Wow such amazing quality games right here

wow such amazing quality games right here.

master race, am I rite?

Other urls found in this thread:

At least they have games to play.

I've been playing FFXV and its one of the worst games I've ever touched.

At least most of these are actual games.
Few weeks ago he had nothing but RPG Maker, VNs and furry shit. You need to improve your shitpost timing, son.

Bloody Boobs is fun as fuck
Shadow of the Empire is fun as fuck
WWE2k17 is fun as fuck
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition is godlike.
what of it?

I would not Play any of these "games"

Seems like you enjoy them more than us, shame you don't get more of them

>tfw you filter out early access and indie tag

>playing new releases

wew lad

PC is pretty garbage. Nothing but 3 year bad ports that I already played. Too bad PC's only genre died out. Making this shit fucking useless

Nice Soda Dungeon is f2p. Thx for helping me find a free game. Being a PC gamer is way too expensive. I just don't have any money left to buy games. At least, there are f2p and emulators. Going to have to wait 20 some years to play Bloodborne. I can wait though. Been waiting a long time for a good PC game to come out. Still waiting...

>Too bad PC's only genre died out
Isometric RPGs
Tactic games
Porn games
Flight and space sims

are all getting releases on regular basis

What genre are you even talking about?

>Steam is 95% shovelware

Wooow, who knew?

Too bad PC's only genre died out.

Quake champions and UT4 for FPS; 4x like/4x-lite like Stellaris; RTS and Grand Strategy like Cossacks 3, Blitzkrieg 3, Total War Warhammer, Civ VI; turn based tactical like Div:OS2, XCOM2, Dragonfall, the 'ew mech game from HB; several space flights...

I don't know what you're smoking, man, but it's strong shit

What game is this?

Fucking phone messing up the quote. Never posting from the shitter againg

>300 bait threads
>1 good discussion thread

Woha, Sup Forums really sucks on weekends.

Shadow tactics.
Basicly Commandos in feudal Japan.

I bet you're very feminine in real life

Hes mad the main pc genre isn't mmorpg anymore. Sonyggers in denial crack me the FUCK UP

Anyone here try Brut@l yet? Gameplay looks interesting

Wow this game looks based AS FUCK. I've been wanting to play Commandos for so long now.

Thanks based user.

>console cucks will NEVER EEEEVER get bloody boobs

>Giga Wrecker is not a game about giant anime girls destroying shit
What a disappointment

kys you're selve


>The top selling PS4 game is DLC for an Early Access survival game
I thought PS4 didn't have this bullshit?

>high quality, AAA releases

Sony wins again baby!

>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition is godlike.

>implying PC doesn't have all those games besides The Movie: 1886

Let's be honest; the only reason to buy a PC is to play multiplats in better quality and occasionally have access to mods. I don't think even the most steadfast mustard would ever argue PC as a platform based on exclusives.

>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition is godlike.
You just lost any credibility bro.

games like RO2 and Arma are fun tho

Men of War, Paradox games, and Total War too

They might be. But not enough to warrant buying a PC.

But I like strategy and management games, user

PC's aren't only for vidya

I get to play 90% of console games at better quality and with better control scheme, as well as fun exclusives too

Also I can use it to emulate or for browsing and other programs and shit

I don't regret my purchase in the slightest, and if I wanted to play console exclusives so bad I could fork out 200 bucks for a preowned ps4

>Horus Heresy game

Wait what
When the fuck did this happen
Someone explain

Come on user, this thread is obviously referring to gaming PCs. I think everyone has a shitty laptop or desktop etc.. to do that kind of thing on anyway.

>Emulating on a shitty laptop

Lmao you go ahead and try that buddy let me know how that works out for you

Is that a guro hentai?

>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition is godlike.
Not only is this bullshit, but Skyrim SE is a multiplat.

You can emulate everything up to N64 fine on toasters, I don't know what your point is.

In terms of popular titles, yes.
In terms of games coming out in general, no.

Yeah and Gaming PC's are better than consoles in 9/10 respects

Yet you used it as attempted bait. Worst fail of all time.

Ok? Feel better you just randomly got your opinion out?

Femanon detected.
Or some weird kind of nu male


its a consolewar thread you mong

you're lying to yourself if you think it isn't

Worth it. Stay jealous, consolefag

Doesn't mean you have to autistically reply to anything with your opinion like a fucking sperg.

you replied to me first you fucking retard

>2nd person to reply to my comment
Do you understand the concept of "anonymous" ? You absolutely moron.
Aside from your blank statement of "but gaming PCs are better!" you offered absolutely nothing to suggest your reply was related to our previous chain of replies.

>Do you understand the concept of "anonymous" ?
yeah but you don't clearly

maybe use some common sense that a replier may be the person you were talking to and don't go on a big tangent about fucking nothing

Shadows of the empire is a good game.
Not perfect, but good.

Consoleplebs always show their true colors when they disregard strategy games. Literally the best and gameplay heaviest genre, but they rather watch their movies and play their 2 button children nintendo games instead.

You forgot your picture, Todd.

You can't play dota on consoles, computers win by default.


>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition is godlike.

it will be as soon as SKSE will be released with porn mods like OSEX

This year is going to be godlike for PC for Pic related and bennerlord alone

That is exactly why console win, they don't have that cancer on it.

You can't have any cancer if you have no games.

That sucks for PC then, it has dota cancer, and nothing else, literally zero exclusives on PC, therefore no games. Checkmate.

is this a thing? please tell me it is

>this year

You are very optimistic user.

yes, google it, they have preorders up already they said it should come out in Q2 of this year

Woah.. i spent $400 on a gpu for this?

>Up to N64
So they drop off right before you get to emulate all of the crazy stuff? That's pretty disappointing, no PS2, Gamecube or Wii eh?


>i spent $400 for this

Special edition skyrim is the biggest waste of a download for PC.

Atelier Sophie and Nights of Azure are good games

>a $400 GPU, which is only one piece to the overpriced PC puzzle, is the same as a $200 console that includes everything you need to play