Did excessive hand-holding kill the joy of adventure in vidya?

did excessive hand-holding kill the joy of adventure in vidya?



pleace tell me this isn't warcraft

It's Warcraft

It is, user

It's became a hand-holding fest in Cataclysm when they decided to integrate all those addons that hand-hold you since too many casualfags begged for it

What's particularly handholding in that pic?

everyone used questhelper in vanilla

It's more so the advancement of technology, and shift in community from enthusiasts and random kids to normies.

Everything is on a database now, often before patched even release. If the game has a more advanced version in another world region, now people know every shred of content that is to come. There's zero mystery, and everyone knows everything. The sense of community is also gone.

I think one big thing games need to excise is quest markers. Let the player explore and find things on their own. Minimaps and things of that nature just take you out the the exploration.

>game doensnt hand hold
>read a guide online or an addon to do the handholding because in the end its about being efficient to get to max level asap
You only experience the "joy of advenure" once in your life when youre in your early teens, after that its gone forever.

I'm sure other people's mileage will vary but I think yes it did. It not only killed joy, it killed replay ability (simply because now they think in two or three ways to do a thin instead of letting the player figure it out organically and do it one of fifty weighs they come up with themselves) and the simple experience of discovery.

We do not often get a game like ultima underworld for example that's basically "Alright you're in a dungeon with some starting equipment... Try not to die I guess!"

I think that's why the souls series has done so well, it's not the difficulty but rather the low level of input placed before a player. The game just gives you a world and the means to interact with it and it's not afraid to hurt you for making a bad call - there's places you probably shouldn't go unprepared.

Now a lot of games are quest markers and invisible walls to the point of being corridors. Fuck you can't even fall to your death in a lot of unscripted sequences.

I actually resubbed to WoW a few weeks back with some friends. Had'nt played since I scrubbed around in vanilla, never reached level 60 back then. Start playing, shit is simplified out the ass, but quality of life improvements all around makes gameplay a lot faster and smoother.
So I have fun dorking around the world, comparing the changes from cata, and particularly levelling professions. Then some butthole jumps on the discord as I'm about lvl 62 and explains how all of that is a waste since you get catch-up quests for professions at lvl100 or whatever which makes my exploring completely pointless. So all you are left with is grinding meaningless instances since you are so overpowered there isnt any resemblance of gameplay left, everyone just barge through dungeons at lightning speed to check off the bosses, since they dont offer any resistance either

Is there any MMORPG's worth playing still?

I don't mind the grind or if it's old like Ragnarok Online.

Not yet, a couple interesting ones are in development

What are they called?

The game quickly reveals all points of interest, and removes much of the incentive to explore the world on your own terms. When you have a marker for every place you need to be and a counter for every task you need to perform the game is essentially reduced to a literal skinner's box.

This isn't exclusive to the quest marker thing. Look at how every part of finding a group is completely streamlined to the point where you don't have to interact with a single human being. Sure, it could be very frustrating at times to find a group to complete a dungeon, but there could have been a middle ground between 1-click-matchmaking and typing the same phrase in chat for hours on end in order to find a tank or healer. You become isolated, and the whole point of an MMO is to interact and have fun with other players.

Now, while this experience is acceptable for some, others are angry that they have been bereaved one of the few opportunities to experience something like what for example World of Warcraft was in its young days and its prime. If you still fail to see where hand-holding comes in I simply don't know what to say to you.

Shards Online for the UOfags and Pantheon for the EQfags

>remove in-game assist
>user installs 10 outside apps that do the same thing or has another screen open with a walk-through pulled up

Then that's up to the faggot user, why do devs have to be faggots as well

Ever since TBC theres been "couple interesting ones are in development" just that they never fullfill their expectations.

worth noting every fucker on elysium has an addon similar to this

I'm not saying these will either, but I'm hoping because I'm starving for a good MMO

>this dark souls thing is so big
>i need quest markers
>open walkthroughs to progress
>omg this game is so boring, i know everything there is to know within 1 1/2 hour of reading a database


Quest markers and stuff like W3's witcher vision are the worst offenders of this

ITT: pure autism


Yeah because nobody used addons for that before. You people really should stop being hypocrite, maybe use your brain just once to reflect a little on the matter. I know it's VERY hard but you can do it senpai!

>maybe use your brain just once to reflect a little on the matter. I know it's VERY hard but you can do it senpai!
the irony

The lack of adventure killed adventure in vidya.

The reason that kind of handholding exists is because people just want to get through the content as fast as possible because it's a chore. It's not less fun because of handholding, it's handheld because it's not fun.

Well, wow had abysmal quests and lore. Thats the driving foce behind no one giving a fuck about questing. Some main quest lines were interesting in WoD but most are such "collect 10 x".
Runescape had godlike quests compared to WoW, and you didnt really look at a guide unless its some light/mirror bouncing puzzle.

Lot of people unfortunately look at guides for runescape anything as well

A lot of people look at guides in every god damn game ever, you can't stop that. But you don't have to pander to these faggots as a developer.

Those are the worldquests you retard, sure it would be fun to zoom across the landscape to find my dailies day after day, are you insane?
And there are tons of little things to discover, actually since WoD, maybe the only thing it did right. there are small treasures, quests, optional encounters hidden throughout the landscape.

And when it comes to dungeons that isn't even true anymore, Mythics, in other words the only content you will do dungeon wise after a week or so, require you to make groups on your own, people to that by spamming in the lfg channel or opening a tab in the lfg browser with the later being exactly the mechanic you imagined.

I'm not saying legion is great, barely played it for 2 months or so, but don't talk shit about things you have no idea about.

>Everything is on a database now
I hate this as much as developer hand-holding. Data mining just made people look things up online instead of figuring out anything for themselves, it sucks.

The initial response holds the highest quality

You forgot Camelot Unchained for DAoCfags and Crowfall for Shadowbanefags