Are you gonna take part in this, Sup Forums?

Are you gonna take part in this, Sup Forums?

I might

Who's organizing it?

No. I'm not going to use my Saturday to play an irrelevant game.

I play SotFS almost everyday,so I probably will.

It's dark souls 2. The worst of the entire series.

Nah. I would if it was Dark Souls 1

I don't even own DS2

I was about to replay 2, so maybe.

How dead is it right now for SotFS PC?

Is PVP still divided by NG/NG+ and beyond? I replayed it 6 months ago and got zero invasions until I hit NG+, then they were constant.

some guy named illusorywall
apparently he's a known guy in the community

>make an event for the worst entry in the series

for what purpose

>replaying 2
no thank you

Because they already did DaS1. Also,

>worst entry
>not DaS3

lol fuck no.
Did they make one for the original dark souls or demon's?

Here we go again.

Just bought sotfs for my seconds souls game, what impeccable timing

I think so, now it's DaS2's turn

not really, i am gonna invade on my cheated up twink though and bully a lot of people

I meant mainly if it's only the wikidot crew but looks like he has got more or less all active places in too like r/DarkSouls2 and /dsg/

DeS > DaS2 > BB > DaS1 > DaS3

>Le DS2 is a bad game meme

Keep trying to fit in on this anonymous chinese memes and frogposting board where no one knows who you are or even if you are one poster or the next.

I'm going to hack and kill people for this. Malcolm Reynolds should join too.

>Waste a saturday playing the worst Souls game

No thanks.

dark souls 2 is better than 1 though

I will, just finished DaS 1, so I guess it's DaS 2 turn now. God I can't wait to play with 60 fps.

Why not play DS1 at 60fps

Nope. Co-OP and PVP are boring.

I'm out, people have bad opinions around here and I can't handle it anymore Imma cry

DaS1 is shit

>worst entry
For some reasons Dsfix can't make me run the game at 60fps. Even with unlockFPS = 1 and FPSlimit=60. So I played again Das 1 with 15-30 fps.

>DaS1 fags are the melee fags of souls


>worst entry
Dunno how I quoted that

DaS1 fags are the melee fags of every video game.

No. Souls is smash.

Melee = 1
Brawl = 2
Wii U = 3


>probably the best allrounder in the series but people go overboard in how better it is


I can't blame them though because a good amount of the game was shit indeed. I played a little past Amana shrine the first time and I fucking hated it but after getting Sotfs, making a better build, and playing the entire game/getting all those trophies I loved it. Last 30% or so is the best but alot of shit in the middle just wasn't very good at all.


>best allrounder
The ONLY thing it does better than next games is world design. DaS3 curbstomps it in every aspect.

I might. 25th is my aniversary and ds2 is my fav. I prefer the original version though, with mods. Too bad it is dead. Perhaps i will buy the sotfs till them

Casul detected

I'm just replaying DS1 now, so probably yeah.

Fuck no

DaS 3 > DaS > BB > DeS > DaS 2

>seperating the community even further by using the ring

master troles at work


BB > DaS3 > DaS1 >>> DaS2 > DeS

Oh yeah I forgot to finish that game.

>Not only is it DS2 but it's the remaster

fuck off, i'm not buying that game again