Why aren't fighting games more popular?

Why aren't fighting games more popular?

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because of degenerates like you

What's it like being gay?

Casuals can't stand losing without being able to blame someone else.

are you getting intimidated by her fighting power?

unintuitive controls
high entry barrier
not as fun to most as other multiplayer games
can't stand on their own as singleplayer games

>memorize 100 different 10 button combos to become okay at 1 character in 1 version of 1 game
ain't worth it, m8

It requires skill and fast reactions


This isn't true. SFV is simple as shit and still sold as shit.

The problem is presentation and content. SFV is barebones shit and therefore sold barebones amount of copies.

If you look at the most popular multiplayer games, most involve large teams fighting against each other: FPS, MOBA, MMO

In fighters, it's 1v1, so the social aspect is diminished and this probably makes them less appealing to most people

Cammy is thick enough already, why?

I wonder if injustice 2 will outsell sfv

They are shit and one sided. Somebody has to hit first.

Found the Smashfags

not an argument

i don't play smash and do play fighting games, the reasons i listed are definitely true.

Sf5 needs a gallery to view models

Make her thicker this instance.

i would be surprised if it doesn't, nrs games sell very well and die in 2 weeks

Because without arcades and local gatherings to really reinforce the community, it's hard for it to spread.

Playing online really isn't nearly as much fun.

>large teams

I don't think you can call friend-sized aka 5 players a large team.

>all these people whining about execution
Execution makes the game more fulfilling to play. It gives you greater control over the character. Sort of like driving a car in manual or auto. Auto is easier but ultimately you have more control over the car in manual and can fine adjust movement better. Also, a lot of inputs are actually quite natural and logical. Take the Hadoken. It's a forward motion and a punch. It's exactly the type of motion Ryu is doing.

What Rising Thunder ultimately proved is that the biggest casual complaint towards fighting games (the inputs) aren't why they're being held back. They're held back because they can't think properly. They just mash and hope for the best. Just look at SFV. Easiest inputs in any SF game yet it's still the same players as SF4 dominating. Why? Because they have the mind for fighting games. Not the inputs.

If you want casuals to play your game, make them look good and fill them with content. That's why Tekken is still alive after so many years. Dumb games doesn't mean more sold copies.

>no arcade mode
>paid online

I hope companies realize how the paid online shit is going to affect their online games, not to mention SFV design looks plain and boring, just watch Hakan and Juri trailer and you realize that casuals love that shit.

frame counting, being a sperg about hitboxes

>I hope companies realize how the paid online shit is going to affect their online games
i.e. not at all? Everybody is going to pay for online so it's a moot point.

because even the best of them has little content.

Kids don't like being challenged anymore.

Because they're uninteresting. I've never liked fighting games and have always thought they were lame (though Mortal Kombat was mildly fun because of the gore). Why would I play a game where I'm locked in a small area looking at what is basically a 2D image when I can be over here in Battlefield free-roaming a large map with dozens of friends and other players and blasting each other away with tanks and choppers and C4 suicide-jeeps? That's so much more fun and interesting.

>not as fun to most as other multiplayer games

But fighting games are the single most fun genre in gaming.

>no u

thank you for your valuable insight. the thread would not be the same without you

It's much less interesting if you want to take the games seriously. Which is not what a lot of people want and I get that, I don't even say people should want it. I just find it weird how Sup Forums is always crying about casuals and wanting games to be hardcore when most people have a casual mindset.

original Cammy is already perfect

I can't talk about others, but I find combo memorization really dull. I actually even like stuff about execution (complex move inputs, timed inputs)but the fact that comboing is based only on memorization is dull. Add the fact that there is zero experimentation nowdays, as all the combos are broken down on forums and YT videos, you have just to learn them. Also they lack content in the singlepalyer department

Is that why its so niche?

Complaining fighting games lack single player content is like complaining soccer or chess lack single player content. They are not games made for single player.

As for memorization, just play a game with shorter combos. Like, in SFV combos are usually 3-4 moves at most and they make sense as long as you understand the game.

Like, any competitive game requires some level of memorization. RTS, chess, card games, FPS. Everything.

>They are not games made for single player.
actually they used to

Most people are not interested in actually being competitive/serious about a game and just play team games as a form of social interaction with their friends or games like FPS which are much easier to get into at low level since you can just point and shoot and feel like you're actually doing something.

It's not about whether it's casual or hard, it's about whether the gameplay itself is consistently engaging. These side-view fighting games have no map exploration, either zero or few ways to use the environment and terrain, only 2 characters at a time, and the fights just boil down to 2 people spamming the same small handful of attacks at each other over and over again. It may have a high skill ceiling but multiplayer games have since far surpassed the very limited arcade experience.

Because it's the same shit it has always been, the fighting game genre has not changed in nearly 20 years.

No? They've always been about the vs aspect. Arcade mode was for kids to dump quarters and mash buttons until they lost.

They aren't casual friendly, no matter how much they water down the gameplay.

Fighting games have a very limited "shelf life" compared to other games, specially if you pick it up a while after its release. Unless you put in an autistic amount of practice time in, or already know the game, you're gonna be fucked. The skill gap becomes too great for you to really grow as a player.

You can't blame or get carried by teammates in 1v1. If you lose, you lose because you aren't good enough. That's too much of a pressure to handle for most people

They didn't. Some had some single player modes, but they were never made for single player. They are a genre that gets worse in single player the more you play it. No one who has actually put any time into fighting games enjoys single player modes because the games are just not designed for them.

Do you think actual fighting matches (not video games" are boring because the players can't explore the map? It's just a 1 on 1 contest of skill, which is exactly what makes them so interesting. It's you versus your opponent, with a multitude of options that make it incredibly deep and interesting.

If you invite people over to your house and you have a sports game, a party game, a shooter, a racing game, an arcade game and a conventional fighting game then chances are that unless they are BIG time into fighting games already they will all choose literally anything over the fighting game.



Because you can't blame anyone but yourself if you lose

Fighting games are constantly engaging in the most literal of ways.

Nothing makes me more mad, yet feel more satisfied as when i lose/win in fighting games

Ok? How does that go against what I posted? Fighting games take more effort to get decent at. A lot of people don't actually care about being decent at video games, they just want to run around maps and play casually and feel like they are still doing something even if they suck. You can't really do that in fighting games unless you're playing someone that's equally as bad as you.

>It's not about whether it's casual or hard, it's about whether the gameplay itself is consistently engaging
They're plenty engaging. Driving games are one of the only other genres that are even more video game-y than it (too much for Sup Forums even, who prefers talking about movies disguised as games instead)

>Do you think actual fighting matches (not video games" are boring because the players can't explore the map?
Real life fights have real life consequences and that is infinitely more exciting than watching some weird looking CG characters whack away at each other stupid-looking attacks. Notice how even UFC fighting games don't do well either.

>incredibly deep and interesting

Let's not fool ourselves here, and pretend fighting games are some sort of unappreciated art form.

All fighting games devolve into a formulaic meta sooner or later. ALL OF THEM. Why? Because like you said, it's a 1 on 1 contest, and people want to win. And to win they gotta use the same top tier character.

So come back down to reality, and let's stop pretending that fighting games are somehow more deep, and more interesting than other games.

>fighting game girls are always top tier
>always stuck in shitty video game genre

All character artists and developers for fighting games need to get together and not do work for fighting games. Shittiest genre of video game in existence.

This. It's a "who can press the buttons the best" match, not a deep strategy battle.

It's not even brainless fun, so my only choice is to label the entire genre as an autistic combo-memorizing test.

>And to win they gotta use the same top tier character.
Yeah I remember Xian winning EVO with Gen, what a top tier


>and to win they all have to use the same top tier character
Stop posting anytime.

I will tell you my experience:

>Tired of teamplay competitive games full of whiners (Cs:Go, LoL, Dota 2, Overwatch)
>Decide to give fighting 1v1 a try.
>Everything is fucking expensive, my toaster cant handle it, 60 fps bullshit
>Find Fightcade, love the fuck out off Street fighter 3 Third strike (Parry mechanic is awesome), practice combos, play lots of arcade. finally start searching other people to play with.
>They are gods at this fucking game, there is no way i can compete. Getting my ass beaten a lot was fun at first, but not for long.
>My wrist start to hurt.
>Search another community, find Skullgirls. Same thing, the people left is fucking good.
>Start practicing a lot. Its fun, my hand keeps hurting.
>Carpal tunnel syndrome. I need a controller. Cant play for long, not interested anymore

One of the reasons is that there is no F2P fighting game with good mechanics and network, (Brawlhalla is shit), In my country there is a lot of fighting community but mostly in arcades, like old times. Why would they buy an overexpensive game that needs lots of graphic power, good controllers and stuff if they already have that?

Also, dont play in keyboard, is fucking painful.

>Real life fights have real life consequences
Like what? If you mean tournaments and shit, fighting games have that too. The community is one of the best things.

You really don't play fighting games if you think things like these.

>Got carpal tunnel in such a short span of time
Who were you trying to play?

Being too dumb to make an hqc. Kek


Watch stuff like this and tell me it's not engaging

Yeah, fucking weird but the pain is real. I got some back in Gunz, probably is dormant or something.

In SF: Chun li, akuma, Makoto.
In skullgirls: Valentine, Painwheel.

>Like what? If you mean tournaments and shit, fighting games have that too.
LOL. No, by real consequences I mean when someone gets punched in the face IRL they can get their skin split open, bones broken and knocked the fuck out. The worst that happens to the people playing a fighting game is what? Small calluses? Carpel tunnel? So the only thing to keep interest is the gameplay, which is fucking boring after the first few matches because it's just 2 characters locked in a tiny space with nothing to do but spam the same bunch of attacks and combos. Snore.

as I've said, I have no problems with hqc timing or this other shit. I don't like memorizing long combos


If there is an attraction in which you place your head between her thighs with 99% that my head will be accidentally crushed, then so be it.

Should we move all the waifus to casual genres like card games while there's still time?

You sound like a pretty shallow person if everything you can see in a fight is only breaking bones. You only seek fake "depth" with big maps and shit exploding or people breaking someone esle's bones because everything with actual depth is lost on you.

Fighting game babies are so sensative.

As soon as you lay down some truth, what is the reply? "lel cant combo" or "you dont play fighting games".

There's a reason the FGC is filled to the brim with toxic fucking players. A bunch of Insecure faggots that get defensive when you question them for spending 1000+ hours in a game, and being mediocre at best.

Stay buttblasted faggots. Fighting games will always be niche, shallow games. No matter how many autists you get in a building, or how many retards tune into a stream.

The exact opposite of engaging.

you just kept outing yourself as a scrub
do you actually think you have been providing a decent argument that has never been debunked?

we see shit like that every single day and every single time it's some salty newbie who doesn't get it

yours is an argument from ignorance, whenever you DON'T know a priori, you PRETEND to know


Because they're essentially a mixture of memory games and "twitch"/reflex games, only competitive.

So it's like if Super Hexagon was a real person who could laugh at how much you suck.

Obviously that holds zero appeal.

Why are you doing this? I'm genuinely asking you. Trying to make people that you don't know on the internet mad can't be what you aspire to do. It doesn't help anyone, less of all you.

I think you're either pressing that shit way too hard, or you just have a medical condition

>I'm(you) so sensitive.

Fixed for u.

Reactions and memory are some of the least important skills in fighting games at high level. You only need normal human memory that everyone has and while great reactions help, they are far from the most important skill and anyone with normal reactions can be competitive.

assuming your connection is perfect
>playing fighting games online
yes it's cancer

>those gross boltons

>replies to almost ten posts to call "fighting game babies" defensive while posting a smug picture
Really gets me thinking.....

>it's about whether the gameplay itself is consistently engaging
>a complex game where you can still learn stuff years later isn't as consistently engaging as another run of the mill modern baby's first fps

Outing myself as a scrub?

That is my only post. Did anyone have a legitimate counter-argument to that?


Because it's fucking true. Fighting games are relatively shallow, and spiral down even further the more time passes. I don't even need to list examples because it happens to every fucking fighting game. MvC, SF, Tekken, even your favorite fighting game, Smash Bros.

Whats there to be ignorant about? Even if you post a game where this hasn't happened, they're gonna be the exception, and not the rule. The only argument stemming from ignorance is denying this.

>Still no argument

FGC everybody.

again, you keep stating the same old argument we've been hearing for the past 10 years

it's the boy who cried wolf situation, we've heard it enough and nobody listens anymore

if it is the way you say it is
how come every good fighting game player could beat you 10-0 using "unconventional" meta while you use the strongest there is?

don't bother explaining, experience shows you don't know shit

This is pretty true. Even in Japan most of it's popular arcade games are team based. Dissidia went from 1v1 to 3v3 for it's arcade release for example.

Nice paragraphs there, buddy. Its so easy to tell who is an autismo just by looking at their pics and their post length. If you reply to more than 5 people, you know you are just a false flagger or a legit crybaby who only replies with "STILL not an argument" just because they have no clue how to respond to criticism and dont want to be invalidated

I can't use any moves I'm too slow

The whole genre is based on getting gud and learning tedious shit. The entry level barrier is just too high, do you really think that the majority of people would buy a fighting game to find themselves with 2 characters facing each other on a 2d map just to start learning combos after combos and other strategies?
Fuck no, it's just too technical, it lacks the mindless fun required to start getting into the game, after that it comes the gitting gud.

My advice to new players is always dont even look at the light buttons. Use medium and heavies until you start using a specific move on purpose. So many just sit there spamming lp like i cant just take a step back and fireball

Too complicated for normies? SF2 was and still is extremely popular among them, MK 1 - 3 were always more popular in America and those games dumbed down buttons and inputs. I guess simplifying them to SSF2T where there's just a special meter would bring them back (and gimmicks like MK's fatalities).

Here is your problem

Trying to find fulfillment in video games.


I'm not a new player is the problem

No matter how old the argument might be, it still stands. A player beating me isn't relevant to the argument. I'm talking about fighting games devolving into a shallow husk of their former selves after time passes. A good player beating another good player with a character that isn't "low tier" is the exception. Not the rule. Why do you think so many of the tournament players eventually succumb, and ditch their main in favor of a better character? Exactly.

You're talking about me, and not what I talked about. You're as irrelevant as most fighting games.

If you're gonna reply, at least read my posts faggot. The only people trying to find fulfillment is video games are the retards still trying to legitimize how many hours they spend playing the same fucking game over and over.

Because you have to spend too much time not playing the game to actually play the game.

There is no other genre of games where you cannot learn the game by actually playing the game.

The time commitment is too big, and if you do not even have any fighting fundamentals learned then it so so much more.

Even after all that learning - the enjoyment is not even that great. Unless you are autistic. All the people i have ever met who enjoy fighting games were fucking socially awkward neckbeards.

Online killed them.
Like its easily the greatest feature for the dedicated fighting game players but also the absolutely worst for casuals.

People used to play in their own little bubbles against friends and cousins offline and had fun together.

Now kids buy the game, go online and get slammed hard.
Its an instant reality check you didnt experience back then unless you went to arcades or tournaments, which most didnt.

I think couch play needs to make a serious comeback if you want fighters to get properly huge again.

Because theres no team, lanes, in-game shop, minions, towers, or leveling.

>How to throw Fireball: input →← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ↴ WK HP HK LP SK LK MK MP HP LP MP WP HP SP WK WP WK SP HP LP LK LP in less than a 1/666 of second
>The Fireball can be cancelled into a shirui-no-kensen by inputting ⟰ ⟱ ⟲ ⟳ ⟴ ⟵ ⇖ ⇗ ⇘ ⇙ ⇚ ⇛↸ ↹ ↺ ↻ ↼ ⤴ ⤵ ⤶ ⤷ ⤸ ⤹ ⤺ ⤻ ⤼ ⤽ ⤾ ⤿ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ↜ ↝ ↞ HP LP MP WP HP SP WKWK HP HK LP SK HP LP MP WP HP SP WK LK MK MP HP LP MP WP HP SP WK WP WK SP HP LP LK LP before the animation ends.
>Requires two stocks, two tech bars, two stamina bars, having your lifebar blinking purple and executing a reverse guard cancel first
>And that's the most basic two-hit combo

>Why are you still playing Fighting Game 3rd Attack Xecutor champion edition arcade version regulation 1.7? the entire community already moved to the newest game, Fighting Game 3rd Attack Xecutor champion edition arcade version regulation 1.7'. Only for $60!

>Where's your $400 arcade stick?

>No matter how old the argument might be, it still stands.
that's where you're wrong
there's a reason I said you don't know a priori

you haven't made that experience, yet you claim to know when hundreds of others who DID make that experience tell you you're full of shit

the tournament argument doesn't apply to 99% of the players either, you're arguing extreme cases and applying them to the general population

fact is you will never play in that tournament grade level, it doesn't affect you nor does it affect 99% of the people you'll ever play with

that's like getting a minimum wage job and being worried about not getting to be CEO of the company

tournaments are NOT representative of the vast population of a fighting game

Prestige television just boils down to over-produced soap operas.