Anyone else playing this? It's pretty damn good, certainly incline in terms of RPGs. Reminds me of Darklands.
Anyone else playing this? It's pretty damn good, certainly incline in terms of RPGs. Reminds me of Darklands
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's pretty damn good, certainly incline in terms of RPGs
>Sup Forums would rather discuss mass effect garbage instead of an actual good RPG these days
what did I expect
Have they updated it?
I stopped playing after I managed to cover all of my mercs in scale armor
Full release is coming out very soon
>waaah my thread hasn't gotten 300 replies in 15 minutes
Is it even released out of beta?
Still waiting for them to add late/end-game things before I play again.
Maybe when there's a character editor out.
It's on my whistlist, stills on EA?
I read the info on the store page and it seems promising and I dig the Warband inspiration.
It kicked my fucking ass, but I'm glad it was made. The genre could always use new blood.
It's okay. I got bored of it in it's current state pretty quickly but it was kind of fun to have a group of grizzled mercenaries, some turned mentally retarded from all the maces to the head, others missing parts of their body, and then of course that one obligatory powerhouse who has yet to take any scars or battle wounds.
coming out of EA very soon apparently, this month or next iirc
Is there's a release date already ? do you think its worth to check it out now or simply wait the official release ?
might aswell just wait I guess, not far from the full release
Without having played it just looking at OP's image I get flashbacks of the shilling of "Bastard Bonds" game, that was more like Bara Bonds.
Bastard Bonds was literally a bara game, yes. Nice joke.
>early access
its early access done right
I remember thinking it might be interesting but then seeing this screenshot
No thanks
>Reminds me of Darklands
Holy shit someone on Sup Forums remembers Darklands. That shit was my crack back in the day as a PCfat.
What a fucking casual baby you are.
Sure thing marketer/dev
Looks like something I could enjoy. How cuckolding is it?
Okay, if you say so
I don't even care about grafix but if you make a game you should think of having an artstyle that doesn't make everything look like bobbleheads or baby dolls
too bad for you you're missing out on a great tactical RPG because of your meme reasons
what do you mean by "cuckolding"?
Sorry what I meant to say was *BRRRRAAAAPPP*
Already done my dear friend.
The game is great OP but neo-Sup Forums has no interest in anything besides the mainstream.
looks like a phone game
I'll mainstream a powerfull gush of urine directly into your eye faggot
Never post again near me
I too can make every game look like horseshit if I picked a year old screenshot of a beta in 600x337.
> incline
We don't speak autist here, codexer.
People seem to like it, so hey. Personally I don't, but I at least get the idea behind it.
sad really
Is it mount&blade 2d?
pretty much
sort of, but with turn based combat
This was my impression.
And that's enough to make me interested.
When was the last update? I loved this game, but got boring in the late game, last played 2 months ago.
Are the late game scenarios in the game right now?
If not, are there other things to do then, like M&B in which you can go the lord/king route?
There are late game scenarios
From the FAQ on their site
>Will you be able to become king of the land? Can you build a trade empire?
>No. Battle Brothers is about leading a mercenary company of regular human beings in a low fantasy world, and that’s what we focus our resources on.
So they dramatically chanegd the artstyle? It's a tactical turn-based game so who the fuck cares about the graphics, but I highly doubt they made the dudes look better
It looks exactly like the pic posted.
No it doesn't. The actors got a huge improvement and the landscape has far more detail and shadows. It still looks like a tabletop yeah, but it IS an improvement.
TaroEld is noob.
Lol, go play Uncharted, so you can enjoy muh realism grafix, you shit-faced shit-taste shit-stain.
I didn't mean literally become lord/kind, just if there are late game activities like that
Would you care to find a screenshot of the better looks? All I can find is screenshots that look exactly like that
And to clarify: the thing that makes it unappealing is the silly chess figure look of the characters
So let me get this straight.
Orc and Undead invasions are in, but the noble crisis isn't yet?
Or all 3 of them are in
It's kind of funny how obvious shill threads are these days.
Also this game looks like a shitty facebook app.
The figures still look silly, but I'll check whether the gameplay offsets that, thanks
Any idea when it will release? I detest early access
Not casual enough for you? Fuck off to an ass effect thread or something
Honestly I don't give a shit if it's a shill thread, at least we can talk about the game. I'm getting sick of every thread starting with the usual Sup Forums antics anyway. You know, dust settles, what went right / wrong, all that shit. It's stale as fuck now, no idea whose amused by it.
The way the updates work I guess maybe in 1-2 weeks?
This month or next
Im gonna buy this because I want to see battlebrothers 2 with even more shit
>shilling an extreme niche indie game from Germany
Go back to your Bioware or Blizzard threads you fucking mongoloid.
Oh that's neat then. I saw this game quite a while ago and I just assumed it was an eternal EA title like Factorio
Thanks for renewing my interest in the game, you qtpi shills
Is it going to come out of early access any time soon? Managing some kind of mercenary group sounds like fun (which is what i assume that the game is about). What kind of rpg elements are into the game? Do you get to control your characters skills and items?
>Managing some kind of mercenary group sounds like fun
If you like that, you should check out Expeditions: Conquistador and Legends of Eisenwald
I mean, if you make a small niche game, it makes sense to make threads about it on Sup Forums, right? We have a hardon for niche RPGs and you can maybe get some more sales that way
>implies no one on Sup Forums gives a fuck about these games
>goes on to recommend niche RPGs
>>implies no one on Sup Forums gives a fuck about these games
What? That post wasn't sarcastic, I genuinely believe it's a good idea for a small dev to advertise their game here
If I made a game like this I'd definitely make threads here
Maybe on Something Awful too, they love devs in their game threads
I wish they didn't use some ridiculously looking blobs as characters
I love it, but it needs more variation. After a while all fights tend to just blend together. It's just the same fights all the time, and it doesn't hurt that several types of battles (humans, wiedergangers, wolves) become completely trivial after you get a solid team with good equipment, and only Orcs stay a threat (Goblins can be a nuisance, but are generally easier to deal with).
Also, there desperately needs to be some sort of endgame. This ties into the previous issue, since right now when you've got a few levels on all your dudes and optimal equipment, that's it for the game. You just run around doing the same shit you did when you were just a handful of peasants with knives and pitchforks, except you do it much better. They should add a cool goal like maybe having your own castle or village like in Mount&Blade (which is thematically a closely related game, despite the obvious differences in gameplay). And no, retirement doesn't count as a cool goal.
Right now they basically have a great combat system, but little else. Now they need to build an interesting game around it.
You can already edit your characters by going to the barber in certain towns.
Contrary to what you expect, this doesn't just let you change your hair and beard, but also your body and face.
Very true. I remember the last time I played I was essentially trying to throw my men into grinder after grinder just to see how long they lasted, because they were essentially one man armies in an actual army.
I do disagree about the castle stuff, though. You're a mercenary, not a lord.
>it has stats, so it's a RPG
Kill yourself, codexshitter, the game is dogshit and can't even hold a candle to actually good recent tactics games like Mordheim.
>You're a mercenary, not a lord.
Making the switch could be a cool endgame situation though. Like you pledge allegiance to one of the noble houses, help them win the war, conquer a castle, and settle down as a new noble, the end. I'm not asking them to add castle management mechanics to the game, just for a clear goal. Right now you just keep playing until you get bored, and then you retire. That's not much of an endgame at all, to me.
And the castle thing is just an obvious example. It doesn't have to be that, just something you can work towards on the long term, other than grind until you get bored.
Eh, I dunno. Mordheim is alright, but I definitely prefer Battle Brothers.
What's up with the mad hate?
>I remember thinking it might be interesting but then seeing this screenshot
This is my biggest gripe with the game. Turn based squad tactical games are pretty much almost a half of my Steam library, but this shit so primitive that it automatically gets put in the end of any self-respecting person's backlog, because there are much better turn based squad tactics games out there: both older and recently released ones.
Seriously, this shit looks like some shitty phone game not worth anyone's time.
When it comes to actual tactical depth, Mordheim shits on pretty much anything in the genre, including any and all SRPGs as well.
It also looks actually great and is one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played.
Try to play before you shitpost, mad faggot. 2d art in this game is incredible and detailed.
Generally, Sup Forums only likes two types of RPGs. If it's not a weeb JRPG or an action game with stats, the majority will hate it.
I really enjoyed Shadowrun Dragonfall and currently playing through Honk Kong.
What games would you recommend me after I'm done with this?
I really dig the modern setting over fantasy.
>muh graffix!
Fucking casuals.
Yeah, but Underrail threads were fine.
I played it a month or so ago. Was there a big update recently?
I actually like the miniatures look, especially when they start to get fucked up.
Do you like Shadowrun because of the turn based combat or because it's a RPG? If you like it because of the combat, there's not much out there apart from X-COM, Templar Battleforce and the latest Shadowrun Chronicles, which is much more combat focused than other Shadowrun titles. If you like it because it's a RPG, then there's literally nothing like that out there.
I thought this was vaporware, hasn't it been in development for years?
>2d art in this game is incredible and detailed.
No, it's trash. The art in King's Bounty is incredible and detailed, this is trash in comparison and you have shit taste.
No, it was released with unique singleplayer campaigns for all races and has an active multiplayer community. It's far from being vaporware.
It was in early access for a long time, but it came out sometime last year.
It's a neat game, but it's super grindy and extremely RNG-based.
It's rng-grindan, don't bother. Came out half baked and was abondoned.
>le graphiks are shiiiit!
Holy fucking casual babies ITT
I like the combat and I like the setting.
I have X-COM EU and the old ones on my account to so I'll give that a shot.
>but it's super grindy
Wrong, unless you're autistically trying to grind out the max warband level for some reason, which is retarded, unless you want to play max level pvp.
The game has singleplayer campaigns that can be completed with any warband and unit levels you want, as long as you're good enough. After finishing these campaigns that will take you about 20-30 hours each, you can either pick up pvp or just pick up another game, because you will have spent at least 100 hours in the game.
Regarding RNG, it's no more RNG based than X-COM, even though it's drastically more technically complex, when it comes to combat mechanics and in-game calculations.
If you haven't played Mordheim, it's safe to say you know jack shit about the genre, because it's arguably the most complex and tactically deep game in the genre.
That pic gave me autism.
You're just like those battleborn shills, desperately trying to get more people to lick your favourite piece of shit. Try reddit, they like that.
Nice interface, autist.
>battle brothers
It's OK to be casul shitters, I'm not here to judge. Actually challenging, mechanically complex games that force you to play on ironman are not for everyone.
Too bad the "campaigns" are 90% grindy randomly generated missions with maybe one story-based mission for every 5 random missions. Not to mention that the story-based missions are hardly any different than the random missions, and that the more different they get, the more tedious they get (seriously fuck the library).
>it's no more RNG based than X-COM
Yes, it is. In XCOM, the only RNG is whether or not you hit. In Mordheim, you roll for pretty everything except normal walking. Did you roll to hit? now your opponent gets to roll to parry, which not only causes you to miss anyway, but also gives them a free counter attack. Want to climb that wall? Enjoy failing three consecutive climb rolls and taking fall damage every time. Did you cast a spell? First roll to see if the spell works, then roll to see if it has any effect (unless it's a buff which don't get resisted), and then roll to see if you get punished for casting any spells in the first place. And if you do, roll to see HOW you get punished, which includes instantly taking 9999 damage. In a game where permanent injuries and death are a frequent thing (oh, and those permanent injuries? Guess what, those are RNG too!). It gets even more ridiculous when you're playing Chaos, where even LEVELING UP is a risk because you might randomly get a shitty mutation that ruins your entire character, because suddenly your archer can no longer use a bow because his hands mutated into swords he can barely even use, or your tank can no longer wear any armor because he grw eyes on his chest.
As I said it's a neat game, but it's super grindy and super RNG.