Valve: Modders 'absolutely' need to be paid

>But the fundamental concept of 'the gaming community needs to reward the people who are creating value' is pretty important, right? … the degree to which Valve helps contribute to efficiency in the system is one of the ways in which we're adding value to the system as a whole. So, you know, we have to just figure out how to do it in a way that makes customers happy and that they buy into it, it makes creators happy because they feel like the system is rational and is rewarding the right people for the work that they do. Does that make sense?

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Pay them yourself then you fat greedy fuck

I wouldn't mind aslong as they are cheap(up to a dollar at best for a really extensive mod) and atleast 90% of the money goes to the authors.

>They absolutely need to get paid
>But not by me, don't be silly. You're going to be paying more for the same content now. I'll be getting a cut of course.

>Does that make sense?

I wonder how one man can utter such shit when he knows the modding community have worked just fine for decades without any more fniancial incentives other than voluntary donation.

I think most modders are more than happy with people enjoying their mods as a reward for their work.

I'd be OK with this aswell. But the refund time should be like at least 12 hours.

fucking valve
jesus christ

What they mean when they say "modders must be paid" is that "We want to take our 75%+ cut"

You're the one using, you pay em you fat greedy fuck.

They did not learn anything when they tried to do this shit the first time?

They weren't taking a big enough % of the profits that time. They'll make sure to do better in the next version

I don't want a 75% cut from modders donations

and here we are after all these "GABENXDD" worshipping cucks wishing to have everything on steam.

>b-but muh uplay and origin r cancer!! they had a bad EULA once!
>w-what is competition
>what is DRM?
you all deserve this.

Valve just trying to find more ways to get money for nothing.

Remember that Valve does not make video games any more. They are a content hosting and management service only. Finding new routes to monetize content is basically their only way to grow that business at this point.

Fuck valve for this. The sad part is that people don't care as much about this as last time so it means it probably will go through. "Paying" modders will likely have the opposite effect of making things better.

There's literally nothing wrong with asking money for content you've made.

I don't like mods. never have used ones that weren't glitch bug ridden game breaking crap that ruin the art style

they should just have a donate button as any sane person has been suggesting for quite some time

If modders want to get paid for theirmods they shouls either give users the incentive to donate or upload the mods behind a paywall of their own.

All that cunt Gaben wants is to fucking make a quick buck. It's a simple business model. Fuck him and fuck steam.

do it, I can't remember the last time I used a mod

No, except Valve didn't make any of the mods they tried/are attempting to try and skim money off of. Plus, mods have tons of legal complications and is a hobbyist thing, has been for decades. They just want shekels.

>donate 1$
>.7$ to valve/game dev
>.3$ to modder

They're fucking worse than EA at this point, EA are greedy cunts but they still actually make games. Plus their Origin runs smoother than Steam and isn't bogged down with greenlight crap,

big mod packs have always had donation pages. they actually get most of those profits too, unlike the big jewy hand of gabe scooping up most of it

Not this shit again.
Fuck off Valvedrones

Also some mods have parts taken from other mods so who do you give the money to?

That doesn't fly with publishers though
Something like Patreon is a greyzone, but a structurized platform within Steam allowing modders to make money by using the base game a publisher paid for without them getting a cut? No way

Why doesnt he just add a donation button? That greedy obese bastard wants a cut of it.

So is Valve.

the Nexus has been doing this for awhile and I think it's based on if the author wants it or not.

You have troopers like Jokerine who insist mods should ALWAYS be free and she has 100+ up on the site

I want gaben to fucking kill himself already

>instead of billions of indie devs all making shitty 2d platformers and RPGmaker games we'll just get billions of indie devs making shitty mods

any mod with a webpage does have a donation button

This. Stop worshipping Valve and start buying games on other distribution platforms, preferably with no DRM at all except a quick login to download the installer file.

Nah. EA is still the utter fucking greediest cunt of a company. If they were in the position that Valve are currently in they would do things 100% times worse. EA only looks "better" because they are limited in their reach and the only thing they can do is continually churn out gutter trash AAA games while gutting your favorite studios.

This. It is sickening how obvious it is that they are trying to wrap this as a goal of making modders money.

see People arent going "donate" 7/10 to valve and valve arent going to allow donations where they dont make 7/10 of the profit.

If people expected to be paid from the start, I doubt the Half-Life modding scene would have taken off the way it did
It was like there were new games to play every week, whether you wanted something in single or multi player. Textures, sound, coding, music, maps, gameplay, the lot. It was all done for free
As soon as Valve themselves put a price tag on DoD and TFC, those games quickly died out.
The communities effectively disbanded, and nobody gave a fuck any more.

I can see why they'd want to follow that model of business, but outright saying that "money is how the community steers work" (I can't remember the exact quote) is such a fucking bizzare thing to say, considering the massive continued community behind their flagship game, Half-Life.

"People who are creating value" to me means "People who perpetuate our games' longevity, and our sales as a result." Why can't anyone just be honest about it and tell it like it is?

Mods are hobby products. You dont ask for showing off your hobby.

They're shutting down Greenlight this spring and implementing a new system, Steam Direct I believe, where indie devs can directly sell their games through steam without having to go mthrough the Greenlight selection process. This is more expensive than Greenlight but expect STeam to get flooded even more shovelware.

THIS 1000x
Valve fucking jews got a 75% cut of it in 2015, and modders had to sell at least 100$ worth of mods in a week or they would get no money at all

He looks like John Goodman now.

Not even close. EA has gutted more studios than I care to count by virtue of failure. Valve does garbage by virtue of being successful. They may be greedy jews, but Gabe doesn't personally slaughter game companies.

sums it up

>, preferably with no DRM at all except a quick login to download the installer file.
Sounds like Steam
Any DRM is optional to decide for the dev/publisher
There's games that you can launch straight from the .exe without having Steam running

>Valve has becomming more and more corporate over the last few years
>Pushing the agenda that modders should be paid

If they had any genuine intentions, then they wouldn't take a 30% cut off it.

>more expensive
fucking right that means more shovelware. if a shit scam dev wants to get his product on the store, he's going to pay whatever the price is to get it there. thats way easier than letting the community decide if he's shit or not

Asking and demanding are two different things
Demanding money for mods isn't exactly great, and encouraging that is even worse.
In the end you can expect mod-packs to utterly die.
The legal implications of charging people to play free mods that are bundled in with your mods are pretty grey, too

I wish that paid mods happen on PC. Not that I'd use them, I didnt use them even before I switched to consoles, but I just want to laugh about that to angry PCfags.

If you want modders to be paid, then hire them you senile fat sweaty cunt.
Oh wait, Valve is so shit it can barely retain any employees who don't fit inside the clique.
Especially since Valve don't make games any more.

it will be mods costing up to 10$ with 20% of money going to authors and 80% to valve, non normies will end up pirating mod packs

This isn't some absolutely fucked up ideas for some games. I mean, I like rFactor but the game itself is barebone as fucks, every quality content for it was made for free to anyone enjoy (maybe I'm unaware about some paid mod). If paying in this case would mean more good content from teams like the makers from DRM mod I'd be happy to support them

Fuck off gaben. It's a different story when valve gets the biggest cut.

>t. valvedrone

Mods are the only reason why people buy some of the shitty games on Steam. This fat porcine fuck should be on his knees everyday sucking off the guys at ModDB for having the wherewithal to work on improving some of the steaming masses of broken shit his company allows to be sold on it's service.

Fuck sake, you'd think with all the mini transactions and huge cuts this corpulent faggot gets he'd be satisfied with his lake of money that keeps him in deep fried ostrich eggs every day, but no, apparently, life is tough without having a cut of some mod/fixing-every-bug-in-your-non-QA-tested-alpha-release-patch which would no doubt fund the much needed supply of raw sugar molasses IV that Gaben so desperately needs to inject into his fat fucking arm everyday.

I expect full compatibility and 24/7 support as well as a warranty, and for all consumer protections to apply to the modder.

If his shit breaks my game, damages my PC, or does not work with my other mods, I should be able to refund or sue.

You want to make money? Time to put on the big boy legal pants.

Currently existing mods should get a donate option (to avoid bullshit like skyUI) while new mods can have the option of being paid for, preferably if it could be monitored to prevent newer versions of existing mods from being rereleased or having too many mods getting piecemealed (like what normally would be a texture overhaul pack being sold per texture)

Or restrict it so big mods that could be counted as a new game can be sold.

It makes sense Valve would be so adamant about paid mods given most of their series started as mods themselves

If you're a mod maker you're not forced into accepting Valve's business model. If you don't feel like you want to get jewed, continue making mods for free.
Legal and other complications would get solved as things roll out.

Cool, and that should continue to be an option.

I imagine if you sell your mod, it wouldn't be freely available to be used by other mods.

Tons of people turn hobbies into profitable businesses. And again, you don't have to ask for money.

You are not entitled to free content.

Valve doesn't take 70%. They take 30%. Zenimax takes 45%. People forget Zenimax is just as jewish

I had to laugh over this.

There is nothing inherently wrong with having a structured way to reward modders for their work
Their first implementation was obviously dogshit though
A donate button with a cut for the publishers and volvo would be the best way, the former provide the game and the latter the platform
Of course not something retarded like 20-40-40 like the last time, more like 80% for the modder and 10% each for the other parties

It is pretty clear that Valve just wants another revenue stream. The only proper solution to modders getting something back is an integration of a donation button. Cut out the devs, and have Valve take a minimum amount, ideally like 5-10% at most.

>damage someones property
>think you can't be sued
How high are you?

But I'm right
There's no point in dreaming about these utopian drm-free download platforms when it won't happen due to publishers wanting their drm

top lel
Good luck idiot.

There is literally no problem with it. You can just chose not to pay for it know...any normal and atleast slightly intelligent human being.

i have literally no issue with paid mods

i take comfort in the fact that I am in control of my own purchases

t. man killed by own hubris

No - it will be worse than that. 5% to creator, 15% to the game developer, 80% to Valve. Game developers will actually start to purposefully release alpha versions of games so that modders fix it for tuppence, then be forced to sell it through Steam, thus increasing the game devs (and Valve's) profits.

The amount of butthurt Brazilians and Russians in this thread is hilarious

mod sites already have donation systems in place
there is literally no reason for gaben to put his fat greesy sausage fingers into something that ran perfectly fine for over a decade just to siphon even more money from other people for doing nothing
fuck off with this shit

Hobbies and making money off them aren't mutually exclusive
Tons of people make various crafts as a hobby, that doesn't mean that they won't still sell them

> baw people want to make money

then dont buy them

>Game developers will actually start to purposefully release alpha versions of games so that modders fix it for tuppence

Its called Early Access

Agreed, my fellow goy-Hmm, I mean, PC gamer!

>modders need to be paid for their work
>let me just take 75% of the cut because lmao


Just go like Unreal:

5% to original developers (Without that the mod wouldn't be made). Valve don't need a cut, if they get any they are just being greedy fucks.
95% to modder.

Eat shit you greedy cunt. I hope Steam dies.

>Mods are hobby products. You dont ask for showing off your hobby.

>what is dota2 and league of legends

Yeah they're small insignificant games that have nothing to do with mods, duh.

>baw they want to make money of other peoples work

just don't do anything and let this shit die already

>Modders 'absolutely' need to be paid
But when I mod games without official mod tools, it's still a crime for me to mod the games?
Do I still deserve to be paid?

>modders need to charge for mods so we can take a cut
hmm nope. mods aren't worth paying for in the first place. there's reason these people aren't professionals.

>Modders need to be paid
>So that's why they will receive 20% of what they generate
>We'll keep half of it

it's shit like this that makes me quit the hobby and not give anymore money to these greedy fucks. it used to be about having fun, it corrupted on itself. fuck video games, time to do constructive hobbies.

Then the greedy fuck can purchase those modders full time and then when those mods do break we can blame Valve. Gaben is in the perfect position to hire modders and has done so in the past. Now the greedy fuck wants us to fund his modders?

Gaben doesn't care about the modders. He just sees how big the modding community and he wants to make a profit off if it.

why don't modders make games instead of they want to be paid?

if you want to compensate modders how about hiring them to work on actual content if they are worth a shit
after not paying translators you want to cash in on other peoples hobbies?
kill yourself you fat jew

Direct integration into Steam would make things pretty easy overall though. I mean the system works ok now as is, but having it there in Steam could arguably mean more money for the modders in the end. Click, confirm, done.

If they implement a donate button via Steam there is a case for Valve getting something out of it if only for facilitating the banking side, and having the donate button implemented and visible to uninformed gamers. Beyond that they don't deserve shit obviously.

I agree that the modder should get the vast majority of the donation though.

Eh most modders do it as a hobby because they like it. Then again some mods are so great that they could count as an expansion and I'd happily pay for them. 99% of mods are fucking garbage though.

he's gone

They tried

Its pointless to talk about donations or rewards, everyone and their mother knows that Valve only cares about getting more money for doing nothing.

Steam is a lesson to players about the bad side of capitalism and the fat leeches that come with it:

>takes the work of other people, throw the author some nuts
>put it in to a case
>get money on the work of other people by doing nothing
>adds some rng with cases cause why not

>manipulating the market with artificial rarity on items to increase to price on the market and their profits with it (see CS knives and the gems system increasing the price of cards)

>get a cut of other people mods just for hosting it, something they always did for free on game sales money anyway

>let other companies use the market too, obviously taking a share of it too

They're going to pirate mods anyway

As one of the first /r/Steam and /r/Valve subcribers I feel offended by this, if it weren't for Valve, the PC plattform would be dead by now, they revolutionized the plattform with DLC, Season Passes and Early Acces, not only that, they offered various small developers a standing ground, we wouldn't have classics like Undertale oder Shovel Knight, but you guys are too greedy. Paying mods is perfect resolution, poor Valve dealing with your shit, think about it those people making the mods spend hundreds of hours making them UNPAID! If modders have a steady income the quality of their mods would be even better. Think about it!!!

>this is what valve cucks believe

>buy a Hyundai car
>about to get custom rims
>random Korean man comes up to me and says NOOOOO YOU MUST NOT, IT IS NOT HYUNDAI TIRE!

>buy a Keurig coffee machine
>buy a generic grounds filter instead of overpriced Keurig-approved K-cups
>Keurig employee: NAZI PARASITE SCUM

>buy a copy of Windows
>buy a video game that runs on Windows
>angry Bill Gates comes to my door and calls me a faggot for supporting a system in which others profit off of his own work

kill yourself, seriously, for your extremely naive way the world works

is this thread just a bunch of butthurt third worlders and children who are angry their anime titty mods might not be tossed around for free?

Punished Venom Gaben

Is it even legal to directly sell mods?

Modders deserve a paycheck if they do more than just color swap, or retexture a model.

The guy that created an entirely new area in Skyrim, complete with quest, dialogue and dungeons, deserves to get paid.

The guy that added horse pussy deserves to be spit on.

the point isn't money
why do you even care so much about steam
holy shit