This is a PS4 game. Look at those fucking graphics holy shit...
Horizon Zero Dawn
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Is that on PS4 Pro?
No, it was taken on a regular PS4. Have another.
so this is the power of the ps4 huh
Impressive... Do you think i should pre odrer?
Is this an open world RPG? What about characters then? Story? Writing?
Never pre-order.
Holy fuck.
>inb4 someone complains about the draw distance
The screenshot just happened to be taken just as a local dust cloud passed through. Has nothing to do with draw distance, everything inside the cloud is still rendered at max detail.
1. Yes it's open-world like The Witcher 3, except you can actually travel between all the zones without triggering some stupid cutscene.
2. Characters have deep background history and you learn about the world through datapoints, hologram recordings and other ancient things scattered in the game world.
3. Story and writing are decent but some sidequests are dumb (ie. I'LL KILL MYSELF BEFORE I HURT HER)
Looks nice but don't care wish devs would focus more on AI and writing still waiting to play a game where the decision making is so thought out that you really feel you impact the world so much that by the end of it you're left thinking how did I fuck did I even get myself into this then when you start a new game you make new choices but the game is so drastically different that the whole game feels like story is about something else and you still end up thinking fuck again so you play again and again but the game keeps changing to the point where you're like fuck this game.
You can't save her you never could
Whoaaaa........ so this is........the power of The..... Play...... Station..... Four........ TM..........
Yeah no, it's like far cry destroy and base here and here, probably boring side quests too i.e timed hunts and simple no story fetch quests.
>that pathetic draw distance
Haha nope, not at all. I have the game and it's absolutely incredible. Nothing like Far Cry or AssCreed etc.
If I had to compare it to some games, I'd say Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Uncharted 4
Looks good 2bh.
It's a game developed on PC like any other game and is running on shitty AMD hardware.
What's your point again?
Also it's another Ubisoft open world shitty clone with towers and le crafting xd
All the recent footage is from the base PS4. I don't think the Pro does much besides 4k and maybe some draw distance stuff.
>story, characters
I can say without knowing 5% of the story or characters, they will be shit. Its a video game, very few have a good cast and story ontop.
I've been liking the videos they've been putting out for enemies, maybe it has some gameplay variety in there somewhere
>20 fps slideshow
It is like pottery.
What western first party Sony game has ever had unstable framerate?
Last Guardian also struggled to get 20fps
ty, just looked it up myself.
Graphics are pretty, gameplay seems interesting althouth with standard open world bs, but the writing is just abysmal and lead voice actor is rabid feminist Ashly Burch.
Can't support "Progressive" agendas. Too bad, since the game and the lore looked somewhat promising and original.
>max detail.
you wouldnt know what that is if it hit you in the face.
This is a game from 2013.
Wooooow totally not touched up on in photoshop
I am now a #cruzmissile
This is also a game from 2013.
Crysis 1 still looks better.
You can load it up right now and take a picture, it looks like ass.
Crysis 3 is the undisputed king right now. dat fucking vegetation
So is this.
You're absolutely fucking retarded for posting this. If you think they removed graphical fidelity from CryEngine 3 just kill yourself.
Jungle terrain which is simply a heightmap with trees, bushes and water placed on it will never be as impressive as a city. Not to mention a city turned jungle.
h-how is this possible?
And a city is just squares upon squares, what's your point?
Yeah, citiesare literally cubes. You got me dude.
Just imagine how good it could be at max settings on a 3440x1440p g-sync 100hz ultrawide monitor. All this time wasted making a mobile game.
I'll give it that it looks pretty, but I'm going to have to see them reviews and some more gameplay before I buy.
Top kek that is from an 8k render. This wasn't running in real time.
Nice try though.
But why post CGI from 8-12k renders?
I can also throw pictures from blizzard CGI and say "this was from 2004" it wouldn't make a difference.
So this is the power of marketing.
No mods or custom settings used, simply used in game settings. Literally BTFO from 4 years ago.
Hey guys check out this in-game footage of heart of the swarm
consolecucks blown the fuck out, amirite?
You're actually retarded.
You don't think massive amounts of AA and a FOV + angle not possible in the game are custom settings?
Because that's exactly what Sony does, don't ever trust their bullshots.
Heart of the Swarm not your thing?
You're in luck though, Legacy of the Void is out, and it looks amazing.
PC wins again.
It was running at 8K with the stock graphics options. Obviously the HUD was hidden and noclip was used.
Hmm, kinda like the OP's image you fucking cretin.
Literally blown out.
Anyone got the Nintendo bullshots of BOTW?
The Crysis screenshots were taken in game at a high resolution. You're linking pre-rendered CGI footage. You're actually retarded.
It doesnt look any different from Witcher 3
don't be salty breath of the wild might be good too
So you are saying that these pictures we are taking ourselves are bullshots?
>Obviously the HUD was hidden and noclip was used.
Well i think we are done here. I wonder what else they used and didn't tell you about ;)
>tinder picture: OP's picture
>when you actually meet her IRL:
Stay mad the PS4 is still graphically irrelevant :^)
sony the power of marketing?
My friend bought a wii u to play breath of the wild, a few years down the line and he litteraly bought it for no reasen
>99% of the ps4 power spend on rendering his face
>1% spent on rendering the blurry flat ps2 looking backgrounds
>still not getting it
Must be suffering being this retarded.
>900p 25 fps
>People still falling for Nintoddlers masking themselves as mustards
Oldest trick in the book and Sup Forums still falls for it. Behind every mustard post is a desperate Nintendrone looking to invalidate PS4. But they're too shitscared to mention Nintendo hardware because they always lose that.
You're the retard.
Is crysis 3 good though? I just want to kill aliens with cool weapons.
In the year 1 post trump you think that looks impressive ?
Your autism betrays you.
too bad crysis is shit
No, it's shit.
>deep characters
>decent writing
>Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Uncharted 4
those games aren't really that similar though?
>comparing CGI pre-rendered cutscenes to in-game screenshots taken at a high res
I'm right, you're wrong.
can a ps4fag promise to post direct capture screenshots when the game comes out?
this game has photo mode like u4. its surely not as good looking as OPs image in actual gamplay.
2000s called, they want their grass back
>comparing CGI pre-rendered cutscenes to pre-rendered screenshots pretending to be taken at a high res
Fixxu'd. Watch_dogs didn't teach you anything, did they?
It looks the same in-game, meaning photo mode does not enhance graphics quality or lighting.
You can add DoF and change brightness/exposure and maybe some color tones in photo mode. That's about it.
That's probably a real in-game screen, there's far too many jaggies and LOD/draw distance is pretty damn conservative.
You can't even see the AO on the nearby mountain and the geometry is... lacking.
And here we have a one year old game, also on pee ass 4u
Photo mode during a boss fight
No way fag!
fucking speedtree
>lowest detail settings
nice try pcuck
Even ignoring graphical quality, that is an aesthetically awful shot.
So much bloom/blur it's impossible to see anything.
Bloodborne is a ps4 exclusive, and struggles to reach 30fps.
holly fuck this is beyound terrible
Guys.. this is an IN-GAME screenshot on a PLAYSTATION FOUR HOLY FUCK
maybe on your pc you faggot
Honestly, look at the fucking textures on that metal? thing in the foreground, it actually looks so fucking bad. So blurry.
>muddy low res textures
>shitty lod
>shitty clouds
The screenshots aren't pre-rendered you fucking retard, that's why you're retarded. It's in game assets at a high resolution. No mods, no custom shaders. You can go to those areas yourself and do the exact same thing albeit at a low framerate.
even the bullshots have tons of fog
Biggest shill thread of the day
I think we need to compare this to BOTW side-by-side since our Nintendo friends are so keen to nitpick the graphics.
>no knowledge about the game
>"should I preorder guuuuuiiise????"
Pre-order suicide now, faggot.
why every fucking screenshot is so muddy?
And what the fuck are those red artifacts?
Gameplay looks utterly boring. Shame, really, since it was a nice idea.
>comparing ultra low powered portable device to a dedicated fat machine
Let's compare to a PC shall we? Oh wait, PS4 won't even break 60fps so it's already btfo.
I'm comparing a $300 console to a $270 console. Why are you running away now? Not so easy when the spotlight is on you now, eh toddler?
The autistic Nintoddler is aimgry
Does anyone have that shot comparing Horizon and BOTW draw distance? I feel like our Nintendo friends need help with this.
>$300 (((mobile hardware))) console to a $270 console
Blown the fuck out.
Always it's either top tier graphics and shitty gameplay and everything else or vice versa. Why can't consoles have both if it's not a racing game?
and this is what consoletards truly believe
not a single fucking clue
>Nintendo says it's a console
>nu-uh it's actually mobile that's not mobile at all and attached to a power dock
Too expensive.