Nioh thread non bait edition

Nioh thread non bait edition.

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mods should just remove all those nioh threads

game isnt even on pc

For Honor is better

Is for honor any good on pc? Played the beta on console and it was slow as shit.

it's not good on any platform

Pirates Vikings and Knights is better

What do i do with all this gear?

Shrone or blacksmith

So I heard here and there magic was op.
What are some good spells to get ? They look kind of underwhelming to me.

sloth, carnage, guardian talisman, elemental buffs are all good to very good.

Get fucked umibozu

can you forge divine gear?

>very good

I think you mean broken

Just beat the bat lady after what feels like 100 tries. I'm not willing to put up with this game's bullshit where everything kills me in 3 hits max anymore so I'm going to return it and wait for the inevitable PC version with scaled down difficulty.

I wanna look just like Ishida.

Remember when this was supposed to have weapon durability

who /suzaku/ here?

Fuck me

I thought the elemental shots were just for enhancing arrows/bullets

I understand why, the description of what it does is really bad.

I want to shoot on meltyfate and purblind's faces

Biggest bullshit bosses?

First one is the 1v1 Tachibana fight in the field.

Are you alpha enough to make them go doki doki for you?

Shrine is stupid except to get the titles. Check how many of each item rarity you need and don't offer any more than that. The amrita you get it nothing. You get items like elixirs too but for the most part it's just not worth it outside f getting your titles.

Disassemble everything you don't want then sell all your crafting materials you get. You may want to save some of your spirit iron chunks and stones as they are used for reforging but in general materials are useless. Forging things isn't worth it.

Find armor and weapons you like that are rare (purple) so that they have the maximum number of ability slots. Reforge the abilities you don't want and soul match stuff up to a higher level if you get too far and don't find a replacement. Keep in mind soul matching is insanely expensive. It's over 28 million to up my current weapon in late game.

The only omyo magic good for a projectile build is the shadow round talisman. Otherwise you're going to mostly want ninjutsu.

i died to bat lady 25+ times and then took a break to shitpost Sup Forums

its especially bad because everyone is saying shes easy as kittens

feels bad to be bad man

I wish I was half the man Anri Okita deserves

It's really not bullshit dude. In fact it's one of the only fights that's actually as hard as it should be as long as you don't cheese hi. Cheesing him is extremely easy by the way.

It's okay user. People were complaining nonstop about her the past few days, lots of people have trouble.
If you want a hand, I'll help out but you'll be a worthless pleb wwww.

I know your probably shit posting but are you for real? How many times should be able to get hit by a boss?

Anyone wants to help with white tigeru? Pass is TIGER

she might break my will at some point, but not yet - thanks though, you've actually untilted me somewhat

Ahh man I super cheesed the 1v1 dojo fight with the attack when you ki burst.

>shes easy as kittens
She's really not. I've beaten the game and she's one of the hardest bosses. Probably third hardest.

>big snakes

okay this is straight up not fun

Use anti paralyze stuff, dodge the shout.


Did that for literally every dojo training mission. It's so useful against people who can't unzip random hyper armor.

yeah, just changed my charms to paralyze res charms, made quite a difference

thats somewhat comforting

Everything's really fast in this game and I ran out of the things that cure paralysis after like the first 3 attempts so from then on getting paralyzed even once was basically death.

What the fuck is this meme I'm seeing everywhere?

I literally beat her on my first try, and I didn't even try her in the beta.

How fucking bad are you people at dodging? She also has very obvious telegraphing on all her moves, so there's no excuse

You're at the dojo and this kisama comes up and slaps your waifus ass

what do you do?

Yeah well I beat her before I was born when she was still the concept phase do you're a fag and you're fucking terrible lmao.

Shitposting isn't going to make you less of a shitter, you know

Why don't they just make a sticky thread for the newly released game? Have it up for a 1-3 weeks.

>Top of the mornin to ya!

I beat her first try too. That being said, not everyone is you and not everyone is good at video games.
I did die to her eight times during the boss rush on the last mission though which angers md greatly.

>this is how Japan sees black people

What are they must have omnyo skills other than Sloth, Weapon buffs, and kekkai barrier? Any of the damage spells worth it with only 20 magic?

Soul matching price is almost completely based off how far off an equipment original level when you got it. After it reaches a certain threshold the price spikes up to fucking millions.
Forging is actually good though if you and every revenant cant get a purple you like and the soul matching starts getting retarded. Forged armor also tends to have half the stat requirements, if you're a no str/dex fag.

Also what the fuck does the ying yang status effects do on humans, I've almost went through the entire game twice and I still don't know what the fuck it does to humans.

The trick is to realize there is no "trick" to the fight

You literally just poke with your longest range attack every time she ends a combo string and then run away. Don't get greedy. She literally has like 3-4 attacks.

Spray him with water and take my mage waifu back

Does anyone else have a 30% reduction to their sprinting speed?

I have no idea where this nerf is coming from.

Turtle spirit

the HP regen is kinda useful as is the ground aoe one if you are doing a lot of co op

the armour up one i have found helpful when fighting bosses also getting the mystic art where you instant cast self buffs help heaps in fights with aggressive enemies

in saying that i had a cunt of a time doing the mystic arts mission because the nue kept killing me with his lightning strike roars that are targeted on itself

Beat her after my 3rd try. Git gud

I just turned 34, have a busy career etc and don't get to play as much as I used to, been enjoying yakuza 0 and nioh this weekend though, but I need to just accept that my reaction speed and reflexes just can't cut it like they used to. I've played about 8 hours in nioh this weekend and I just beat the lightning dog thing, took me a long time but felt good when it finally happened.

I do get confused with all of the different items / skills / magic / titles / ninja points / forging etc though, seems very convoluted.

Loving it so far though.

I've done quite a number of coop missions now and I have not seen a single person ever try to put themselves out if they catch fire.
Sup Forums does right?

reminder the "mimic" chest are tanuki using their giant balls as a hat

most people dont know that rolling puts out fires, not sure if shallow water does though

>assumed high stance roll would instantly put out the fire
>instead low stance dash spam does it

fucking japs

What gives? I thought this game was supposed to be hard, yet every boss is easy as fuck, I was hyped as fuck when I got to Ogress since I though it's gonna fuck me up, killed her first try, twilight version took 2 tries.

You guys lied to me, but she still looks pretty cool.

>the nue kept killing me with his lightning strike roars that are targeted on itself

Doesn't it only do that when recovering from being out of ki?

it does, it took me awhile to figure out how long i could just whale on him before he does it, but sometimes it would come out so fast i couldn't do shit to avoid it

it was hard in the alpha and beta
then they made it way easier because people cried it was too hard

>Unironically dying to Hino-enma
>Not realizing you can turn basically immune to paralysis
Shiggy diggy

so is Ieyasu a bad guy or what? he had an evil laugh and shit

How are else these pleb hosts dying to bosses when I'm helping them, how hard is it to just take turns attacking while the boss is aggrod on the other.

Hey boys, what does guiding kodama's back to the shrine do? Does it have something to do with receiving blessings?

Fuck, I wasn't able to try them out so I guess I missed out on the actual game since this is pretty one-sided.

i'm a soulsfag so blocking with a weapon not a shield is something that i have to get used to doing. I think that will help the fight too. The problem is the spinning combo she does, i cant seem to dodge the last attack of it.

Also sometimes she will litterally one-shot me with that flying charge (seems like a bug where the damage registers twice).

There are in general so many "mechanics" in this game it kinda overwhelming - im fearful im forgetting or overlooking something important. It just seems crazy that the 2nd boss in the game takes 10-15 to beat where a single slip-up will most likely be your death.

And i mean, im not a total scrub, i've done multiple different challenge runs of the soulsborne games - guess the games are very different though

Increases your max elixirs

Is this the glrious PC master race I keep hearing about? A bunch of cauals?

How do I light the fires in the water level?

Thanks mate. Didn't think about checking my spirit.

>Getting hit by that paralysis shot in the first place

Maybe the first time it takes you by surprise but after that you need to be an idiot or old with slow reactions.

Meant to say it increases the number you get when resting at a shrine.

There's no excuse. Even ninja early skill allows you to create paralysis resistance and paralysis breaking pills

>still can't decide what weapon to use
Are weapons more important that stats like in souls game?

That certainly caught me off guard

>people complaining about how hard some of the first bosses are
>they haven't gotten to the 2-on-1 duel against Muneshige and Tadakatsu

Talk to the magic girl with the dildo hat, she'll give you flints to light them.

is rock tech still a thing

Already beat it by abusing fire, poison, and Kusarigama's pull ---> sweep ---> stomp combo

Nobu and his wife were also a pain in the ass. Took me like 20 minutes to beat them because I could only fit in attacks when his living weapon wore off.

>Haven't died t a main mission boss yet
>Had a few close calls and spent a million years killing the centipede
>Reach blobby boss
>Die to his laser beam

That was a disappointing way to end it.

(Sponsored comment) wow very good you should start a youtube channel

>Also what the fuck does the ying yang status effects do on humans
Increases damage they take and makes their Ki regen REALLY slow.

>doing really well fighting muneshiggy
>Tadakatsu starts spamming his teleport attack for no reason
More annoying than anything that fight

You should have gotten a good amount of gear and even a decent charm or two with paralysis on it..

>that feel when that lunge with his spear that takes him like 30 feet forward

Just use the archer set and a spear. And be aggressive, be be aggressive.

I'll admit I died to it more than a few time. I kept trying to dodge it and occasionally failing. Once I figured out you can double tap dodge I took her out easy. Then later somebody said you can just run sideways to avoid it and I felt like I real idiot.

Expected though. Umi-bozu isn't that hard but that laser will one shot most builds at that point unless they are really tanky or have water resistance.

For real? I've rescued a whole bunch now and my elixir count is at 4 I believe. The only time I get more than 4 is when I loot them. Do you have to rescue all of them in one stage to get +1 max elixir or something?

I like the fire shot. It does a good amount of damage and kills those blob faggots in two hits.

>2-on-1 duel

what the fuck is their reasoning for that? that's not even remotely honorable

None of these bosses are souls hard or even match that quality. Nioh is good but I just beat ludwig for the first time the other day and man, that is a fucking 5 star boss holy shit.

>Do you have to rescue all of them in one stage to get +1 max elixir or something?

It's based on the number you've rescued per region. I think you get around +1 per 6 you rescue

>This game reuses the soundtrack just like the enemies and enviroments.

Okatsu has a unique battle theme but the fight itself is dissapointing. She and spiderwoman are the easiest fight in the game

Getting so stressed with people not seeing how they're in a bad position, my dude Nue has you backed in a corner just fucking run.

What weapons does Sup Forums uses?

Ludwig is by far the hardest boss in the souls series. Most souls bosses are much easier than even the easiest in nioh. Primarily because they aren't as punishing and won't kill you in 2 hits.