Has a game ever been so easy it just wasn't fun?

Has a game ever been so easy it just wasn't fun?

Pokemon games except for Gen V

Oh come on, Mario 3D World is pretty damn hard once you get on the Bowser world. I mean, sure, you can just rush everything and win, but if you are aiming on collecting all green stars it'll be difficult. The special worlds too.

As for the thread:
- All Asscreeds
- Musou games
- Terraria after some playthroughs

>Mario 3D World
>Easy post-game levels

Pick one. Nintendo has been good about providing optional decent challenges in their Mario games recently. The final Crown - Crown level (champion's road) is harder than most shit found in "artificially difficult" games today, but in a good way that doesn't feel like total bullshit.

I would say overall though Mario 3D World was a fun game but a forgettable mainline Mario experience. It wasn't bad but it wasn't amazing either.

only levels I found difficult in the bonus levels were the Champion's Road and the boss rush, and the latter was only because of limited time

Yes, maybe for a fat neckbeard who spends his days in his mother's basement speedrunning every mario game ever made

But for a filthy casual like myself, I had a ball

champions road has the bit with the ants going up the wall that can be janky as fuck

i played it with a girlfriend so the difficulty wasn't really a problem. I just had fun playing it with someone else

>"artificially difficult" games
t. scrub

Mario 3d world is fucking hell with 3 friends

Get ready OP. People are going to defend this game with the same shitty excuse. One level can't justified this entire game from being to easy


all kirby games and yoshis island

theres no challenge. you just run across the flat ground and can easily dodge the rarely placed innoucous enemies. there is no real platforming challenge nor challenge with enemies/bosses, and its not like theres any puzzle to them

kirby is just "oh look at these powers you can get, the same ones youve used in every other kirby game except the 2 new ones in this title including one super move that makes it even more pointless"

yoshis island just tries too many different styles of backgrounds, enemies and one-off level things like skiing and theyre all pretty bad and challengeless.

i dont get why anyone likes those games. theyre little more than walking simulators

this t hough include all gens

>read about all these deep IV, nature, multiple hidden systems shit
>take a starter, a pidgey, a pikachu, an abra, and eevee + another random to make up what element your starter isnt
>skip 90% of random encounters, spam repels
>do maybe half the trainer battles
>skip all that side bullshit and gimmick shit like giving treats, petting, amie, super training, berries, breeding, etc
>still steamroll through everyone including elite four and final boss

>read about all these deep IV, nature, multiple hidden systems shit
meant to add i just said "fuck it" and paid none of this any mind at all

Metroidvania games besides PoR and OoE. They are far too easy for the amount of shit they threw in the games. There are far too many ways to trivialize the games without even doing anything special and even if you dont theyre easy. At least PoR and OoE have hard level 1 modes where exploiting all the shit in the game is rewarding because of how dangerous and tanky everything is.

Game gets pretty brutal in post-game
To answer your question Kirby and Alice Madness Returns

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

Oh yeah and this, was literally painful to finish because of how mindnumbingly easy it is

>tfw beating champions road with 3 other people, all high as fuck/drunk or both.

Holy shit that last stretch on the speed lines is pure cancer with 4 people.

All of the depth is lost in the single player, it only really matters in multiplayer.

>nah bro you're wrong you just have to sit through the 10 hours of shitty levels until you get to the good ones

It's Final Fantasy XIII -1

For the earlier levels, you can make thing more challenging by trying to get the green stars or play coop with a person or people who aren't very good.
There's also some levels where after completing it people post how fast they completed it and with what character.
If you have a few different people playing with you, or one person of equal or greater skill you can focus on getting enough points to be the one to get the crown at the end of the level, and then you can try to complete the next level without anyone stealing the crown.