont even use a controller that much
It's all in the muscles. Your left hand is weaker and muscle memory isn't as conditioned as it is in your right hand. It needs practice, but i use my left almost exclusively now.
This user gets it.
It has nothing to do with American healthcare. That procedure is standard everywhere in the world.
>Holding mice and controllers the wrong way
You people are just retarded.
Which is worse, CTS or tendinitis? Can any of them be cured without going to the doctor if the illness is in its beginnig phase and I rest my hands?
PCfag all my life, barely any controller use, I wholeheartedly agree, extended use will hurt.
How can you hold a controller the wrong way?
Its more that theres only one-size-fits-all for controllers, they made stuff that will "work" for all but be far less than optimal in shape to be comfortable for all.
I have big hands, long fingers, I can buy a mouse that accomodates my hand, I can't do the same for a controller.
>having weak bodies
>blaming the controller/mouse
It's your fault for not strengthening your body and poor diet.
>Big hands, long fingers
So do I. Stop using a Dualshock and start using an xbone controller.
>compressed nerve issue is a result of poor diet and weak muscles
Thank you /fit/. Your advice has been noted and trashed as usual.
Stop doing whatever causes pain. Research what causes the pain. Fix your poor posture or form if you intend to go back to the activity.
Work out and keep yourself physically active. Make sure that you eat and sleep well.
While you do all this, see a physician. They might be able to give more specific advice, but it's not unlikely they will say many of the same things I wrote.
Source: I went to the doctor for shoulder pain. Told me to stay active and keep the shoulder in good shape, but to ease up when the pain was acute. At the doctors recommendation I started working out a little (and did so with good form) and fixed my poor body posture. Played less vidya for a little while. It's a lot better now, but the pain comes back quickly if I slip up and go back to those bad habits that caused it in the first place.
Please respond.
If both conditions are inflammation on different parts of the hand/arm, it'll go away if I rest when it's not heavily inflamed r-right?
People get fucked because they insist on using their damage parts instead of letting it heal
I hated the 360 controller and it was so much shittier in quality when compared to the DS3, I somehow doubt the Xbone could be that much better.
Atleast they don't have the fucking battery-pack tumor now which was part of what ruined the 360 for me, because thats exactly where my fingers were supposed to rest.
I did all that except going to the doctor and my pain is gone. I'm taking it slow now. Guess I can't marathon ga es like I did when I was a kid. Thanks for the advice.
>Work out and keep yourself physically active. Make sure that you eat and sleep well.
Not that this would apply to everyone
>start working out
>more hand/wrist pains than ever before
>bad sleeper but it got even worse on days I worked out on
fucking bodies how do they work
Alcohol ruined my liver, food made me fat
Think again sweetie, you need to learn moderation :)
If you're the guy asking about tendonitis and CTS, working out will literally never fix the issue. The guy that us recommending this had shoulder pain that was a result of poor posture. Poor posture is a result of weak muscles, so working out would help.
CTS is different; It's not a muscle issue. Working out will only cause you more pain gripping barbells instead of mice.
tendonitis goes away if you stop doing what's causing it
i imagine same fucking thing with CTS
literally stop putting all your weight on your wrist and sit the fuck up straight
Not that guy, but yeah who knows, I might have CTS, sadly I work with a mice for my job and then the same for muh hobbies
I ordered those wrist-splint glove things, hopefully it should help.
You know there's a wired USB version of the 360 controller without battery pack. The xbone controller's battery pack is integrated into the design itself, it doesn't stick out the back.
You just went full retard by using a controller that's way too small for your hands. You only have your own stupidity to blame.
No, smoking and being fat did.
Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon, as you might expect from its name.
CTS is a pinched (compressed) nerve. You can get it even if you don't put weight on your wrists, and weightlifting won't help.
Move your mouse mostly from your elbow+shoulder and only do fine adjustments with your wrists, don't swing your wrist around wildly while using very high sensitivity. Also take care not to put pressure on your wrist, your elbow should be supported by your chair's armrest which should be at just the right height to have your hand on the mouse without your wrist pressing down on the mousepad/table. If you adjust everything right your wrist should be just slightly above touching the mousepad, so you don't actually put any pressure on your wrist.
I know it has but when I have two wireless ones already I'd feel stupid buying a third and having to deal with its cables.
The problem with the 360 was way more than just its ergonomy, I used it on PC most of the time and its just fucking trash, loose-cunt sticks in a month that I have to set a deadzone for so they don't just run me in some direction, the god damn shittarded dpad where basically all four directions have an 50% chance to register as another, my second one was even the chrome version with the "changeable" dpad, what a scam that was.
I had enough of that shit while playing DaS and putting away my weapon/shields every time I tried to go up/down in inventory.
I just doubt Microsoft fucking bothered to make the xbone any higher quality, especially after seeing the "elite" bullshit.
I've put a fat silicone grip on my DS4, its about the best controller I ever had now, even if still not ideal.
This is why I said you have to go to your physician in my post, my advice will not work with everyone, and they should consult professional medical advice, not listen to a stranger on Sup Forums. While you wait for that appointment, take it slow and easy.
video games aren't as bad for my hands and wrists as my job is
Wrap your wrist and only watch shit for at least 2 weeks. Then start playing gradually with the advice previously said and take break once it start hurting at all. Also it will never fully heal so suck it up.
I was in the same boat as you 2 years ago during a chistmas holiday where I played non stop like I used to do in my teens.
>tfw I just suck up the pain because getting into the mood to play like I used to in my teens is far more rare and valuable to me than giving it up just to avoid the pains
I'm pretty sure I'll lose the will to play like that far sooner than this hand would give out entirely, the industry is definitely telling me that.
You are literally destroying your body.
I'm I lost a week of pure vidya because I insisted to play a few extra hours. Not worth it.
Everything we do is using up our bodies.
The point is even if I wanted to play 10 hours straight, I can't, I stop, take a break, watch a show, jack off or do something else before getting back to the game - if getting back to it at all.
When a game can grab me by the balls and stick me in front of the screen for 10 hours without a break, I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest, theres meds and shit for the consequences, my hand will still work, but that glue-factor may not happen maybe ever again.
Maybe trying switching genre until you feel better at least? I hurted myself during a D3 marathon and since then I'm avoiding games like that where the mouse is used all the time.
>comfy laying in bed or sitting on a couch
>PC gaming
>extreme carpal tunnel, back hurts, ass hurts even with a $300 "ultra comfy chair"
No, I'm not fat, I'm 6'6
Oh I'm not the dude with the trackball, though not coincidentally I've bought the very same thing as he did like 2 years ago.
Problem is I enjoy shooters but at this age if you don't keep in practice you'll just suck dick every time you end up playing. playing D44m is massive abuse of my arm but its fun, but also different from playing online.
I think I kinda learned the limits of my hand and work around it.
A good advice for anyone who also does his job on PC next to his kb+m vidya - get an ambi/left handed mouse, and use your left hand for work, and right hand for vidya.
Plenty of people have hand issues due to playing fighters and melee and shit excessively.
Its not a surprise theres less health issues with something so less intense though, you can be imprecise as hell in most games and both aiming and movement is just a fucking thumb.
Comfort is all about how you set up your place, I find having to keep my hands together in my lap very uncomfortable, the resting position for your hands is parallel to your torso afterall.
> things that never happened
can i perform this at home by bending 2 forks and using a regular kitchen knife?
works on my machine!
I went to an IT related high school, and did a BSc in CS. Worked in quite a number of bigger companies as developer. Never ever met or heard about a person with Carpal Tunnel problems.
The fuck is this meme?
I'm currently doing a BSc in CS and finish next year , hows the work going for you? Any advice for future graduates?
>I used computers I don't have carpal tunnel what gives?
Not everyone who play tennis gets tennis elbow, but those who do excessively or competitively - they do.
thumbs are bad for controls
they are meant for opposable griping, not for precision movement
it's no wonder people suffer from thumb related injuries in relation to those kinds of games (for example)
Anyone else here worried about their legs?
Indeed, and no precise movement is done on consoles with your thumbs repeatedly, unless you are playing fighters.
Not really, in most games you'll want to make a mixture of small and large movements. Keeps it balanced and doesn't cause any RSI.
Also stretches.
I would say don't fail classes, but you are not a new student and said you will finish next year, so that advice would not work anymore.
If you have the time and willpower, you could do work besides school. (internship) It's great for your resume, but be careful, companies will always try to fuck you over. They will ask you for more and more work - but never give in. If you drop out due to this, you just end up with no work and no education. I simply ignored my boss's whining and worked as much as I could handle. Was fun, cheap money, and I have "real work experience". The company also picked up previous interns once they got their degrees.
You could also try Google Summer of Code, it's fun and free money. Don't apply to very hard projects, if the project is not done / mentor is an asshole, you lose a big portion of the money.
Okay but people talk about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome like it occurs to many people.
Been into CS scene, Quake scene, and still know plenty of pro players.
Tons of them still play competitively.
They used like half of the fucking desk as a mousepad.
None of them have any arm or wrist problems.
Biggest issue I know is that due to friction your wrist will be red, will hurt, etc. "The gamer's mark".
That's it.
>I have schizophrenia
What do the voices tell you?