I have never played a Tales Of title.
Where do I start? I have access to everything except the current gen.
I have never played a Tales Of title.
Where do I start? I have access to everything except the current gen.
Other urls found in this thread:
anything but zestiria
symphonia or abyss.
Versperia on 360
There's a decent handful of good ones. Vesperia is strong.
Be wary of people who tell you to play Symphonia. It's not great.
Symphonia aged like shit, so just play Abyss and Vesperia instead. If you have a Vita, play Hearts R. It has one of the best combat systems in the series with one of the most fun parties.
360 Vesperia is fine if you can't get your hands on a CFW PS3. It doesn't have all the extra content of the PS3 version but it's still a really good fucking game that has all the most important parts.
Abyss seems like a good start. Make sure to follow a guide though, it's a pain in the ass how easy it is to miss out on a lot of things without it.
Vesperia is all around solid and probably one of the easiest to get into (360 version is good but if you can get your hands on the PS3 version go with that), Symphonia is very traditional JRPG comfy, Abyss is good but backtrack heavy and a little too heavy on its own lingo. Any of those is a good enough starting point, so pick whatever and then branch out and shitpost with the rest of us in the comfy Tales of threads.
Play Abyss. It's the start of the "modern" age of Tales of games, and the cast is pretty charismatic.
I don't recommend Symphonia for a beginner in the series because:
- the battle system is very barebones (no true 3D movement)
- the dungeons are VERY annoying. Repeating: they're not hard, but ANNOYING.
Tales of Phantasia PS1, fully translated
Isn't the PS3 one Jap only?
It is, that's why you need a hacked PS3 to get the English translation for it.
Favorite character to play as?
Pic related, his character was pretty trash but holy shit the charging game was fucking ridiculously fun to play. Wrecking niggas all day erryday
And will forever stay there
I tried playing Phantasia for GBA, couldn't last an hour. The characters are boring as shit and the gameplay doesn't really cut it for me. Are all Tales games like Phantasia?
Start with Abyss. People will tell you to start with Symphonia, but it aged like shit.
No, Phantasia is from another era entirely. Start with Abyss, and come back for the older games if you have the curiosity.
Abyss is really fun, and it's on 3ds if you have that. It aged pretty well too.
Phantasia is only worth playing if you want to see where this series came from. The only pre ps2/gamecube tales game worth playing is Eternia
Don't start with 3D games, they're inferior to 2D.
Start with Phantasia, Destiny or Eternia
Download the demo of berseria off the steam store and see if it runs on your computer
My computer is so shit it has a hard time running world of warcraft on max settings yet runs berseria no problem
Seriously your comp has to be straight up potato to not run berseria, give it a try
Oh shit I didn't know that, I have a PS3 collecting dust, is CFWing it difficult?
What's wrong with Zestiria? Not OP but I never played any Tales of game and I was thinking about buying the Bandai Namco bundle since I feel like playing a JRPG.
All the missable equipment in endgame Phantasia is killing me. I hate using guides but dungeons get so huge and complex later on that I don't want to miss an arte or rare weapon/armor only to find out about it later. I'm in the depths of Treant Forest right now and it's killing me. Is it like the Lost Woods in that it just loops?
This is an out right lie
Is there a Tales game as clearly rushed and Xillia
zestiria...its really barebones
Zestiria is literally fucking Warlords of Draenor of Tales series
Anything other than Tempest or Zestiria. I would also pass up on Innocence but some people seem to not mind it that much.
>his character was pretty trash
He was the only decent one. Granted that all of Xillia characters were garbage anyway.
tov is the best one.
Start with the most recent and play backwards. They have improved, but autists may not agree.
This. I would also recommend Rebirth and Narikiri Dungeon X.
Symphonia has really good dungeon design, and some really irritating dungeon design. Tales games seldom have puzzles anymore. The S/T system tied to your ex-gems was interesting when you were trying to mix and match the best techs. And the skills you got from ex-gems could be stupidly game-breaking, especially for characters like Zelos.
Vesperia is still my favorite but I have no idea why Sup Forums has such a hateboner for Symphonia, it's pretty alright.
So Vesp or Abyss it is?
Don't be a fag and start with the first one. Phantasia on the SNES or PS1.
That'll work
What's the best psp tales for people that can read japanese?
Narikiri Dungeon X or Rebirth.
agreed. however i reccomend destiny R (ps2) and destiny 2 (ps2/psp) as well
>destiny 2
Completely forgot PSP had a port of that.
Xillia 2 > Vesperia > Berseria > Symphonia > Abyss > Xillia > Graces > Zestiria > Symphonia 2
Only counting ones I played.
Graces f = Narikiri Dungeon X > Xillia 2 > Hearts R > Phantasia > Eternia > Vesperia > Xillia > Symphonia > Radiant Mythology > Tales of the World Narikiri Dungeon 2 > Innocence = Zestiria > Tempest
I should play Abyss one of the days. How's the 3DS port?
Pretty bad, just stick with the PS2 version.
How bad? My PS2 is busted so my alternative would be to emulate.
What OFW is it on? If ita too high it might be easier to ebay a prehacked one
How many years does this got damn contract last? There's no such thing as forever.
Perfect OP
Vesperia and Abyss are the best.
Do not play anything after Vesperia. They suck.
Play Abyss if you want a good jrpg experience.
Play Vesperia is you want to become a souless fanboy.
Skip xillia 1 and play Xillia 2 if you want to know what it would be like if Persona went action rpg route.
Play Bersera if you haven't played any Tales game ever and embrace the new generation of Tales. But beware, oldfags will hate you for ruining their game as everything in the future will cater to (You) and not them.
>Vesperia makes you a soulless fanboy
I guess it does but that's because It's the best Tales has to offer. Vesperia sets the bar so high that future games can never reach it.
Xillia, Zestiria, and Berseria are nowhere near as good.
>but Muh good story in Berseria
Shut up. Berseria started good but then the story fell in the shitter as soon as it became a good vs evil story and stopped being about revenge. The fact that Laphicet didn't actually die is the dumbest thing ever.
Despite what sonycucks might say Vesperia is by far the best in the series. They're just upset that they can only play Vesperia with a CFW PS3 with a shitty fan translation.
Why specially point only sony fans?
Yuri: Let's take on this new job from some random guy that we just met but trust with our lives, no questions asked.
Estelle: Yes... we must. Then I must find out about the Pharaoh...
Rita: No Estelle, it's too dang- I mean, who cares!
Judith: We need to stick with one job at a time. I have no personality.
Karol: No, we can do it, this is important! BRAVE VESPERIA! Plus as we all know this coincidentally is tied into every other conflict because the whole plot is driven by coincidences!
Rita: Hmph, okay. Maybe I can find out about the aer krene this way. I'm coming along. But I'm still not joining your guild even though I end up joining you in every single thing you guys do.
Estelle: Same here!
Raven: My old bones are getting too old for this!
Vesperia is awful.
The only great Tales of games, in my opinion, are Symphonia and Abyss. Legendia is alright. The rest are godawful.
play abyss and vesperia
if you don't like either then play berseria
Sshh, don't upset the Vesperibabies.
>The rest are godawful.
This, most tales game are actually kind of bad.
Here are the good ones:
>Tales of Destiny 2
>Tales of Rebirth
>Tales of Breaker
>Tales of Commons
>Tales of Wahrheit
>Tales of Hearts (The DS game and not the shitty VITA remake)
>Tales of Destiny Director's Cut
>Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X
Play Phantasia and Eternia.
Play Summon Knight Swordcraft Story if you want to play an actually good 2D action game with RPG stats and exploration and all that.
Realize Star Ocean and Kingdom Hearts do everything better than the modern tales games.
People only recommend Vesperia because the MC is the least retarded.
>Star Ocean
>Kingdom Hearts
Hasn't been good since 2FM.
Yuri is bland. Give me a fun retard any day.
Yuri was the best fujoshi bait. He's fabulous, that's the only reason he got popular.
I see what you did and agree with you but what are you trying to prove with that?
Tales was never well written.
Eternia or Symphonia.
I played Abyss on the 3DS, but holy hell I hated using my 3DS for this game. I'll just play it on PS2. How is Hearts R, Xilia, and f?
>>Tales of Destiny 2
The worst Mary Sue protagonist in JRPGs, a literal meme villain and shitty dungeons.
>>Tales of Rebirth
The whole dilemma in the game is extremely superficial and in general FULL of bad ideas or poorly executed good ones. One of the worst "Hey our friend is changing, he is becoming a violent racist jerk, let's drug him to have him back to normal"
>>Tales of Breaker
>>Tales of Commons
>>Tales of Wahrheit
Nice meme
>>Tales of Hearts (The DS game and not the shitty VITA remake)
It's trash. One of the most generic plots in the series, mash X to win combat and only 3 characters in battle. The Vita remake is superior.
>>Tales of Destiny Director's Cut
Retains everything bad about the original game's story while having the same number of arte slots and tedious dungeon design. Pass.
>>Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X
Took you long enough to list an actually decent game.
I don't know if this post was ironic or not but you can't pretend those games are good just because they're untranslated
>shitty VITA remake
Oh you mean that Tales game with the best combat system in the series?
Never played Hearts yet, but Xillia is pretty decent at everything but not great at anything either. f in my opinion has an amazing combat system, but shit tier everything else. I hate all the characters, and the story is just sort of boring.
Graces f and Hearts R are divisive as fuck, some will say it's the best Tales some will say it's the worst. Xillia is all around pretty boring and bland.
I loved Luke, Tear and Jade, though. I thought they were pretty great characters on par with what you would find in other JRPG franchises.
>"Psh, nothing personal kid"
Why is Vesperia so "good"? I really need to know why everyone worships this game so much.
Seriously, let me go into this based on my experience.
Yuri: Ok. You win here. He is a very likeable protag.
Estelle: The ultimate of ULTIMATE damsels in distress. Carelessly puting other in damage due to being a complete airhead that forgets she is suppose to stay in the fucking castle.
Rita: A false bully. Meaning she only bully those who are weaker than her.
Raven: Filler. Good filler with a climatic scene that makes you go ?????????????? but then you like him even more.
Judy: Literally the girl (You) want the protag to marry near the beginning only because you find her attractive but once you learn more about her she fades out. A skilled fighter tho.
Karol: Literally our guy
Pirate Loli: Namco... you could have done better than this. But in the end I like her, combat wise.
A fucking Dog: A fucking dog.
So yeah, the girls aren't even all that so there's really no reason for this to be the GOAT unless it's for the male characters because they were actually good.
Just don't play Zestiria. I still regret ever spending a full $60 on that shit. Even the music was unmemorable. It's irredeemable trash.
The dungeon themes are quite literally the best in the genre and on par with games like NieR.
Zestiria is one of the few Tales games where music is decent though.
Yuri sells the whole game. Best protagonist ever created.
Raven, Karol and Repede are all just the icing on the cake.
>Gary Stu sells the whole game and guy who was asspulled out of a death, mascot character with no speech and obligatory shota are icing on the cake
Should I bother with Zestiria if I want to play Berseria, or am I better off skipping it?
Yes, user who boils characters down to base traits and neglects all else, that is essentially what I said.
Skip it unless you find for very cheap or pirate.
Show me a tales game with better male characters right now or I'll fuck your mom and sister in the ass!
>inb4 Symphonia, Abyss, Xillia
Another game in the Berseria/Zestiria universe? Or a upgrade of Zestiria with improved combat of Berseria.
Symphonia, Abyss, Xillia
Literally all of them other than Zestiria? Even Assbel had character flaws that made him a more interesting character to follow than "Gary Stu kills cartoonishly evil man and game pretends he is morally ambiguous and portrays the only character who confronts him as a fucking retard".
I bought it for like 5 bucks. It's not worth it. It's a shit game on every way.
Even Destiny on the PS1 had the balls to kill off a party member. Don't try to defend Vesperia, it only makes you look foolish.
if you can read japanese yeah
If you can't afford to shell out $100 for a CFW PS3 you should be working on your resume, not browsing Sup Forums
I already have a SS, buy it can't be hacked with CFW.
Is there a translation for Narikiri Dungeon X?
Yeah but no patch
Phantasia X on PSP
Eternia on psp (download the undub iso)
Destiny R DC
There's a patch for skills and items iirc.
Symphonia is only hard if you play on semi-auto.
only for skills items and menus. which is what you actually want on those games.
4.78 apparently
Old ass one though, the 60gb one compatible with PS2 games.