Let's talk about how shit this game is

let's talk about how shit this game is
>inferior ranking system from halo 2/3
>smart scope (obstructing) name one arena fps that had something like this
> awful fucking maps compared to the original trilogy
>pistol's fast as fuck TTK which just doesn't work in this game and isn't the same as H1

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ADS is probably the worst thing ever implemented into the series. If it doesn't help accuracy, and every time you get shot you're taken out of ADS, then what the fuck is the point.

how about we be honest for a second

do you really think that on feburary 12th, 2017, I would actually own an xbox one, let alone play a modern halo game?

I wouldn't know the first thing about how shitty this game is because I know better than to expose myself to such an awful life experience

maybe think before you pre-order from gamestop you dumb fuck

don't forget the awful fucking armor

Reach did customization perfectly, in fact Reach did nothing wrong

it's actually really good

>does nothing
>it's therefore the worst thing ever

the older games had the exact same thing with the visor, it just didn't have a weapon specific animation

>in fact Reach did nothing wrong

LITERALLY everything that was bad about Halo 4 came from Reach. Reach was fucking shit.

Does anybody actually like the "sportyness" it took on? The game become "MONDAY NIGHT ARENA FOOTBALL!"

Dude all it does is adds more shit to map onto the controller. It's pointless.

none of these are flaws
>> awful fucking maps compared to the original trilogy
objectively incorrect, the maps are excellent in design
>>pistol's fast as fuck TTK which just doesn't work in this game and isn't the same as H1
why doesn't it work in this game

just like the visor?

reach started everything. you can compare the original trilogy from one another but everything after 3 has just been garbage

Reach is the best game of the series though

>none of these are flaws
name one AFPS that had those
>objectively incorrect, the maps are excellent in design
most of them are too big in comparison to the original trilogy and play too slow and "tactical" this isn't halo.

literally kill yourself

Yes? What's your argument here?

If there is no incentive to use ADS then what is the point, please explain.

just because another game didn't have them doesn't make them bad
> most of them are too big in comparison to the original trilogy
>play too slow and "tactical" this isn't halo.
have you played a SINGLE Halo game in your life?

There is no point, I just don't see how that makes it "the worst thing to have ever been put in a Halo game ever"

have you? i camp so much more in h5 LOL what is this cs youtube.com/watch?v=XRoNK-7tp2U?

Reach had horrible fucking maps and destroyed the core of Halo multiplayer.

can you please work on writing out a coherent sentence first? I actually can't understand a single thing you're saying here

no because you already answered me with "hmm?"
you're obviously one of those delsuional 343bola fanboys who joined too late ...about 10 years too late faggot

yeah okay mate

Because its completely meaningless and there purely for aesthetics. It does nothing to enhance the Halo experience. Yes, that means in my opinion, it is the worst thing to be implemented into the Halo series.

Feel free to suggest something you think fits the criteria, this isn't a one-way street.

enjoy your dead game that not even cod kids like

my main problem is
>no lan
>need paid online account to play multiplayer
>game will be dead forever when they feel like shutting it down
meanwhile they felt like shutting down original xbox live in 2010 yet you can still play full 16 player games of halo 2 and always will be able to.

power weapons being given to players for free instead of being map spawns
sword base
armour lock

Thanks, I am

>it changes the aesthetic
>it does nothing

by thinking you need to defend it on Sup Forums? yeah sounds about right.
games' shit m8

>lol y arent u playing it then fag xd xd go play it if its so good lmao
by this logic no video game forum or image board should exist

>XDD u gave me a response
>that means your game must really suck

Sup Forums is truly filled with incognisant mongoloids.

I didn't say it changed the aesthetic. I said it was there only for aesthetics. It doesn't do anything to change the core gameplay.

i never said why aren't you playing it lol i just find it funny you think it's good but need to defend it.
8 million people who used to play halo disagree with you

>people on Sup Forums actually defending Halo 5

Holy shit, this is just like Resident Evil 6.

What the fuck is going on with this board

compare Halo 5's sales to the original trilogy
people aren't buying it like they used to because Halo 4 was dog fucking shit and it's on the xbone.

the idea that sales=quality is so fucking stupid that I'm not even going to bother addressing that

I'm defending the multiplayer, which if you were here when the game came out and weren't fresh off the boat from reddit you'd know was always praised

lol ok now tell me about how Resident Evil 6 is the best RE game of all time

it doesn't matter that h4 was shit lmfao. 8 million halo fans aren't just going to not give h5 a try. they probably tried it and thought it sucked

yeah good comeback I now see all the problems 5's muliplayer has

> 8 million halo fans aren't just going to not give h5 a try. they probably tried it and thought it sucked
right yeah I forgot it sold 8 million copies

im talking about the amount of people who played halo 3? thought you would know that since you're such a huuuge fan lol

what has that got to do with my post
you said 8 million people "gave Halo 5 a try" and didn't like it, when that's obviously fucking wrong. Barely anyone touched it and I can't blame them given the circumstances of its release and Halo 4

i dont even know what you're talking about anymore. halo 5 is shit and so are you for liking it

it's not even like a watered down version of the any of the games from the original trilogy. its more like a watered down version of black ops because its fucking shit


what's it like having autism?