What does this mean for the Switch?
Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 meltdown
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>tfw south of fukushima
save me
How is possible to fix this shit?
Call of Fukushima when?
make the controllers bigger
I could save you. But then you'd have to live in America, Do you want this son? There is no going back once you're here.
It is fixed. This article is fear mongering clickbait at its finest. The fuckers even have to audacity to admit that it's not actually anything dangerous or new near the end of the article.
it's called sensationalism in reporting user; radiation levels are no higher than they have been since 2011, nor are they increasing.
All that has happened is they have discovered melted fuel rods at the site and have taken a reading directly from the rods, whereas before the reading was just the highest they had previously taken.
More like Fuk u Switch!
Post more Elephants foot, you faggot, OP.
Why didn't you listen?
>Call of Fukushima
It's Tears of Fukushima.
>Japs so used to nukes they nuke themselves
notice me USA senpai
I hope this means Kojima will go full NUCLEAAAR and fucking die
RIP brave gook
Dont call me names
Shut up and do as you're told, nigger.
Except that TEPCO has been saying the radiation levels are far lower for years without the "that's just because we haven't actually taken a real reading yet" caveat.
Giant radioactive hole in the ground giving off enough mSv to give a human being a fatal dose in seconds that even radioactively shielded robots can't survive? Nah, it's no big deal.
>Giant radioactive hole in the ground giving off enough mSv to give a human being a fatal dose in seconds that even radioactively shielded robots can't survive? Nah, it's no big deal.
It's literally as bad as Chernobyl if not worse
I mean shit, that kind of radiation was what the Chernobyl workers were exposed to IN THE REACTOR when it blew up
Fuck yeah!
>let's build a nuclear power plant in an area that is extremely susceptible to earthquakes and tsunami, what could possibly go wrong
Any nips here? Suck my dick
>mSv to give a human being a fatal dose in seconds
Why are you using millisieverts when it's more logical to use sieverts here? Trying to sound smart?
It's not an issue that a human would receive a fatal dose standing in the area for a few seconds, because it's melted nuclear fucking fuel. You're acting like this shit is easily accessible or that the inside of a reactor should be safe for a human to be in.
It means japs are going to get weirder in the upcoming years
>Japanese incompetent asses feeding into the fear-mongering stain on nuclear power
For fucks sake.
All these greenpeace fags here. The site has really gone down the shitter.
There are plenty of safe reactor designs and the risks can be heavily mitigated; Japan needs nuclear power if it wants to keep the lights on in the long term.
Just another example of dumb journalists writing dumb articles by using each other and nothing else as sources.
Why didn't they build the plant on giant suspensions so it would be immune to earthquakes?
>This article was amended on 9 February to explain that the camera had probed deeper inside the No 2 reactor – and closer to the damaged nuclear fuel – than before, hence the high radiation estimate.
>There are plenty of safe reactor designs and the risks can be heavily mitigated
Fukushima clearly wasn't the case.
Its the guardian
They have been autistically screeching about nuclear power for years
Who the fuck is going to draw my 2D porn if Japs die of radiation poisoning?
I'm not going back to 3D ever again.