Dark Souls Storytime

HEY Sup Forums!
Do you like comics?

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Cause jump in, I'm gonna storytime some dark souls comics.

I do !

btw this is not the official comic that one is garbage
So I'm gonna storytime this fan one.


>not the garbage one
Then what's the point?


enjoy a Dark souls comic?
I can still storytime the garbage one after this

The official ones sucks anyway.




oh, look who's here!





not so unbreakable now,uh?









That's a stick




Do you want more? I have a Bloodborne one

Pretty cute

Wait what happened? He just keeled over from his wounds?


His daughter killed him

Right, that's how it was in the game
But this time he seemed to recognise her so I dont know, was it murder?

Alright, let's see a short story about Gascoigne.

>swiggity swooty Im coming for that booty


Probably. I don't know, the writer takes some liberties, his take on some events in his DS3 story are debetable.






This is adorable.


idk why but this comic actually made me tear up and i'm usually not a pussy

sauce on these comics op?
