Is it better than Dark Souls or Bloodborne?
Is it better than Dark Souls or Bloodborne?
It's very similar but the combat system isn't up to par. It's hard to believe the same company that made ninja gaiden designed such a clunky combat system.
It's not. But it's worth it's money.
What's wrong with it
Combos don't flow naturally, it feels like you're tying button presses together instead of attacks joining on their own. It's hard to explain unless you've played it for a bit. It makes up for it with a fuckton of different weapons, though.
I'd wait for a price drop before buying.
now that it's on pc, worse
I played the beta and I didn't like it but I forgot why. I kind of get what your saying.
Better than Dark Souls
Worse than DeS and BB
> a game is worse because more people can play it
Did your mommy bring tendies for you today user kun?
They should have just made another ninja gaiden.
These souls inspired games always end up feeling hollow (pun intended) because they make you want to play dark souls instead.
Combat feels great, lots of content
Talismans break the difficulty
No secrets or 'unknown' things to discover like Anri's quest chain in DaS3 or areas like the Great Hollow/Ash Lake/Painted World, anything hidden will just be items that give you skill points or random loot.
Combat is way better than any Souls game, it also much more optimized than From games.
Basically, Team Ninja is way better at the technical stuff than From Software, but they lack the game design nuance Miyazaki has.
Team Ninja really needs a talent director to guide them.
No. The systems are well designed and I enjoy the stances, but it's been fairly straightforward to master. The game needs a hard mode.
it has a hard mode
Press F to pay respects to Cookieface
>Remove 2/3 of the enemies compared to the demo
>Game still has too many filler weaklings
>Every weapon in a class has the exact same moveset
>Too few enemy types
>Diablo loot gets annoying
>Because of the loot system there's also no reason to explore besides finding kodamas
News to me, unless it's buried under menus or NG+.
You have to beat the final mission to unlock it, yes.
>now that it's on pc
Really worth 60?
It's worse than Bloodborne but better than Demon ans Souls games.
This meme again
>With England at war with Spain, Adams served in the Royal Navy under Sir Francis Drake.
Of course its better than Bloodborne.
Dark souls on the other hand, not so much.
But Bloodborne is the best out of them?
Better than DaS but not as good as BB.
deepest lore
BB > Nioh > DeS > DaS3 > DaS1 > DaS2
Not an argument.
>Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Bloodborne>Nioh>Demon's Souls>Dark Souls
Bloodborne is too thin on content to be top tier. Also the garbage with Chalice dungeons and blood vials
it has more and better content than DaS3
just seems less because half of the game is optional (not necessarily a bad thing)
Not with the 2nd dlc coming. And I hope you're not referring to chalice dungeons user
It is only better than Demon's Souls, because Demon's Souls is dogshit and the worst Souls game.
BB bosses: 17 + 5 + chalices bosses
DaS3 bosses 19 + 2 + 3 (?)
>chalice bosses aren't content because I don't like them
They are barely content because they are locked behind shit designed areas and half the bosses are low effort rehashes
>locked behind shit designed areas
by that logic half of DaS 3 bosses are barely content
DaS3 has more and better content than Bloodborne once Ringed City comes out, stay retarded faggot.
Man, only took 2 DLCs xD
Quality over quantity. Nioh is long as fuck but the missions get pretty old fast.
Bloodborne already has its dlc, you fags are comparing it unfairly, compare it without the old hunters to base DaS3. Base DaS3 rapes base BB, fucking niggers.
Better combat, drop/item systems, skill are cool
More RPG elements
worse world and level design
Better bosses but this might just be due to the combat being better idk.
>better drop system
This is bait, right?
I like Diablo like loot systems and the upgrading and random requirements. It's fun, every enemy is a surprise pinata, instead of having to know "oh, this item is here and is always the same".
Only speed runners care about item placement consistency.