>tfw never got into an MMO
I tried WoW for the third time last year and it was the loneliest experience of my life, no one wanted to play together.
>tfw never got into an MMO
I tried WoW for the third time last year and it was the loneliest experience of my life, no one wanted to play together.
You missed out on the social part of the gaming era, now it's loneliness and toxicity plus some spouting of memes.
WoW was the shit in mid-late 00s. Now it's casual soulless experience
sounds like you're autistic or are unlucky
find a good guild, make some friends, ez pz
Played from vanilla to wrath, I loved the world but I hated the playerbase.
>always #1 in damage with my hunter despite mediocre equip
>never pulled aggro
>really good pvp player
>it doesn't matter how good you play
>you need to be 18 to join our guild
>interviews for fucking raids
I wanted to play a game, not getting a job for fucks sake.
WoW isn't an MMO
It's not even a game
>get in to wow super late because my mother was convinced that downloading games was the equivalent of asking for a virus
>played the golden age of runescape instead
>finally try wow at the end of mists of pandaria
>expect it to be like runescape where you ran through a city and hundreds of people were just chit chatting among themselves all chilling out shooting the shit
>decide to go to orgrimmar on a high pop realm to see if my expectations were met
>it's literally fucking silent and 90% of players are afk or just spamming trade chat
>anytime somebody does speak, every word is abbreviated to death like conversation is just too much effort
You know what I hate about WoW? Imagine that you were addicted to heroin then a company comes along and makes heroin so good that all the other heroin producers go out of business. Then years down the road their heroin gets shittier and shittier until it's not even heroin anymore. So you go look for someplace to buy more heroin but there is none anywhere because everyone is afraid they will be completely destroyed again. So now you just lie here sick and every now and again you hear than maybe someone will make heroin again but it's always just some over ambitious kickstarter pipe dream.
>implying people still arent shitting out mmos constantly
>implying legion is bad
>implying vanilla was good
Koreans aren't people.
>implying legion isn't trash
That's the state of WoW nowadays. It was different. I remember grouping a lot more up with people during vanilla and burning crusade. Slighty less in WotLK, which is why that game was the beginning of the end
Well you could always compensate the heroin with gambling and play D3 instead :^)
Find a fucking guild which wants to run dungeons, pvp, raid, roleplay etc.
I just wish they'd release official progressive vanilla to wotlk servers soon
I did play season 9. I had my whole set and all the off pieces and was pushing solo 70s grifts in like 2 weeks. I could do the season journey I guess but I hate set dungeons. This season was just insanely easy.
You are missing on a whole new level of autism
I'm just praying to whatever gods will listen that Camelot Unchained is going to be good even though I know it won't be.
It's a lot more social.
Legion has got me back into WoW
Are you memeing or is this a real recommendation because I might try it
you have really low standards my man
MMOs in general suck unless you have a group of friends to play with.
WoW is more single-player than even now. You hit a button to queue for a dungeon, say "Hello" to your group and when nobody replies you just play your part and leave when you get your loot at the end.
There's no patience any more, no humanity in it. I've bounced from guild to guild over the past year, something that was unheard of years ago, and every one of them has been full of meme-spouting children.
And nobody wanted to do anything as a group. Occasionally someone would help you out with crafting potions or giving advice, but that was the limit of what playing with others seemed to offer. It's just fucking sad.
WoW is really bland and generic.
There are better MMOs from every generation.
Real recommendation. Community is toxic but the game is solid if you think of it as an online beat em up. I would recommend destiny but there's not much to do now that they are working on destiny 2.
sounds like you accidently tried retail instead of a vanilla server like Elysium. People talk to each other all the time in vanillla because the classes are more unique and the content isn't trivially easy
Then you are the trash.
>And nobody wanted to do anything as a group.
t. someone who never joined a guild that actually raids or rBGs
What does that even mean? Or are you just repeating what others do
The last guild I joined was supposedly focues on doing planned raids and battlegrounds, but when I showed up for FOUR guild events the number of people who did the same wasn't enough to do heroic dungeons. It was miserable and a complete waste of time.
And that guild had over three hundred members. You'd think people would actually want to do guild things.
WoW was only a social experience up to Wrath of the Lich King. At the start of that expansion it was still doing alright, but then they introduced that cross realm dungeon finder tool that killed the point of maintaining a server community.
>not knowing about the t. meme
t. faggot
>paying attention to memes
why the fuck don't you just join a guild and raid and automatically get to speak to people
you can do well alone in modern WoW for sure but only if you literally make zero effort to find anyone to play with
its from Sup Forums newfag
>join shit guilds
>complain when they're shit
here's a tip, all those guild that have 100+ members are fucking trash because they invite literally everyone
>missing the point
>Community is toxic
Not even once
Played it for two months in 2008. There was still a thriving active community, cities were immersive and people always wanting to party up, trade or recruit.
Try Elsword, you won't be lonely