Games you think are pretty cool

Games you think are pretty cool.

They don't have to be the best or your favorite, just ones you like.

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I wish there were more games like it
Ridiculously charming and lots of things to do

I don't want to find a cover for no more heroeses, but they are very cool

I loved Pandora's Tower too, too bad Xenoblade stole all of its spotlight

Always had my eye on Pandora's Tower before release, but I guess I forgot. Pretty funny.

Is it worth a pickup? How bad has the retro bubble been to it?

I wish more diving games were about exploring multi layered wrecks and sunken ruins that you can get lost in.

It's still very good
Motion controls are its problem, like most wii games, but you can play this with a pro controller
You will have to endure the first 5 dungeons, which are pretty boring, from the 6th on the game becomes great
Also the Soundtrack is magnificent

cool RPGs on obscure consoles always makes me sad

Pandora's Tower is great, and it needs a sequel!

this was a personal fav for a while

I love The Last Story

Certainly not in my top games of all time, but I appreciate a charming, modern, content rich platformers these days. Just wish the physics were better.

I like this thread.

I'm really into puzzle games at the moment. In particular, I'm enjoying Shenzhen I/O where you're given a order for a piece of tech (think a security camera or a temperature gauge) and a circuitboard, and you code little bits for each of the gates and try and make the circuit yourself. It's pretty cool, and I've spent a few hours at a pub staring at a computer screen trying to get things to work properly.

I also enjoyed TIS-100 from the same developers, which is like assembly-code puzzle game.

Any other recommendations for coding-based games? Most of the other one's I've seen look like shit. Although, I've been looking at Duskers for a while, which seems interesting.

Not the best rpg ever, but i stil had a lot of fun with it.


whoever made their logo should be shot tho


>Have the LE of this.
>Still can't bring myself to play, mental breakdown when time limits.
I wish I wasn't so weak.

Pic related for the thread, Darksiders 2. Playing it right now, 1st one is pretty neat as well. Just wish it wasn't such a god awful mess of non-development.

I really liked this game, it was very comfy and fun. I'd give anything for a re-release.

I just finished playing it; I was very impressed. Intriguing story, cool setting, the towers are like vertical Zelda-lite dungeons. It's definitely a "hidden gem" type game.

I played it and thought it had promise, but it needed another year and a half in development to flesh out sidequests and work out those atrocious framerate problems.

My brother and I put in so many hours into this game growing up. There's so much potential with the core of this game it's a shame it won't get a successor

Maybe not the best, but my favorite!
(Also, don't know why posted the Japanese cover)

This was great growing up. I wish it didn't become a meme.

I find the first to be better

all the dungeons are good

The combat just pissed me off too much.

Great choice!

I really enjoy tactics games, but I'm not good at them at all, so I usually get about five missions in before I give up. But Invisible Inc was definitely one of the better ones I'd played.

This is another reason why I don't get why Sup Forums is so myopic about the future of games development. They're getting better and better.


There's a lot of trash is what the problem is. More shitty games than ever existed, especially indies. But there are still plenty of good ones. Klei typically makes good ones, I hope Invisible Inc. gets a sequel.

Infinifactory and Spacechem from the same guys are good too, if you haven't already tried them.

Infinifactory though is a more simplified spacechem, but it's still pretty fun.

Man, I was terrible at SpaceChem, like I got past the second set of missions and immediately got stuck for ages and gave up. I enjoyed it while it lasted though.

Does Infinifactory get as tough as SpaceChem as quickly?

It really had a cool soundtrack, I absolutely loved that the final boss theme was a waltz

I know that Sup Forums likes it a lot, but Risk of Rain is fucking amazing. Just so easy to sit back and be hypnotized by the music and art, and I love how the missions can get so intense by the later levels. Eventually one game I got so overpowered that I decided to just keep running the levels over and over again to try and get all the hidden items and stuff. Had to stop after 5 hours, mostly cause I was growing hella bored.

I know the guy that did the soundtrack for Deadbolt also did the soundtrack for Risk of Rain, and the Deadbolt OST is great too. Is Deadbolt any good? Anyone tried the game itself?

Infinifactory has a far smoother learning curve as it throws out a lot of the management and complexity space chem had. No flip flops, teleporters, having rules over what can be merged and what can not or managing multiple factories here. Inputs/output is automated too (blocks come at regular intervals, just need to deliver finished product to the output post), so you don't have to micromanage waldos for that either.

It also makes the process of building bigger blocks simpler in that there's no way to move things up as blocks fall down (or at least that was the case when I played it), so all your solutions essentially use a waterfall-like method for building things, which for some may make for a more intuitive experience.

It also has a bit more involved story that aren't just text dumps between missions, if you're so inclined.

Okay thanks, appreciate the help.

Went and checked Steam, and Infinifactory is still at $20USD. Not sure if I want it that much, though. I can wait for a sale, I guess.

Sknit! This game was a lot of fun

Yeah, it might be just a bit too pricey for some, but I got fair share of fun out of it when it first came out.

I enjoyed that game a lot, there wasn't a whole lot of substance to it, but it really put you in the shoes of Wolverine.

El Shaddai


Really liked it.

Strong choice, OP.

I'll go for Ivy the Kiwi. That was a fun little game.

Project Sylpheed

Had great atmosphere. Though a lot of later DS and PSP RPGs had that.

One of my top SNES games.

It's really odd to have a single player beat-em-up, but the combat is so tight and satisfying, like putting clowns through windows and smashing their heads together.

Buster Bros
Billy Hatcher

to name a few

I feel like this is the only RTS that gets it right.

It almost feels like a fighting game on a slow scale.


no u

Nothing groundbreaking, but a fun little puzzle platformer I enjoyed.

Fuck I was coming into this topic solely to post this. Azure dreams is great.

Wiis answer to dark souls before dark souls came out


It's 3D Castlevania done right.

I'd really like to try this game but it didn't age well.

>obscure consoles

I loved this game, but i felt it was too easy.

I wish this game had more attention.

Too bad that the devs are slow as fuck and are now making some shit tactics game.

This really needs a handheld port. Not mobileshit.

I wish more games used the difficulty system of Bastion and Transistor. No difficulty settings, but the ability to add stuff like those idols as you wanted more challenge. And then being rewarded with more experience for it.

The rewards on Transistor are garbage, but yeah, the idea is great.

I have a love/hate relationship with this game but it is stylish as fuck.

the ninja in this game just felt so cool to control.

Apt as fuck

Deadbolt is very good.

Risk of Rain does it as well, which I like. I think it's a great difficulty selection.

This game is pretty neat.

Yeah, the graphics and subject matter were just so cool.

At least with the meme people remember it exists.

I like the first more as well, but the second is great.

I liked it overall but it had some pretty terrible sound design, and bosses ended up being very messy, there's no feeling of everything being clean and snappy

It's my favourite, but it's not the best.

I wish they would make a sequel for the Switch, because we're never gonna get one for the 3DS, and it ended on a cliffhanger.


I don't have a pic but Mini Ninjas is great.

That half-dragon and her outfit is cute.

Except the parts where you have to jump over pits of death.


That ending to the sequel was brutal