Are you going to buy it?
Now that the dust has settled
Yeah I'm actually gonna buy a new graphics card so I can play it in 60fps.
Looking forward to my rx480 8 gb card.
hahahaha. you serious?
of course. One of the best multiplayer games in years
Fuck off shill
I'm gonna wait for review, the melee is looking great tho
Not until they get actual servers.
Fucking moron.
The game isn't worth 60€, with the current problems it has.
Don't you have another "SJW hate For Honor!" thread to make? Fuck off shill
I probably will, but only when I can find it for 20 bucks
It's not a bad game but the price is ridiculous since they wasted tons of work on the shitty minion mode and a goddamn storyline when all everyone is going to play is 1v1 or maybe 2v2
too expensive
chivalry did melee combat better even with spin2win
Yes already preordered and preloaded. Fucking loved the beta m8 can't wait to smash some cunts with Raiders big throbbing axe
If they put 15-20€ pricetag on it - I'll bite.
I'll wait for the f2p version.
I played so much this beta that I had enough.
There's that word again. Calm your autism. I'm not even into the game. I just think you're being a fucking moron for shouting SHILL SHILL OMG every time someone likes something you don't. Here's a newsflash: some people like the game. Some people don't. It's called a difference of opinion.
>Blah blah blah autism
Fuck off shill
I'll buy it on sale, not worth the $60 right now.
Hey at least I'm not an autist. I count my blessings.
>played the tutorial
Wow, seems like something new. Potential to be awesome.
>no desire to play an actual match
Eh, maybe it's just not the right time for me. Would rather play Overwatch.
are you allowed to call your potential customers "autists" better check with your shill manual of allowed terms
>chivalry did melee combat better
Hey at least I'm not a desperate shill
I can see why some of the issues are a turn-off and I do think that the game would probably be more fairly priced at around 40-50 dollars, but the gameplay has impressed me enough to commit my cash to it.
>auto aim
>DDR parry system
I'm on the fence.
I want to like it, but I experienced some bullshit today which makes me skeptical, especially for the price tag. Australian internet isn't great at the best of times and more than 100ms in lag and you're getting raped by being unable to parry / react in time. Dedicated servers would have fixed this shit.
>Are you going to buy it?
I was thinking about it.
But after playing the beta, I won't, or, at least, I will wait a pricedrop.
Dominion is full of Gankers.
Duels is filled with Spammers and Ragequitters.
The servers crash every now and then.
I was going to, but the shitty matchmaking system and the fact that it has crashed over 7 times already, changed my mind.
I keep hearing how they broken siege was on launch and how they fixed it it later patches.
If the same happens here I'll buy it at a later time.
The game itself is pretty solid though, I just wish the duels were a bit more like in chivalry where it plays a bit more like a small tournament. Spending almost as much time searching for opponents as fighting them sucks.
Why is uplay so bad?
He's a delusional conspiracy retard, no point in arguing him
Chivalry seems so much better, I haven't played it in years but it was comfy as fuck.
no. I would ve bought it, if the
>controls were better
>we get something more than 4vs4
>it cost like 40 bucks
kys senpai
Maybe if it was a third of the price I´d consider it
barebones 3d fighting game with 12 characters, like 5 maps and slight variations of those and some lame ass campaign which is just literally just a bunch of the same 4v4 maps thrown together with some cinematic between them
I though this game was going to be F2P with microtransactions
Nah. Dominion is a shit game mode and is legit like 1/4th of the entire game. There isn't enough content to warrant a $60 +tip price tag.
Nah, I don't think so. It's pretty fun but not that amazing and not a lot of my friends seem to be getting it. It's not good enough for me to play it solo, so I'm probably better off not paying for it.
It has also been very unstable in terms of networking/matchmaking and the business model with all the DLC and shit to buy with different stats seems like utter crap.
>the business model with all the DLC and shit to buy with different stats seems like utter crap.
Why do people who have never played the game go around crying about it everywhere?
I've barely had any connection issues aside from trying to log in in the first 10 minutes, the DLC is all free, and stats only apply in the shitty casual modes.
Already bought it brah
When it's 20 buckaroons, absolutely.
>getting it on Steam
Sometimes I wonder if you chubby chasers are legitimately retarded.
didn't bother to play the beta
It's almost 90 dollars can't believe its a full price game fuck that
It's 90 is you want the season pass and cosmetic shit.
The base game is 48€ on official key sellers.
what would be the diff between steam and on the console?
Sure my man, everyone who has issues with Ubishit's shit P2P that requires 20 open ports or UPnP to work properly because dedicated servers are expensive has never played the game.
How the fuck is the DLC free if they're already selling a season pass? Are you insane?
Man, you people have no fucking idea that PC exists outside of Steam, huh? You could have saved 20 bucks.
Yeah its pretty fun, better than winging and not playing anything
They have a season pass to and cosmetic shit what the fuck no wonder they had to pay every streamer to shill this fucking garbage
ah my bad mate. i thought there was a diff in gameplay or performance etc. if its pricing then yeah i get you.
>Ubishit's shit P2P that requires 20 open ports or UPnP to work properly
Stop trying to use your router as a toaster and connecting via wi-fi to your dial-up connection, cunt. The NAT's been green for me since day one, and I don't even have a single port forwarded.
Dedicated servers are dogshit for fighting games.
>How the fuck is the DLC free if they're already selling a season pass?
Have you even looked at it? All it has is week early access to new heroes. The heroes are all free, as are the maps.
No. Tries the open beta and it didn't click for me
No. Only played four matches and I am already bored to death
>deus vult larpers got btfo again
>vikings AND samurai
No thanks
Game feels pretty sluggish. Maybe if it was much cheaper or even free I might have considered it.
I don´t buy sjw games
It's green for you because you're a retard with enabled UPnP and have no idea how insecure that crap is. Pic related, it's my dialup.
>The heroes are all free
You mean "free" like the operators in R6S where you need 200h of grind to unlock all of them without paying extra above the base game?
If the single player is 50 hours, I'll buy it.
Games that I exit out of pissed off I tend to avoid unfortunately, so probably not.
free as in you could easily unlock them all from the start but you only do that to customize them. You are free to use them regardless.
I'm sure everybody and their mother is just waiting to haxxor you the second you enable it, it must be so taxing as the world's number one espionage target.
The heroes are free, you can spend some in-game currency to "unlock" them for customisation.
Is 4 vs 4 elimination the fucking worst mode ever?
nah, I prefer this.
this is an alt right video game you dumb drumpfer
How can it be SJW when SJWs hate it?
How is this an sjw game?
No. Maybe later, depending on feedback.
Did you see how plain the female characters are? Even OW had T&A.
Nah. I'll play the demo until it tanks, and then that will be it. It's a bit too simplistic still and I played the game in arcades when it was much more involved and called Soul Calibur 2.
Fucking kill yourself, you add nothing to the world
Yes, because there's nothing else like it out there.
well sjw hate any kind of oppression but like islam.
you can't have a logic approach to sjw mentality
I am actually surprised how well optimized the PC version of this game is. Unexpected from Ubisoft.
After trying out the Wildlands beta, I was pretty worried I'd have to upgrade for this. Luckily, it runs fine on my 6 year old rig with a few settings turned down.
I guess it helps that the game barely has anything to render, though. Just 2 models and a level.
black viking and female knights
also villian is a "strung wyman" and the greatest warrior that ever lived
If it has a well designed world and is dark souls esque in the story mode I will. I won't buy mp only games anymore.
Because most of the time, it's just not work
>female knights
But why?
No females and black vikings and the lack of content makes it not worth 60 quid. Id but it for 20 though
You can pick the gender and race of almost every class with a few exceptions
I had an open mind but I didn't particularly enjoy it. Combat didn't feel particularly natural, I was focused more on watching red flashing lines rather than paying attention to how people were moving.
Also the price is silly, they're making the same mistake they did with Siege. Gut the chaff out, sell it at 20, 25 and I'd probably buy it regardless and try to power through my doubts.
>Slowggish movement/animation
>Feels as if you are underwater
>Female Knights
I already got fooled with Rainbowsix Siege, they aren't going to fool me again.
Playing For Honor does make me miss Warband
You can choose the race/gender you want. Also, how is it fair to label any game as sjw if an important character is female? Seems like you're limiting the quality of a story if you only have white guys to take every role. That being said, a lot of great movies have an all white male cast (godfather).
I really like this game, even though Peacekeeper, Orochi, and Nobushi hold a ridiculous top tier, but I don't have anyone to play it with and I can't quite enjoy multiplayer games for myself that much anymore. I'll enjoy it on my own for a while but I'm sure the novelty will wear off sooner than later. It also doesn't help that the absolute only character I really enjoy is Conqueror, with Kensei and Warden at very distant second and third. I am interested the unreleased characters, especially Shugoki, but Conqueror is going to be hard to top for me. I'm probably going to get it anyway because the more I think about it, the more I like it.
>I'm sure everybody and their mother is just waiting to haxxor you the second you enable it
I see you are proud in your ignorance, congratulations. I suppose you've never had a look at some server log to see how much shit attempts to get through common, well-known ports, especially HTTP/HTTPS which Uplay apparently wants to have open for inbound connections. Nobody is going to "target" you specifically, but there are shitloads of bots randomly crawling around and poking at known ports and vulnerabilities, exploiting retards who know nothing about keeping their shit up to date or secure. You know how you sometimes see an article about actual botnets using shit like insecure home routers, security cameras and various IoT devices? This is one of the ways that happens. I most certainly will not trust Ubishit to make competent, secure products when their networking is such a shoddy mess in the first place. Shitloads of games work just fine through NAT and firewalls with no UPnP, but Ubi's crap needs to listen on 15+ ports, because they're too cheap for dedicated servers. It's been literally years since I played a game that required port forwarding to work (or UPnP, which just opens shit up automatically and without your knowledge). They are clearly incompetent or don't give a shit.
I guess it's not so bad if you can play all the heroes without paying in-game currency, just the item crafting or whatever the fuck is left then.
You can chose the gender and skin color of your character tho.
>"strung wyman" and the greatest warrior that ever lived
So can we agree once and for all that MGS3 is sjw garbage?
>literally WE WUZ
Asshurt weeb whose gimmicks didn't work + got destroyed by a female knight
looks like I'll get bored too fast for a full priced game. From watching streams I can see several issues with the game, both gameplay and technically (fucking p2p, wtf man) and I'm just going to wait for bannerlord.
Im hoping the singleplayer campaign is good.
Not video games.
1.90 KD after a few hours, try again.
>defending female knights
Why not have aliens too?