How do we fix game journalists and American men in general?

How do we fix game journalists and American men in general?

Fucking Patrick Klepek

we ensure that no one confuses real men with you autists

Stop reading their shit.
Stop posting about them.

......Wtf? Who does that?

lmao, its a joke you fucking retard

Literally none of the men I know would get upset about this. This is purely a game journo "Look at how progressive I am please have sex with me" thing.

Please be satire
I dont wanna believe someone could be this much of a pussy


stop watching Klepkek

>American """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Nothing a good nuke couldn't fix.

>that genuine look of disgust
You'd think he was watching Brazilian scat or ISIS execution videos, but it's just a pair of tits. What a fag.

CLOTHED tits to boot!

is he trying to be funny or?

>a nuke

More like 2 tbqfh

Jesus you did that meme wrong.

Ameritard here, you fucking mongoloids make us look bad.

what game exactly?

how do we uncuck white people? I thought Trump was supposed to fix this


nothing so manly as being actually upset at other peoples opinions

Yakuza something

what a brave white male

commend his bravery

why would a lifelong liberal cosplaying as a white supremacist fix anything?

I'm genuinely curious why Trump is considered a white supremacist.

how is it even possible to produce men so beta? what is in your drinking water Americans?

What is he fucking 12?

Nigga I don't think he's been dressing any different since 1987

Is this a JoJo reference?

"Look mom, I don't like this sexual stuff!"


I did that when I was 12 and was told from church that porn was a sin. But then I grew up.

Uh oh

>people still read polygon, kotaku, waypoint, etc, just to look for shit to get mad at


An adult man does that. Not a 5 year old kid, no. An adult man. Why shouldn't he be suffocated to death?

i read Sup Forums for the same reason



>He has a kid

It can't be his own kid

You can rationalize your manhood all you want, it wont change the fact that a large portion of society will look down on you for your behavior.

I agree with the notion that a man shouldn't be a bitch to words, but he shouldn't be a bitch at the sight of boobs either.

Will these guy kill themselves when they walk into a bookstore and find the magazine section?

Or maybe he's respectul and loyal to his family unlike you people who've never seen a naked woman in your life.

what a huge fucking faggot. bet his an american.

the latter isn't pretending to be the arbiter of all things manly in the process

Yeah he is.
But not his wife.

It's literally not.

This is the state of the average white American male these days, a complete cuck.

It's a kind of smug attitude to have. On some level they think they're a better person for being "offended" by nudity.


Isn't seeing your wife naked disrespectful to her, Patrick?

Nuke San Francisco.

>being so cucked watching a cute, over 18 japanese bikini model act provocative makes you cover your eyes

How the fuck is this even possible.



What does this post mean??

why? he could just skip the entire scene by pressing X. what the point?

nah man, I've those goatfuckers murder vids and they're not as worrying as this shit. Everyone that does this kinda shit votes and has kids while terrorists get blown to pieces without affecting anyone outside their own shithole mostly. These people shit up the western countries and we are all paying the price.

Seriously what the fuck makes him do that. I remember my brother doing that when he was 10 and we were watching some movie which had scenes of people kissing or shit like that, but even that was a ruse as I know he always left a crack to still watch the lewd stuff, meanwhile this fully grown man literally covers his face with his arms (so no cracks to look through).

Someone explain this behaviour to me.