So am playing RE2 after a long time, its literally RE7 with more rooms

So am playing RE2 after a long time, its literally RE7 with more rooms.

it's more akin to RE4~6, really. there's a somewhat heavy emphasis on action, a lot more so than the first one.

Hope they don't fuck up the remake

What does that even mean?

Just finished Resident Evil 1 for the first time. It feels a lot like 7.

Just finished luigi's mansion for the first time. it feels alot like RE7 with the house and spooky stuff and all

That's just at the beginning so you get used to wasting ammo, then ammo magically disappears later on and you're pretty fucked.

I hope the remake happens at all. It has been more than a year since they announced it.

Just barely marathoned Silent Hill.
dunno, but it feels alot like RE7 with the whole spookiness and creepy feel to it. will definitely buy a few copies of RE7 and marathon each copy.

Just started playing Clock Tower again after a long time. It's literally RE7 with a scary guy who chases you around from room to room.

Just finished super mario 64. It feels a lot like RE7 with the huge mansion and the big bad villain that you have to fight several times and the sunken ship, and the haunted outhouse, and the spoopy mines, and the girl you have to save.

Just played some Gran Turismo 3. It's literally a copy paste RE7 just with cars instead of people.

Hope it's like re456 desu senpai

I just played Honey Select, it's like another resident evil 7 except from japan.

man if i wasn't a pussy i'd finished that game.

What's the name of that spiritual successor to clock tower they made recently? Is it any good?

Just got done smushing Company of Heroes 2 after a couple days and I gotta tell ya, it's literally RE7 with automatic weapons instead of one shot gun.

I was playing Dark Souls and man, the backtracking in this game really reminds me of RE7.

Well this theead is heading to a place I didn't expect

just finished thief 2, it reminds me of RE7 but with more stealth

Just finished fapping, it reminds me of RE7 but with more cum


Kys you

It was called NightCry. iwas really interested in it but I stopped following it for whatever reason. It did not look good to my recollection so that might be why. But go look it up man, see how it is. I haven't seen it on Sup Forums at all.


RE2 is so comfy. Actually Re1 makes me feel way more uncomfortable. I played RE2 more, so I have it down pretty much to a science. There's tons of ammo and powerful weapons so I never felt like I was vunerable. You can just breeze through everything. RE1, only playd it a few times, so I don't have everything memorized. There's way less ammo, so I have to avoid everything. The weirdness and lack of polish (compared to 2) actually makes it creepier/weirder.

I'm from the future and just played Resident Evil 15. It reminds me of RE7 but with more space zombies and laser shotguns.

>that ugly dress
>that stupid running animation
>ps2 graphics

I have to play this

Oh fuck off. RE7 has better combat and a better story and the house is more classic RE then Raccoon city. RE2 is old and busted

RE2 is best RE, also with best girl

I mean she's no Mia or Zoe


>comparing those trash 3/10 whores to LITERAL PERFECTION

I would absolutely LOVE to see RE1 and RE2 remade in the RE7 engine. Brand new experience without tainting the original. I think it would suit RE2 very well

>Defending a Botox hoe

Yeah we should keep Claire in the trash when we comprare her and all the other medoicre whores to Mia and Zoe

Some say Best teen girl of all vidya

i don't. I say its Heather freakin Mason.

This. It's the only game i own twice so i can play the Playstation version AND the N64 version.

Can do a run in about 2 hours no saves on average. Pic related.


You're under arrest!

RE2 is so comfy and it give me this feeling like life is good and ok...maybe its just nostalgia i dont know

If it's anything like that shit outlast clone it's going to be shit period. Stop shilling and fuck off.


Please. Leon is the biggest Sherry creep in all of doujin land. Even in the RE6 ones now, they make a jokes about the old RE2 doujins and how he always gets BTFO for trying it on with her.

Yeah they ripped REmake off hard.

RE2 doujins are a goldmine
i want Claire to forcefuck me until my dick's skin gets ripped off

Yeah, when I'm really stressed out I do an RE2 speedrun. Everything in it is comfy and familiar, you never feed endangered after the first playthrough, and the weapons are top-tier except the shitty bowgun (especially Leon's upgraded shotgun, best video game shotgun of all time).

RE3 is great too, but it's a hell of a lot more unnerving and stressful, and RE1 is pretty hard and fucking strange. REmake is fun and great, but I kind of prefer the unpolished aspect of the original REs. It's probably just nostalgia goggles though, those games made my childhood.

I miss the door loading animations in 7. It's just not RE without them.

>best girl

Then why did you post Claire?

1. Jill
2. Claire
3. The rest

I respect your opinion, Becky is pretty good

Indeed it is.

>literally RE7 with more rooms.
>RE2 is third person whereas RE7 is first person
>RE2 has way more and weapon enemy variety
>RE2 even has unlockables and minigames
I know you're baiting but c'mon, the word "literally" literally lost all its meaning a long time ago, stop using it.

>RE2 is so comfy and it give me this feeling like life is good and okay

I kind.... Of know what you mean? I mean its odd considered you are in a town of many dead people and can see all the remains of how they climbed over each other in their desperation.

You know, only time I beat RE1 was by using the double ammo in Arrange mode cheat code. I've never PROPERLY beat the game.

user... You literally have to openthe doors...

Dont....just leave him alone

>semi fixed camera
>tank controls
>good enemy diversity
>good puzzles
>several good boss fights
>no forced co op
>no qte
it's probably one of the most resident evil games out of games that aren't resident evil. probably even more resident evil than re5, re6

Nightcry. It's okay if you're into that sort of thing, but I didn't play much of it so far because I got killed by a bug and I'm super butthurt about it.

Welp, time to play RE2 again.

Is there any doubt about what the right decision is?

>missing the most tedious and time wasting bullshit from the classic titles

dont play nightcry, trust me its BAD, its not deadly premotional BAD, its really a BAD STUPID MESS GAME, play Haunting Ground instead

B-But it's up to us to take out Umbrella

They already made a mini remake. It's in the UC games

FUCK he was HOT
now i understand why both Claire and Ada wanted his dick back then

Is RE7 worth the $60? I liked the demo but it doesn't seem to represent the gameplay much other than basic controls.

I'd wait for a price drop. It's pretty short an doesn't offer much in the way of replay value.

Best review. Thanks user!

Fair enough. RE games have never had much replay value anyway. There's the whole "have a 2-year break between marathon playthroughs" -thing with pretty much all of them.


Balls too blue, so he just cut them off

There's nothing like the look of desire in a man's face after he has been teased and denied for long enough.

Why is he surrounded by police officers if the city is all fucked by the time he gets there?

why do you guys want a remake so badly?
i think they should go one and make another RE, especially how RE7 was promising.

Well they announced the RE2 remake before 7 was out, so people are expecting it.

There's a lot of people who just want to play the old games again. If the remake uses the new RE engine and has a first person mode, that would be awesome, but somehow I doubt it will.

Did they add more ammo in REmake? Because in REmake you literally have enough ammo to hunt and kill every single enemy in the game, and on hard mode you have enough ammo to kill every single enemy that is in your way. I don't think i ever had to dodge any enemy that wasn't in some side room or a corridor i was never going to use again. People are too autistic when it comes to ammo conservation in these games.



It would cost too much imo. Its like an entire new game.
You think they will play the nostalgia card (considering how few people played RE2), instead on building on the RE7 hype?

Is this chad, dare i say it, /ourguy/?

I just finished the first mission of Ace Combat 3: Electrophoreses. It's literally RE7 with more fighter jets

xhe aged quite a bit

I didn't see it myself.

RE7 is literally RE1. Not even REmake. It is absolutely a sequel to the PS1 original. RE2 and RE3 leaned more towards the action side with a city swept up in a zombie apocalypse.

I just want it to have fixed camera angles, why fuck it up?

Jill is factually the best, you fiend.


>considering how few people played RE2
What? RE2 was really big when it came out.

I don't think they will offer multiple perspectives because that's what would cost. I also think Capcom realizes the shit storm it might cause to make it just first person. Personally I think they will go fixed camera, with some other engine like UE4, but who knows.

No way, fag.

Jillfag here. Can confirm this to be true senpai.

Fuck no

Did you play the first REmake? It's arguably the best in the series, and one of the best horror games ever made.
I actually think it might be the perfect survival horror. It's not my favorite, but I struggle to think of what's wrong with it beyond personal taste.

RE2 players are old now.
Plz no UE4. Re7 engine was the high note of this game : Good performance, good used of volumetric lighting and photogrammetry is gorgeous.


I'm with you all the way, RE2 with the new engine in first person and with VR support would be awesome.

I'm just not sure how Capcom is going to handle it. They have to be aware of how risky that would be.

>I'm with you all the way, RE2 with the new engine in first person and with VR support would be awesome.


I just want VR porn with RE2make models
>born too late to explore the world
>born too soon to explore the galaxy
>born just in time to explore Claire's pussy

kys what? He's right. Resident evil is one of the few game were VR fits.

kys fags need to die already

Not everything has to be first person, user. Most of us just want a pure remake with fixed camera angles.

>RE2 with the new engine in first person and with VR support would be awesome.

eat shit, faggot

Did you play RE7?