No longer care about vidya

Anyone else have this feel?
After I bought my gtx970 I downloaded many games with fervour but left after playing Witcher for 4 hours total. Vidya doesn't interest me anymore. It just feels tiring especially when grinding enters the equation. Even the so called addictive mobile games have lost their charm.
I did get into a dota phase where I played it for 1.2k hours but it's been 3 months since I left and I don't care about that either

Are there any low investment games that I can play on mobile and which don't require much time each sitting and is multiplayer?

It can just be a phase for some people. I lost interest in games totally between the age of 18 and 21 and then got back into them heavily

The most common reason is being a NEET.

Hmm might be true. I am starting uni this month though

Can't relate

Same feeling. I feel empty, and the new games don't interest me. Nothing is fun anymore. The only game I think I play time to time is Toy fucking Soldiers.

Same senpai. I cant even finish Berseria

Play good games. Also post more of those images.

Same. I am the opposite, I don't have much time and what I'm most interested on are long RPGs and such, so I end up not starting anything because I don't like the prospect of playing one of them like 2-3 hours a week or giving up on my shitposting habits for it.

And while I liked multiplayer games at some point (I was going to buy OW) I simply suck dick at them.

What's the deal with that formatting?

Hell if I know, but it seems like it could have all been done in a single line of code.

After I beat Witcher 3 and all the expansions I haven't felt a need to pay games.

Every other series I know and loved is dead or getting raped.

i still like playing video games but i don't enjoyed them like i used to

Uh... What is wrong with that image?

switch statement

You don't even need a switch, just index into a.getLabel() - 1

>or giving up on my shitposting habits for it.

Jesus fucking christ. Talk about priorities.

This image triggers my PTSD

In that situation you shouldn't play some casual shit, but some proper classic you have missed.
I'd say you should play a good action game that gives you quality gameplay and doesn't require huge amount of hours to complete, like emulate Devil May Cry 3 on PS2.
You will get tired of any activity by just staying in your comfort zone, so if you want to keep enjoying it, you need to get out of there fast

It's a joke template. Has some shitty code on the right with a graduating guy on the left.

what language is that in?
i only know a little python and those
if's are killing me.

No one here does
After you go through years of playing games they all start being samey to you, because they are.
Innovation in this industry died 2 generations ago

you'd have to cast it to integer, but yes.

looks like c#

Java or C#, I'd guess.

Tell you what, stay away from vidya for a while.
I haven't been able to afford anything after the DS/PSP and have missed on everything the Xbox/PS3/Wii (and everything past it) had to offer.
I'm more excited over playing some stuff than I ever was. Still can't afford it though, but you get the idea.


If I wasn't able to afford anyting I wasn't also able to afford a good gaming PC.

I cant play games that takes more than 10 hrs to finish, I really cant play shit like RPGs anymore

Ya getting old.

I sadly fall back on comforting games I know and have played for years, even if I view them as 'grindfests', they are grindfests I am used to and as such can't be bothered to pick up newer titles.

I'd like to play some FotM's, but just don't care enough. Trying to go over some old Sup Forums charts and play some of the declared 'old gems' is too much effort as well. I'm trapped in a pattern of specific old titles and view some new games as 'the same shit I've played before with a new skin'.

Also the charts I'm looking at stopped updating in 2010, did anyone ever work on them more? The only way I know FotM's or current games is by looking at /vg/.

Maybe try out different genres. Something you can tackle at your own pace. Games like dota 2 might not necessarily be fun, maybe it's just the competitive element you're drawn to and you've lost that. Also you implied you liked shitty addictive mobile games, which is another red flag.

I'm having just as much fun as I used to with genres I like. There was this phase when I felt out of touch because I didn't like every new early access flavor of the month game, but I kind of realized you're not obliged to like everything. Probably sounds stupid but to me it was an important realization.

>How many layers of incompetence are you on right now, my dude
>I dunno, like Java graduate
>You are like a little baby watch this!

I used to have friends to play with, is my problem. We'd fuck around for hours almost every day in GTA IV and V, Halo Reach, and whatever else.

Then one by one their names stopped coming up. They had real-life obligations or lost interest and never really came back. I had my own IRL shit to do too, but I made time to play a bit often.

It's become so empty without friends...

who says you need on of those?

I feel ya. If I have time to play vidya these days I just read, or go out for a walk, or watch anime, or do anything other than playing games really. It almost feels like I'm looking for excuses not to play vidya sometimes for some reason. Bizarre because I still consider myself as a person who loves videogames, I came to Sup Forums because of videogames and spent all my teenage years and last 10 years of my life on Sup Forums, I just never actually play anymore. Last game I completed was Deus Ex MD. I'll still probably play Breath of the Wild when it comes out though.

>== for checking String equality
>getLabel() returns String
>Meaningless variable name "a"
>Not taking advantage of polymorphic behaviour instead of a huge serquence of if-else's

You can just get the value of the label and subtract it by one. You have to do a type cast, but much cleaner.

I do, i just don't play them as much anymore.

Used to be that guy who would waste all his time playing every new release, but you release most games are not worth playing.

Just spend time doing something else and be more discerning with your picks. Don't feel you have to be playing video games all the time.

if you "grow out" of anything you never actually liked it and always were a poser anyway

Funny that you post that image mocking gamedev OP. I assume that you tried your hand at making a game before.

I found that games lost their appeal on me after I tried learning how to make a game. You learn all the mysteries about how games are made, either the art or the coding, and you begin to breakdown how the games you play are made themselves.
Ever since I tried making games, I took on a more analytical approach towards playing games. You spend more time focusing on the underlying structure thinking about how the game was made rather than focusing on actually getting sucked into a game.

Probably not everybody is like this but I have a friend who feels the same way.

So you still shit yourself and suck on a pacifier? As expected from Sup Forums

nothing wrong with the first point

If all labels are indices, why not just turn them into ints, or make them int to start out with? Then the entire thing would be something like
int i = a.getLabel() - 1;
if (i < {[i].setDone(true);

Why does he keep using else if statements instead of using cases?

that's literally his second point m8

Depends on if it's C# or Java (looks like Eclipse so my guess is Java)


Why would you need cases when there's no need for a conditional in the first place here?

not a programmer but let me guess

the correct use would be:[a.getLabel()].setDone(true);

>stopped playing vidya 2 years ago
I've never felt better in my whole 33 year old life.

guess you're not a reader either, otherwise you would already know you're wrong

need some error checking but otherwise yes

>playing entirely AAA garbage and shitty mobile games
>wonder why he's not enjoying vidya

I started school again last Fall and this semester I also have an on-campus job. It does feel a bit better to have something productive take up four days of the week and make money for new vidya to enjoy on the remaining three days. Usually I'm so tired after the school and work days I don't even touch my games but there is some satisfaction in a hard day's work that makes the off days feel more rewarding. Hope you can reignite your lost love for games. Some time away from them will do you well.

Theres only one cure.

Go back and play some classics that you missed from the era that got uou into it in the first place.

I had missed Ocarina of Time, Symphony of the Night and stuff like that.
And i can confirm that, as a 28yo, a lot of them still hold up well.

Good luck searching and have fun!

Please never touch any code ever.

the older you get and the more responsibilities comes to you the lesser time goes into vidya. My time is mostly taken up by work and family at the weekends its with friends, family and chores. Its been months since i last played vidya and my form of relaxation is just shitposting. I guess its true that only manchildren still invest in vidya.

This goes for literally anything, not just vidya. You're burnt out. The same thing would happen if you did nothing but read books, or watch films all day.

You just need some variety. Cook breakfast in the morning, develop a workout routine etc.

After old MMOs that actually felt good to grind in, I can't find any pleasure in grinding.

It's a good gimmick for someone's first few years of games, then it's just old.

If there's no skill involved I can't find grinding to be the least bit fun anymore because I know that if I didn't have a job and had the time and money to do there are other games I would be grinding in.

>buys a PC 10+ after the heyday of PC gaming
>is pissed when it actually has no fun games

>pajeet code

>after playing Witcher for 4 hours total
>I did get into a dota phase where I played it for 1.2k hours
>Even the so called addictive mobile games have lost their charm.

Holy shit, just get married and have kids or something, you sound like a disgusting, adult and responsible normie. I hope you get into Heaven when you die.

Get a job or something then you'll start liking them again. I'm currently unemployed right now and I'm already bored of video games due to it. When I had a job I played lots of games. But now I just sit here browsing Sup Forums because I have too much freetime.

You have to subtract by 1 however. However yes, pretty much.

No such thing as too much free time. Just do something other than playing video games.

You're playing shitty western games and have no real life to escape from so no shit you find them boring. Get a job and buy a ps4.

I'm a sonygger too but OP could really just get a job and buy a cheap ps3 or gamecube to play some neat adventure games from series like Nier/DoD and Zelda

You'll never be as productive as everyone wants you to be.

The same applies to them.

OCD? If it gives you PTSD you should just kill yourself already

>(float) 100
>(float) 1
>this this this this this
This is why you should be able to terminate people telling you "you don't need school to be devs"

>After I bought my gtx970 I downloaded many games with fervour

This is the problem IMO.

Don't buy GPUs or consoles or other hardware and then look for games to play. Look for games you want to play and then see what it takes to play them.

Having a glut of games to play always makes me want to play none of them. That's why I never got into emulation but I can still go back and play games on the original carts.

I had a 3ds and ocarina of Time. Doing quests seems like a drag. I'm beyond saving it seems
I already workout thrice a week, learning some cooking too
I'm just 19 bro

What's the alternative to this?
Also, casting to float so you don't get integer division is fine

I bought GTX just to play Witcher ;_;

just do 100.0 if it's a constant float
cast to float to avoid integer division is fine

> the code
It could be done using a switch statement for example.

> CS/BSc meme
Uhm these guys are mostly dropouts, or have never been to uni. You learn this shit in first semester. Chances are good you become an intern during your school years, where you also learn not to write such shit code.

BUT, besides that, that code works just fine. The compiler optimizes your program anyway, and these few IFs will not be the most CPU intensive code.

>int i = a.getLabel() - 1;
shit won't even compile kid

>just do 100.0 if it's a constant float
Right maybe I should actually read the code and realize it's constant

>It could be done using a switch statement for example.
fucking idiot

It's because he needs to do typecasting, right.

no, you don't use alternative, you use 1f or 100f, which is the expected writing.

And why is that? You realize he also said labels should be int in the first place, right? So he's working off of that assumption

>I'm just 19 bro
that's your problem. fucking do something with your life
t. 22 year old University Teaching Assistant

there's no typecast from string to int, you need to parse. shit line int.tryparse.
or if you are 100% sure that the string is always one character, you convert to char and remove (char)'0' before casting back to int

I just boot up games that I played during my childchood every now and then and replay them, can't motivate myself to play the new ones.

this is the power of cheap outsourcing

Sup Dennis

you stupid NEET fucks need to stop shitting on people who actually work. If anything, this code looks like something YOU would write after 30mins on CodeAcademy. At least "Pajeet" is trying to do something other than sitting at home watching hentai

Oh sorry, I forgot you cant typecast string to int in Java. I've been using swift and you can do this.

let a:Int? = Int(firstText.text)

... ?[a.getLabel()-1].setDone(true);

You might need o cast a.getLabel() to an int before subtracting one from it, depending on the language.

t. Pajeet

at least learn to use the toilet first raj

Ah I meant only the basic structure as in how to avoid using 100 if / if-else statements.

(I didn't read the statement itself, lel.)

Stupidity of the statement aside, switch is just a shorthand for a bunch of else ifs, right? So using a switch statement makes the code look better but it won't change the compiled code

Not really, it sometimes compiles to a jump table.

t. Eva

Even if it didn't, chaining ifs to that degree is just asking for somebody to ridicule your code.

Good to know, Though I suspect any modern compiler will do the same with chained if-else
Is that someone specific or are you saying I'm a woman because I wanted to know something about how compilers work?

I got a job and fucking loath playing now because I never have the time to get into it before something retarded comes up and everything a bit harder like souls are no go because I'm not gonna spent the hour I have running the same corridor over and over again because some retard thought checkpoints are a meme

Yeah I'll be honest I spend more time on Sup Forums in my free time than anything.