Loves all of the Deus Ex games

>Loves all of the Deus Ex games
>Including the bad ones like Homo Revolution and Invisible War

Is there a bigger Deus Ex fanboy than Razorfist?

>has autistic fits over The Witcher in all his videos because he think's the author stole things from another series.

what the fuck is his problem?

He's an alpha and you're a beta cuck. See the problem now?

>he's an alpha

You fags got told with his latest video. Buncha salty niggers.

Razorfist is the very definition of contrarian.

His Music/Metal Mythos videos are pretty comfy. Kther than that, he just rambles a gell of a lot.

Honestly, the only franchise he actually feels genuine with is Thief. Everything else just seems like hes trying to keep an image.

>posts the same thing over and over again
is there a bigger autist than anonymous poster numero 367187541?

his bloodborne is one of the shittiest videos i've ever seen from him

you realize this whole site is mostly republican right


Nice one homie. Truth is the this site is contrarian.

>It´s a political video from Razörfist
>It`s a prequel defence video from Razörfist

>this is what newfags actually believe

Sup Forums becoming popular ruined it. Republicans = Normalfags and normalfags DON'T BELONG ON FUCKING Sup Forums.

Both sides are normalfags.

Let me tell you why Trump is god emperor and not a retard

Not even close.

So because of that video the daily Razorfist thread is now a thing?

If that means supporting Trump the retard then fuck that. Memes can only excuse so much

>2 of the most popular parties in the nation.
>people assume you're one or the other.
>not normies.

>that time when he claimed that because of redlettermedia people hate the star wars prequels

lol mad
would you rather have hillary

I'd rather have my retarded screeching nephew. So yes I'd take Hillary over this walking meme of an embarrassing idiot for our president.

Yeah we're such fans of Jesus here

and how much better do you think she'd be doing idiot

>being 30+ and dressing like that
t. Razorfist

his videos are style over substance but honestly thats why they're entertaining. I don't watch his videos for his opinions albeit some of them are refreshing. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have given Doom a chance.


Salty libcuck spotted. Curly harder while Trump gets 4 more years, and then #Ivanka 2024.

NEVER EVER motherfucker.

She could sit there and do nothing and be doing a better job. At the very least not sucking off Putin while taking Bannon's cock in the ass and spraying their cum in all our faces

His best vids are when he talks about his life and politics.

yeah i guess it'd be better if we had hillary poking russia constantly like the war-mongering retard that she is

So were you just pretending to be retarded by putting a tiny orange cuck in the white house?

She had over billion dollars invested in media propagand and still lost. If you seriously think she'd do a better job in anything, let alone at being the fucking president of USA, then you're severly delusional.

I remember that and was completely stunned how he could have arrived at that conclusion.

Yes the better solution is to roll over and open our assholes to the election rigging despotic dictator komrade.

I think he's in his late 20's actually.

Like I said she could do nothing and fuck things up less then Trump's doing.

I don't like Democrats but Republicans are far more normalfaggy. Progressive shit only started being socially acceptable within the past handful of years and even then the acceptance of it is not even close to as widespread as people on Sup Forums and the internet seem to believe it is.

Yes, me. I liked Deus Ex: The Fall

He was born in '85. Not like late 20s is better.

lol it's one thing to not like trump, which is fairly easy to do, but it's another to pretend like hillary would've done anything better outside of sending this country to a further spiraling down hellhole

he's 35

I've picked up new comics, music, and games because of the guy so his content isn't all bad.

I mean there are literal news clips from the premier showing that people were disappointed

I cant believe there were people who spent hundreds of dollars to buy worthless toys thinking that they would become popular

And your arguments for that are?

>Sup Forums

When Bush were still in power, the site was hard leftist, when Obama came it took a swerve to the right. Casual racism was always a thing, mostly jokingly until Sup Forums became known as the asshole of the internet, when edgy teenagers came here and thought they were in the company of like-minded peers.

As this guys says Sup Forums is pure contrarian.

>Beliving that Geralt is based at all on Elric.

Wow, named a wolf and has white hair. The two characters are completely different, exist in completely different universes, act differently, talk differently, get their powers differently, are motivated differently, etc, etc.

Aside from the most superficial elements (both have white hair, Geralt from being made into a witcher, Elric, from being born as an albino) and the name, and the fact that both are fantasy characters, there's no similarities.



The reign of the feminists and liberal retards is at an end. Keep crying.

Fuck off this is a republican board. You either MAGA or you don't

but I´m not even American. Why should I care about two right-wing parties

You'd be surprised to see what's government policy and law across the Western world.

I wouldn't care if they showed any ability at all to not fuck things up. But looking at Trump and Bush you guys aren't really knocking it out of the park. I'd rather just sit and jack off to hentai you niggers keep fucking shit up

Obama was awful too.

>No classical liberal patriotic party exists now; it's all Jesus freaks or communists.

Because the rest of the world is just our serfs. Once we MAGA we're coming for your asses. The American empire is coming cuck. Deus Vult

>Trump and Bush being the same
>being this retarded

Thanks for outing yourself as underage. Now kindly fuck off as you have to be 18 or older to post here.

>Rest of the world is just your serfs.

Good job letting global islam become a thing and letting China become a major power again. You guys are really doing far better than the Europeans did. So good.

>but somebody else is worse
is this really the best defense you guys have of Trump? How about some things about why he's awesome?

That's cause weak liberal cucks have lead us astray. Trump is gonna cuck China, Islam and everybody else beneath our glorious American boots

Normalfag meant "one who forces normality", not "one who is normal" back when it came into vogue, no?

If yes, then both mainstream democrats and conservatives are normalfags.

Besides, modern v is all about being more normie than you, see how they defend censorship of weebshit out of spite, or accuse the their oposing non-idort of being more autistic, childish, weird than them, etc.

Back in the day, less bitter old people, and young people "trying to make it", where on site, so the culture was more one of embracing the abnormal; but nowadays, it's more like everyone wants someone to deny them what they are, and force them to be "normal". So thanks to that, everyone wants to be conservative, or anything else that normifies them.

I thinks it's somewhat the change of times, but I feel like this is kinda r9k / pol's fault, but I'unno, if there's a more reputable oldfag willing to call this out, please do it.

How did he fuck up your life, user?

By being a liberal cuck you liberal cuck.

Human Revolution isn't "bad." at worst it's like a 5/10. realistically it's more like a 6.5

Well now the series is a dead/10

Imagine being a Trumpfag, constantly sucking him off like a whore and worshiping him, and then having the balls to call someone else a cuckold who is genetically inferior to your pasty skin.

No, because if anything Trump is gonna be worse. He's a diplomatic nightmare, turning away allies and making the country weaker economically.

I also love that he proclaimed himself an anti-war, anti-establishment candidate, and helping the people.

Since taking office, it's pretty obvious that he's gunning for a war in ME or fucking Mexico, he's been clearly helping the business and banking establishments at the expense of the everyman, and he's put nothing but career politicians and so-called journalists in his inner circle. The only thing that he campaigned on that he's actually done is the Muslim ban, which was quickly ruled against in the courts.

What a success!

Fuck off. Sup Forums and /r9k/ are the only good boards. They speak the truth and see the truth of how things are.

Ok but are you saying Hillary wouldn't have done worse?

>Sup Forums and /r9k/ see the truth

Imagine being a Hillary supporter and a career cuck

>When Bush were still in power, the site was hard leftist

Yeah because you had him murdering hundreds of thousands of Iraqis for NO REASON

Name one time Sup Forums was wrong
You can't

So, if you dont have daddy trump and uncle pence to tell you what to do, you'll end up just like them liberal cucks no?

Is this really your argument? If so, you might as well become an sjw, because you both want nothing more than nanny states that make you good, "normal" people.

The truth being what? How do you reconcile "state gf" and "kill all chads" with fucking Sup Forums's 50 wannabe's socially conservative bullshit. You can't have "make my unmanliness valid" and "make me a real man" both.

Besides, /r9k/ is the most opposed to normifying this place, but I think that just accelerates everything, because most don't want to end up like them.

Yeah but time has passed and we can see he was right now. Besides he was better then putting leftists SJW libercucks in the white house

>He's a diplomatic nightmare, turning away allies and making the country weaker economically.

Most of these allies have been siphoning more of our economy than been a profit for it. Our biggest money makers in terms of trade are Saudi Arabia and China.

Sup Forums was also hard left back then because it was counter-culture. Sup Forums back in the day reveled in being odd and different. It wasn't a bunch of government bootlickers and Neo-Nazis trying to push political propaganda.

Old Sup Forums was a place where people who didn't fit in with society could congregate and indulge in their shared interests. Things and people old Sup Forums welcomed and was about are things neo-Sup Forums spouts "degeneracy" and "degenerate at.

If those boards are the good ones then why are you pieces of shit always leaking out of them onto ours?

It's pretty sad to see this place do a complete 180 and bend over for the government and a bunch of rich old white guy politicians who don't give a flying fuck about anyone posting here.

>Another E-celeb thread,

What are the chances that these low tier "e-celeb" threads are started by the actual "e-celeb" themselves.

He cannot really critique anything without shitting on something else.

>bbbbut Hillary

Ignoring the fact that Hillary ain't the president, I think she would've been better, no doubt. Things weren't going too bad under Obama, no matter how the Trump-cucks here want to spin it, and Hillary would've been just more of that.

As much as drone strikes and surveillance states are clearly awful policy, her stance on renewables and the push against coal were clearly better than Trumps, and would've allowed the US to distance itself further from the Saudis, which is really the only two policies I cared about. Banking regulations would've been about the same, and sanctions against Russia would've continued and carried on its effect. It's not surprising that the second that Trump got elected Russia starting stirring a lot more unrest in Ukraine.

Listen liking Trump is one thing but supporting Hillary is another. We just chose the lesser of two evils. Although evil is a strong word considering he's making america great again


Don't you mean intelligent businessmen?

>Wanting to reduce illegal immigration from Mexico and ME countries means you want to go to war with them.
Fuck off Merkal

>Things weren't going too bad under Obama, no matter how the Trump-cucks here want to spin it, and Hillary would've been just more of that.
Going to war with Russia isn't "just more of that."

Geralt and Elric is more similar than that, but important distinction is that Elric needs his drugs to survive and he gave up being a fucking emperor to hire himself out as a mercenary while Geralt uses drugs to only enhance himself and basically being a mercenary for hire is the only thing he CAN do as a Witcher. What I really don't like about his rants is he directs them at CDPR instead of Sapkowski with whom plagiarization accusations should be directed toward. The way things are Razorfist just comes off as incredibly petty.

>Human Revolution

I bet you played Mankind Divided before HR.
Casual Confirmed.


Razorfist isn't always wrong, but if you look past his fancy articulation there's a bunch of contrarianism and fanboy bias.

Go to sleep razorfist.

I hate his sci fi games/movies critiques
>This thing is not Blade Runner
>It has something vaguely similar to Blade Runner
>0/10 plagurized garbage

>Things weren't going too bad under Obama

Exept the you know the thousands of random (unreported mind you) drone strikes in the middle east, killing tens of thousands of men/women/children, most being just random civies.

It probably wouldn't have come to that. But even if it did it'd be better then have a president who's a blatant pawn for Russia. He seriously can't even say anything mildly opposing Putin

>Threatening to "go back and take Iraq's oil"
>Threatening to send the military to take care of Mexico's "bad hombres"
>not going to war

It's Merkel you moron, and you're deluded.

Can you point to me where she said she was going to war? Or was it the policy of establishing a no-fly-zone that makes you think the US would really just say "NO PLANSE NOW" and starting an actual shooting war with an nuclear-armed nation?

And overthrowing democratically elected governments and assassinating leaders.

I will say that he introduced me to Daredevil comics which have been fun. I also agree with his criticisms of Daredevil S2

t. Trumpkin

Yeah, I mentioned that. I don't agree with it either, but it was going to keep happening under both Trump and Hillary, which is awful but true.

Trump's already started, if it makes you feel better.

t. low energy salty loser
Just accept it we won

Mexico's already treading a THIN line when it comes to their illegal immigrant problem.

You really think this shit would fly if millions of Chinks coming here undocumented by boat to the west coast, and China refused to take them back? No, there would be sanctions out the ass.

before this election, I naively had hope that the state of this board could improve. now I know that's impossible.

Is razorfist even that popular? I mean, I listen to his metal stuff, because he sounds really pasionate about it, that's cool; that and, hes better than most at the whole "sesquipedalian rant" but I still feel like he's posturing a lot; since he has all the right notes to make him look like a loser. He's more of a weeb than he let's show.

Yeah, but what's your master plan, how's a better america for you look like?
What does "pol" want?
what does r9k want?
what do YOU want?

How's trump gonna give it to ya?

Yeah, I don't know what happens now, the left democratic force is still kicking and screaming, to not give up the media spotlight, and I don't know how much longer it'll last. I feel like once most of this shit is on the air, people here may start veering left, but more liberal left, less sjw.

On the other hand, maybe something else is cooking, all those actors, newspeople, "journalists", do they know something we don't?

I'm not American, I don't care. You faggots are just incredibly insufferable.

Sanctions aren't war, though. He threatened to send the military down there. The last wars have been going real great, lets start another one with a nation that actually shares a land border, that sounds like a great idea.

The obvious solution is a WALL
Can we build a wall around China too?
Thank you based Trump